Suggesting The State Of Israel Will Not Survive

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Many many Jews are anti-Zionist and a large % of Israeli's hold dual citizenship (many US).
If it came to pass, they could simply disperse across the globe. Doubt that any Israeli would have any issues gaining sponsorship in Western nations, even if they didn't already hold dual Citizenship.

At the MNC I retired from, it was quite common for our Israeli's (and Chinese...) to take 6 month temporary assignments here in the US starting about month 4 or 5 of their pregnancies. Above ground railroad if you will.
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Many many Jews are anti-Zionist and a large % of Israeli's hold dual citizenship (many US).
If it came to pass, they could simply disperse across the globe. Doubt that any Israeli would have any issues gaining sponsorship in Western nations, even if they didn't already hold dual Citizenship.

At the MNC I retired from, it was quite common for our Israeli's (and Chinese...) to take 6 month temporary assignments here in the US starting about month 4 or 5 of their pregnancies. Above ground railroad if you will.
Dan says "what"?
Only the dangerously naive and stupid ones. Got any Dara for this?

I personally see Israel "falling" as so low probability that it's more of a what-if discussion on how the global Jewish communities might react/respond.

That's why the "surprise" attack on the Euro Israeli Rave being held on a Palestinian farm was so so well timed. Slow rolling the IDF response (12 hours was it?) essentially cut off the fire hose of billionaire Jewish money flowing into the very organizations supporting the Neo Marxist organizations protesting today.
Many many Jews are anti-Zionist and a large % of Israeli's hold dual citizenship (many US).
If it came to pass, they could simply disperse across the globe. Doubt that any Israeli would have any issues gaining sponsorship in Western nations, even if they didn't already hold dual Citizenship.

At the MNC I retired from, it was quite common for our Israeli's (and Chinese...) to take 6 month temporary assignments here in the US starting about month 4 or 5 of their pregnancies. Above ground railroad if you will.
Toward the end of the article Scott Ritter talks about that. As Israel becomes a rouge state that no other country will deal with the American and European Jews will simply “abandon ship” and go home, leaving the ones that have nowhere to go to fend for themselves.
I personally see Israel "falling" as so low probability that it's more of a what-if discussion on how the global Jewish communities might react/respond.

That's why the "surprise" attack on the Euro Israeli Rave being held on a Palestinian farm was so so well timed. Slow rolling the IDF response (12 hours was it?) essentially cut off the fire hose of billionaire Jewish money flowing into the very organizations supporting the Neo Marxist organizations protesting today.
Joe wants to shower with you.
Toward the end of the article Scott Ritter talks about that. As Israel becomes a rouge state that no other country will deal with the American and European Jews will simply “abandon ship” and go home, leaving the ones that have nowhere to go to fend for themselves.
Them poor Palestinians.
I personally see Israel "falling" as so low probability that it's more of a what-if discussion on how the global Jewish communities might react/respond.

That's why the "surprise" attack on the Euro Israeli Rave being held on a Palestinian farm was so so well timed. Slow rolling the IDF response (12 hours was it?) essentially cut off the fire hose of billionaire Jewish money flowing into the very organizations supporting the Neo Marxist organizations protesting today.
The author of the article gives no odds on the possibility of Israel ceasing to exist. As he says he does not know what God’s intention is. He mostly wonders what will become of Christian Zionism if it happens. I do think he thinks the odds are higher than you.
Toward the end of the article Scott Ritter talks about that. As Israel becomes a rouge state that no other country will deal with the American and European Jews will simply “abandon ship” and go home, leaving the ones that have nowhere to go to fend for themselves.
I see the western nations abandoning Israel as a very low probability scenario. Main point is the Israelis (and I've worked with lots of them) are scary smart realists and definitely not ideologues so not attached to some Crusade/Jihad leading to suicide by alienating their global support base. They think very strategically.

I've shared that in my estimation there is almost zero chance the attack was a "surprise", or the delayed IDF response letting enough hostages and casualties to rack up in order to create the global outrage. Hell, they even kept the cell networks running for both coordination and live streaming. And it's worked out perfectly for Israel to steer the US away from another term of DNC Neo Marxist expansion. It also shut off much (but not all) of the Leftist billionaire Jewish monies that have been funding much of the Western destruction from within.

Just look on this board. There are Oklahoman's willing to mortgage their grandkids futures and if need son's lives to die for Israel right now - Crusaders "in the name of God" for "God's Chosen People". It's working out quite well for Israel, perhaps exactly as planned, as Israel plays out their game of realpolitik.

When Trump is re-elected, all this Islamic bullshitz will abruptly cease with a few dozen cruise missiles and F35 strikes. Then Israel can hire the Palestinian's to build all those new condos in Gaza while the IDF stands over them with battle rifles.

Let's review this say in Fed/Mar next year to see what's going down.
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I see the western nations abandoning Israel as a very low probability scenario. Main point is the Israelis (and I've worked with lots of them) are scary smart realists and definitely not ideologues so not attached to some Crusade/Jihad leading to suicide by alienating their global support base. They think very strategically.

I've shared that in my estimation there is almost zero chance the attack was a "surprise", or the delayed IDF response letting enough hostages and casualties to rack up in order to create the global outrage. Hell, they even kept the cell networks running for both coordination and live streaming. And it's worked out perfectly for Israel to steer the US away from another term of DNC Neo Marxist expansion. It also shut off much (but not all) of the Leftist billionaire Jewish monies that have been funding much of the Western destruction from within.

Just look on this board. There are Oklahoman's willing to mortgage their grandkids futures and if need son's lives to die for Israel right now - Crusaders "in the name of God" for "God's Chosen People". It's working out quite well for Israel, perhaps exactly as planned, as Israel plays out their game of realpolitik but by pulling

When Trump is re-elected, all this Islamic bullshitz will abruptly cease with a few dozen cruise missiles and F35 strikes. Then Israel can hire the Palestinian's to build all those new condos in Gaza while the IDF stands over them with battle rifles.

Let's review this say in Fed/Mar next year to see what's going down.
Good luck.
Just look on this board. There are Oklahoman's willing to mortgage their grandkids futures and if need son's lives to die for Israel right now - Crusaders "in the name of God" for "God's Chosen People".

Read about Gentiles (like me) being "grafted in the vine" for a better understanding of why Christians stand strong in defending Israel.
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What would happen then?

This doesn't sound like genocide to you? That's right, genocide in that direction is a promotable outcome (as seen by your post).
Read about Gentiles (like me) being "grafted in the vine" for a better understanding of why Christians stand strong in defending Israel.

Eye for Eye​

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

We can play Bible Verse Bingo all day. At our church we get a weekly dose of compare & contrast between Old Testament (Jewish Bible) and New Testament (Christian transformation) so it's not hard for us to discern when two Old Testament religions are going at each other in self-serving conflict.

Eye for Eye​

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

We can play Bible Verse Bingo all day. At our church we get a weekly dose of compare & contrast between Old Testament (Jewish Bible) and New Testament (Christian transformation) so it's not hard for us to discern when two Old Testament religions are going at each other in self-serving conflict.
Is this where I say "mic drop?"

Eye for Eye​

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

We can play Bible Verse Bingo all day. At our church we get a weekly dose of compare & contrast between Old Testament (Jewish Bible) and New Testament (Christian transformation) so it's not hard for us to discern when two Old Testament religions are going at each other in self-serving conflict.

So you don’t believe in the New Testament teaching of “grafting into the vine”… That’s certainly your decision.
What would happen then?

I have seen many people talking about a two-state solution, and that Israel needs to allow a two-state solution. In this case, there is a claim in the article that Israel has denied a two-state solution.

What would you say if I told you a two state solution has already been achieved?


After WWI the British took control of the area, called Syria at that time, that we know as Israel and Jordan. In 1921 the British started a push for a Jewish state, but also at the same time they created what is called the Transjordan Emirate. They understood then that a two-state solution would need to be achieved to create the Jewish state. They split the area into two regions, one called Palestine and the other, Transjordan. British territory known as Palestine was fully administered by the British, and Transjordan was given partial control under Abdullah. This all came from the Mandate of Palestine in early 1921. The mandate even calls on the British to administer the territory of Palestine as a home to the Jewish people. The mandate also recognized Transjordan as the rightful home of Arabs. Thus, creating a two-state solution all the way back to 1921. Transjordan became Jordan, English Palestine became Israel, and the mandate gives the reasons for each to exist in the first place. Jordan is rightfully the home of the Palestinian Arabs, or who we call Palestinians today.

Jordan is made up of 70% Palestinian, and during the 6 days war in 1967, the people of Jerusalem were given a choice after the Israeli army took Jerusalem. The choice was citizenship in Israel or Jordan. Most picked Jordan.

The solution for all of this fighting has already been agreed to.

So, the question persists, why are we arguing for a two-state solution when the solution already exists and has been agreed to by all parties?
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I have seen many people talking about a two-state solution, and that Israel needs to allow a two-state solution. In this case, there is a claim in the article that Israel has denied a two-state solution.

What would you say if I told you a two state solution has already been achieved?


After WWI the British took control of the area, called Syria at that time, that we know as Israel and Jordan. In 1921 the British started a push for a Jewish state, but also at the same time they created what is called the Transjordan Emirate. They understood then that a two-state solution would need to be achieved to create the Jewish state. They split the area into two regions, one called Palestine and the other, Transjordan. British territory known as Palestine was fully administered by the British, and Transjordan was given partial control under Abdullah. This all came from the Mandate of Palestine in early 1921. The mandate even calls on the British to administer the territory of Palestine as a home to the Jewish people. The mandate also recognized Transjordan as the rightful home of Arabs. Thus, creating a two-state solution all the way back to 1921. Transjordan became Jordan, English Palestine became Israel, and the mandate gives the reasons for each to exist in the first place. Jordan is rightfully the home of the Palestinian Arabs, or who we call Palestinians today.

Jordan is made up of 70% Palestinian, and during the 6 days war in 1967, the people of Jerusalem were given a choice after the Israeli army took Jerusalem. The choice was citizenship in Israel or Jordan. Most picked Jordan.

The solution for all of this fighting has already been agreed to.

So, the question persists, why are we arguing for a two-state solution when the solution already exists and has been agreed to by all parties?
Ignorance and Anti-Semitism.
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What would happen then?

Oh but survive it will.
So you don’t believe in the New Testament teaching of “grafting into the vine”… That’s certainly your decision.

As a devout practicing Christian, Christianity is a New Covenant with God, a TRANSFORMATION over Old Testament religions. This is far from a simplistic linear branching of an Old Testament race, heritage, lineage, genealogy based religion as your "graft into the vine" reference.

Guess where we're differing is you guys see Christianity simply as Judaism 1B and don't honor the transformation of the world by Jesus Christ.
As a devout practicing Christian, Christianity is a New Covenant with God, a TRANSFORMATION over Old Testament religions. This is far from a simplistic linear branching of an Old Testament race, heritage, lineage, genealogy based religion as your "graft into the vine" reference.

Guess where we're differing is you guys see Christianity simply as Judaism 1B and don't honor the transformation of the world by Jesus Christ.

Your assumption is wrong about who Jesus Christ is to me. I am not a Judaizer. But thanks for grouping everyone together with the “you guys” comment.

Lets go back to why I made the “grafting” comment. You could not see why so many take a stand for Israel. I referenced the grafting into the vine as a reason why Christians take a stand. It is mentioned numerous times in the New Testament. I believe it is God’s inerrant Word.

Take it or leave it. Looks like you don’t accept it, but that’s your decision. If you’re willing to turn your back on the Jews, I question the validity of your walk. Seriously.

Is war horrible? Yes. Do I wish Hamas had never started the war? Yes. But they did start the war. What is Israel supposed to do? Wave the white flag? They have the right to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth… and I hope they do.
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The Bible is a continuum. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. Jesus often quoted the "Old Testament" and when in Synagogue He would read from the "Old Testament." In fact the OT are His words as He and the Father are One.
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