You forgot to post the one where the AR-15 just decided to go out and start shooting people.
You forgot to post the one where the AR-15 just decided to go out and start shooting people.
Moochelle, you should be the first to give up pie. A nice salad would do you some good.The left does a damn poor job of pretending they give a damn about anything except acquiring power.
We dodged an AR-18 round big time.
Show me a government atrocity without individuals planning or executing it.
The downfall of Venezuela was a government tragedy and unfortunately because no one had guns, nothing could be done to stop it. Just remember, if we didn't have guns, the U.S. would still be a colony of her majesty's empire.
Hugo Chavez implemented Bernie Sanders' full blown economic policies in the early eighties in Venezuela.
Socialism is the rest stop on the road to communism. I recommend The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. Bernie is closer to Friedrich Engels.
Bernie knows socialism has never worked, but he believes he the one anointed to make it work.
And we don't want to hear about natural resource rich Denmark with it's mere 5.8 million population.
Hugo Chavez implemented Bernie Sanders' full blown economic policies in the early eighties in Venezuela.
Socialism is the rest stop on the road to communism. I recommend The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. Bernie is closer to Friedrich Engels.
Bernie knows socialism has never worked, but he believes he the one anointed to make it work.
And we don't want to hear about natural resource rich Denmark with it's mere 5.8 million population.
Several central american countries are crawling with guns -- automatic weapons, even -- an d have been shitholes for decades but FOX doesn't talk about them so neither do the right wingers.
Hell they'll scream about Guatemalans 24/7 and never consider the role guns everywhere has played in Guatamala. Let me guess: FOX never covered that? Only Venezuela? Huh.
Guns don't make shitholes not be shitholes. Guns give the ability of people to standup for themselves and fight for the right to change it.
Their closest neighbors and the association be like "there goes the neighborhood dammit !"Moochelle, you should be the first to give up pie. A nice salad would do you some good.