Starting to see a pattern...

@Syskatine Quick! You and your comrades start gathering up all those AR15's. I'm starting to see a pattern.

Knife attacks

1989 Purim stabbing attack
2008 Kashgar attack
2010 Tapuah Junction stabbing
2011 Kashgar attacks
2011 Tel Aviv nightclub attack
2012 Yecheng attack
2013 Tapuah Junction stabbing
2014 Alon Shvut stabbing attack
2014 Changsha attack
2014 Endeavour Hills stabbings
2014 Jerusalem synagogue attack
2014 Kunming attack
2014 Lamu attacks
2014 Queens hatchet attack
2014 Tours police station stabbing
2015 Jerusalem bus attack
2015 Nice stabbing
2015 Tel Aviv bus stabbing attack
2015 Tel Aviv synagogue stabbing
2016 Berlin truck attack
2016 Hanover stabbing
2016 Hurghada attack
2016 Magnanville stabbing
2016 Minto stabbing attack
2016 Normandy church attack
2016 Ohio restaurant machete attack
2016 Ohio State University attack
2016 stabbing of Brussels police officers
2016 stabbing of Charleroi police officers
2016 Tel Aviv stabbings
2017 Halamish stabbing attack
2017 Hamburg knife attack
2017 Hurghada attack
2017 London Bridge attack
2017 Marseille stabbing
2017 Notre-Dame de Paris attack
2017 Portland train attack
2017 Queanbeyan stabbing attacks
2017 Turku attack
2017 Westminster attack
2017 Yavne attack
2018 Ariel stabbing
2018 Liège attack
2018 Melbourne stabbing attack
2018 Paris knife attack
2019 Lyon, France
2019 Orange County
2019 Kawasaki, Japan
Abdurehim Damaolla
April 2014 Ürümqi attack
Assassination of Juma Tayir
August 2017 Brussels attack
Avijit Roy
Bat Ayin axe attack
Bishop International Airport attack
Carcassonne and Trèbes attack
Ein Ofarim killings
Gonagala massacre
Itamar attack
January 2016 Paris police station attack
June 2017 Jerusalem attack
Killing of Sergeant Almog Shiloni
Lions' Gate stabbings
Murder of Dvir Sorek
Murder of Helena Rapp
Murder of Ibolya Ryan
Murder of Jo Cox
Murder of Lee Rigby
Murder of Ori Ansbacher
Murder of Shelly Dadon
Murder of Timothy Caughman
Murders of Koby Mandell and Yosef Ishran
Murders of Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Maren Ueland
Murders of Neta Sorek and Kristine Luken
Night of the Pitchforks
Paddy Wilson and Irene Andrews killings
Pavlo Lapshyn
Pishan hostage crisis
St. Cloud mall stabbing
Stabbing of Stephen Timms
University of California, Merced stabbing attack
Würzburg train attack
@Syskatine Quick! You and your comrades start gathering up all those AR15's. I'm starting to see a pattern.

Knife attacks

1989 Purim stabbing attack
2008 Kashgar attack
2010 Tapuah Junction stabbing
2011 Kashgar attacks
2011 Tel Aviv nightclub attack
2012 Yecheng attack
2013 Tapuah Junction stabbing
2014 Alon Shvut stabbing attack
2014 Changsha attack
2014 Endeavour Hills stabbings
2014 Jerusalem synagogue attack
2014 Kunming attack
2014 Lamu attacks
2014 Queens hatchet attack
2014 Tours police station stabbing
2015 Jerusalem bus attack
2015 Nice stabbing
2015 Tel Aviv bus stabbing attack
2015 Tel Aviv synagogue stabbing
2016 Berlin truck attack
2016 Hanover stabbing
2016 Hurghada attack
2016 Magnanville stabbing
2016 Minto stabbing attack
2016 Normandy church attack
2016 Ohio restaurant machete attack
2016 Ohio State University attack
2016 stabbing of Brussels police officers
2016 stabbing of Charleroi police officers
2016 Tel Aviv stabbings
2017 Halamish stabbing attack
2017 Hamburg knife attack
2017 Hurghada attack
2017 London Bridge attack
2017 Marseille stabbing
2017 Notre-Dame de Paris attack
2017 Portland train attack
2017 Queanbeyan stabbing attacks
2017 Turku attack
2017 Westminster attack
2017 Yavne attack
2018 Ariel stabbing
2018 Liège attack
2018 Melbourne stabbing attack
2018 Paris knife attack
2019 Lyon, France
2019 Orange County
2019 Kawasaki, Japan
Abdurehim Damaolla
April 2014 Ürümqi attack
Assassination of Juma Tayir
August 2017 Brussels attack
Avijit Roy
Bat Ayin axe attack
Bishop International Airport attack
Carcassonne and Trèbes attack
Ein Ofarim killings
Gonagala massacre
Itamar attack
January 2016 Paris police station attack
June 2017 Jerusalem attack
Killing of Sergeant Almog Shiloni
Lions' Gate stabbings
Murder of Dvir Sorek
Murder of Helena Rapp
Murder of Ibolya Ryan
Murder of Jo Cox
Murder of Lee Rigby
Murder of Ori Ansbacher
Murder of Shelly Dadon
Murder of Timothy Caughman
Murders of Koby Mandell and Yosef Ishran
Murders of Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Maren Ueland
Murders of Neta Sorek and Kristine Luken
Night of the Pitchforks
Paddy Wilson and Irene Andrews killings
Pavlo Lapshyn
Pishan hostage crisis
St. Cloud mall stabbing
Stabbing of Stephen Timms
University of California, Merced stabbing attack
Würzburg train attack

Credibility is a thing.

Every time I'm tempted to acknowledge this stuff and provide a substantive response I see my signature and just smh.
Is that your response? How about, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" Much more Sys-like.

Every time I'm tempted to acknowledge this stuff and provide a substantive response I see my signature and just smh.
Every time I'm tempted to acknowledge this stuff and provide a substantive response I see my signature and just smh.
Honest question for you. Are the protesters in Hong Kong, the ones standing up to the Chinese army, armed? Or is there gun control/gun confiscation in Hong Kong? You seem to follow this “gun control” situation more closely than I. I’m hoping you can answer my question.
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Honest question for you. Are the protesters in Hong Kong, the ones standing up to the Chinese army, armed? Or is there gun control/gun confiscation in Hong Kong? You seem to follow this “gun control” situation more closely than I. I’m hoping you can answer my question.

I do not know. It doesn't look like it, but I also saw a picture on reddit of a supposed "protestor" that was throwing something and he had a glock tucked in his waist and the caption was something like, "Aha, it's the police acting like protestors to get something started."

I assume there's no private ownership of guns in hong kong. That's a big assumption.

If next you're going to say, "well, isn't this a reason to keep guns?" In response, I want you to read my response to SRY below. He's a troll and a fool, but I'm responding to him. Second, that's a valid point to me. To a point. Not to the point people here think, but it's a point. Third, easily remedied. If I'm to choose between living in a totalitarian regime with no privacy or a third world shithole, I guess I'll take the shithole.

The only worse than firearms in the hands of private citizens is firearms in the hands of governments.

Millions and millions served.

I'll play by YOUR rules.

Government has never pulled a trigger. Only private, individual, fingers, controlled by individual central nervous systems, pull triggers.
I’m amazed at how all those guns loaded themselves and pulled the trigger all on their own.

Not one private individual! It's only government!\\

All these wars -- all the oppressive governments -- no individuals have any responsibility! No individuals involved lol! Fvcking government ghosts!

You simpering, pusillanimous morons have accepted that "anti-government" anthem for 40 years and never bothered to apply basic, basic scrutiny to that talking point. I'll see every government action you can point to over the last 500 years and go all in -- individuals did it ALL. What a dumb point. At first blush, a stupid, intellectually dishonest talking point.
Your mentor, Tom Perez had you in mind when the DNC passed it's “Resolution Regarding the Religiously Unaffiliated Demographic”. What a winning strategy.

Show me a government atrocity without individuals planning or executing it.

Not one private individual! It's only government!\\

All these wars -- all the oppressive governments -- no individuals have any responsibility! No individuals involved lol! Fvcking government ghosts!

You simpering, pusillanimous morons have accepted that "anti-government" anthem for 40 years and never bothered to apply basic, basic scrutiny to that talking point. I'll see every government action you can point to over the last 500 years and go all in -- individuals did it ALL. What a dumb point. At first blush, a stupid, intellectually dishonest talking point.
This is how I picture you.

I do not know. It doesn't look like it, but I also saw a picture on reddit of a supposed "protestor" that was throwing something and he had a glock tucked in his waist and the caption was something like, "Aha, it's the police acting like protestors to get something started."

I assume there's no private ownership of guns in hong kong. That's a big assumption.

If next you're going to say, "well, isn't this a reason to keep guns?" In response, I want you to read my response to SRY below. He's a troll and a fool, but I'm responding to him. Second, that's a valid point to me. To a point. Not to the point people here think, but it's a point. Third, easily remedied. If I'm to choose between living in a totalitarian regime with no privacy or a third world shithole, I guess I'll take the shithole.

I'll play by YOUR rules.

Government has never pulled a trigger. Only private, individual, fingers, controlled by individual central nervous systems, pull triggers.
I want to thank you for a thoughtful reply. While I agree that “government” doesn’t pull the trigger I think the sentiment is a little too clever by half.

“Government” is not a living entity, but rather the manifestation of an idea of how societies should operate. People do what their governmental leaders tell them to do, wouldn’t you agree? Do you have any doubt that many of our fellow posters on this board, the Trump loyalists (some of them, at least) would rise up in armed fury if DJT “ordered” them to do so? Or Obama in his prime?

I ask you to read the Bryan Caplan link I posted on another thread. Sometimes “government” allows those that pull the trigger the permission to act on their worst impulses. Sometimes individuals act on their impulses on their own, resulting in the deaths of a handful of people. When governments rile up the impulses of a nation the result is the destruction of millions of people. Personally I’ll take my chances with the occasional crackpot if it means keeping my government in check.
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While I agree that “government” doesn’t pull the trigger I think the sentiment is a little too clever by half.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Guns don't pull their own triggers.

"Too clever by half" is about the sum total of their arguments. The point remains if we want to generalize and start slicing culpability (eh) then the individual is at the top and bottom of any pyramid of blame.

“Government” is not a living entity, but rather the manifestation of an idea of how societies should operate.

I suppose in a way, but you have places without government that still have a society. THat definition is very flawed. It's more a manifestation of a compromise of multiple ideas, in my experience. I would submit that government is how a society engages in collective action. It is merely one type of "institution." More on this below.

People do what their governmental leaders tell them to do, wouldn’t you agree?

Too broad. The opposite is also true if we're engaging in that broad a generalization.

Do you have any doubt that many of our fellow posters on this board, the Trump loyalists (some of them, at least) would rise up in armed fury if DJT “ordered” them to do so? Or Obama in his prime?

Read my signature, Dan. Yes, yes, yes, I have doubt. That's why I finally put those quotes in my signature. Sometimes you can learn a lot just by listening to what someone says.

I ask you to read the Bryan Caplan link I posted on another thread. Sometimes “government” allows those that pull the triggers the permission to act on their worst impulses. Sometimes individuals act on their impulses on their own, resulting in the deaths of a handful of people. When governments role up the impulses of a nation the result is the destruction of millions of people. Personally I’ll take my chances with the occasional crackpot if it means keeping my government in check.

It's that way with institutions, not just one species of the institution, i.e. government. Institutions can rationalize and justify amazingly awful conduct that individuals thinking on their own would never participate in. Peer pressure and belonging are simply everything to many people. It's a function of human psychology.

Collective action can be great, it can be awful, it amplifies our best and worst, and it pushes us forward and back, it all depends on the leadership. When a collective action becomes institutionalized with its own culture, I agree that our achilles heel as a species is allowing our sense of right and wrong to be hijacked by that joint, collective morality. Part of the reason for it is individual consequence is suspended when people have institutional defenses available.
Glad you're starting to see things our way. Now, instead of gathering up AR15's, perhaps it's the individual's fault. Thanks for playing Sys.

"Being necessary to the security of a free state" isnt just window dressing, is it?

This is typical liberal. On the list of things that hurt people, choose number 125 and wear it out because it’s scary looking.

Why don’t you liberals have the nuts to ban handguns? Do you share tweets about those patterns? Why don’t you use your skills to crunch the numbers for us?

Why don’t you start a campaign to get breathalyzers in every car? Or a device that shits down cellphones while driving?

Oh no, it’s weapons of war!! Scary!!
***defends antifa***
***proposes gun confiscation***

Definitely starting to see a pattern here.

Lol ANOTHER strawman! Hannity told him that's what I think.

So much easier to argue fictional points.

Why don’t you liberals have the nuts to ban handguns? Do you share tweets about those patterns? Why don’t you use your skills to crunch the numbers for us?

Why don’t you start a campaign to get breathalyzers in every car? Or a device that shits down cellphones while driving?

Flail much? What?

You're the radical. The only explanation is that you want these mass shootings. I'll never understand it. Country after country has various laws that work and prevent this stuff. Any proposed solution results in shrill, silly, packaged talking point.

Its the government. Its video games. Its prayer. Its not enough guns, it's exactly what every other country with a fraction of these deals has done: control who gets them.
Lol ANOTHER strawman! Hannity told him that's what I think.

So much easier to argue fictional points.

Flail much? What?

You're the radical. The only explanation is that you want these mass shootings. I'll never understand it. Country after country has various laws that work and prevent this stuff. Any proposed solution results in shrill, silly, packaged talking point.

Its the government. Its video games. Its prayer. Its not enough guns, it's exactly what every other country with a fraction of these deals has done: control who gets them.

Newsflash it’s not the laws. It’s leftist culture of attacking the church, telling men they need to be sissies, allowing anything and everything to pass for entertainment. It’s 30 years of you people sabotaging Mayberry.
Look what you people have done to black people. Will you not rest until 100% are born out of wedlock? 100% don’t have fathers? Now you idiots want to start driving the bus for white males? Leftists leave a stain everywhere they go. Real liberals got us to the modern era but now the mentally ill like you want to jump off the cultural cliff.

You want to ban scary guns that make up 2% of murders. Do you not see how stupid that sounds?

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