Styx (the 'weird guy'): Fox News is corporate trash, like CNN etc

I'm telling you -- you need to start seeing about putting this guy up for POTUS. He's the perfect American Nationalist, Libertarian candidate. Long stringy hair? Check. Digestive issues? Probably - check. Wearing a devil symbol? Check. In tune with the occult? Check. Looking for magic? Check. Hitler moustache? Check.
Hillary already ran on on the Democratic ticket and lost twice. What makes you think any American Nationalist, Libertarian would vote for her? It's a dead issue. She's just not presidential material.
I bet that nerd has caught more ass than Sys.

That's likely -- he's a singer and songwriter too. (And author of more than 10 books)

Some of his songs (check lyrics in top one):

Was thinking, people who look like what is usually perceived as a liberal (but aren't) --- drive SJW liberals out of their minds with cognitive dissonance, rage, and violence.

So much of the modern leftist mindset is based on identity politics (rather than critical thinking) --- so when a person's identity doesn't match up to what are supposed to be the characteristics --- leftist brains go badly haywire.

A classic recent example:

So much of the modern leftist mindset is based on identity politics (rather than critical thinking) --- so when a person's identity doesn't match up to what are supposed to be the characteristics --- leftist brains go badly haywire.

Yeah, an identity as a nazi tends to distract liberals. How many Americans died to defeat Nazism? And you're promoting it?
That's likely -- he's a singer and songwriter too. (And author of more than 10 books)

Some of his songs (check lyrics in top one):

Was thinking, people who look like what is usually perceived as a liberal (but aren't) --- drive SJW liberals out of their minds with cognitive dissonance, rage, and violence.

So much of the modern leftist mindset is based on identity politics (rather than critical thinking) --- so when a person's identity doesn't match up to what are supposed to be the characteristics --- leftist brains go badly haywire.

A classic recent example:

As someone who until 3 months ago had longer hair than Styx, tattoos, earrings, artist, musician etc. I can tell you that on one hand you're right people often assumed my politics were other than they were based on my appearance. On the other hand at least in Tulsa Oklahoma there are tons of artists and musicians who are definitely not classic liberal art types even though they look the part, smoke a little weed, support their gay friends etc. etc.
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Yeah, an identity as a nazi tends to distract liberals. How many Americans died to defeat Nazism? And you're promoting it?
This is getting good! syskatine leading the Nazi hunt on the board:
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He's a smart and articulate dude for sure (especially for a young guy).

His name is Tarl Warwick - I expect him to have 500K to 1M regular viewers in a few years. (Unless YouTube succeeds in shutting people like him down - very possible).

My wife and I watched him during the election night -- his analysis during the intense moments was excellent.

And of course, his election predictions were far more accurate than any compromised reporter and pollster in the fake news media.

THanks NZ. I can't wait to delve into this little nugget he wrote. If you've already read it, how does he predict extra terrestrials to look?

Go ahead and open it up - and look at his bullshit. @NZ Poke where did you find this guy? At a witch's convention? I mean he's into everything -- all of it. He even illustrated the book!

HEre's some more of his bullshit that you guys probably believe: "Occult Memetics" is more than a description of the concept of information transfer. It is a brief hand guide to constructing and using propaganda in spiritual forms, and to manipulating reality. Those who understand the concepts within this work, should they choose to apply them, can potentially change the views of others without even a single spoken utterance." If you go to his Amazon page you'll see the book entitled "Occult Memetics."

Amazon product ASIN 151439538X
As much of an idiot as you are, you occasionally post some laugh out loud shiz!

Thank you for the backhanded "humor among the idiocy" compliment.

I've said how many times that every time you follow the trail of the bullshit you guys post, it's a farce? How many times? So I never listened to him or dug in. And then... Pilt took the time to just do a basic search of ol' hildrefussendookus666 and his musings.

I would like to thank all of you, the OSU conservative intelligentsia, for bringing this giant of contemporary conservatism to the forefront of political conversation. This gift will keep giving for years.

I love you guys. Thank you.
Thank you for the backhanded "humor among the idiocy" compliment.

I've said how many times that every time you follow the trail of the bullshit you guys post, it's a farce? How many times? So I never listened to him or dug in. And then... Pilt took the time to just do a basic search of ol' hildrefussendookus666 and his musings.

I would like to thank all of you, the OSU conservative intelligentsia, for bringing this giant of contemporary conservatism to the forefront of political conversation. This gift will keep giving for years.

I love you guys. Thank you.

This is your effort in this thread so far.


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