Stitt may have done a good thing


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
by releasing all those former convicts. I didn't think much about it when it happened, but listening to the stories of those who were let go changed my opinion about what he did and even him. Really a great call. So, I'm looking for another release type announcement probably sometime early next year? Some of these people put in jail for 30 years for possession is ridiculous. Giving a second chance is a great idea and hopefully it works for 90% of them.
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Not trying to take anything away from Stitt (because he deserves praise on this) but there are a ton of people in our state who have been putting in a lot of work in our state to make this happen long before Stitt was elected, including the voters of Oklahoma.
Not trying to take anything away from Stitt (because he deserves praise on this) but there are a ton of people in our state who have been putting in a lot of work in our state to make this happen long before Stitt was elected, including the voters of Oklahoma.
No question. Love having a leader with balls and vision.

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