Star Wars VII

We almost had a critical situation yesterday. Couldn't find my ticket on my phone that I bought back in October.

Finally found. 9:30 AM show this AM.
We almost had a critical situation yesterday. Couldn't find my ticket on my phone that I bought back in October.

Finally found. 9:30 AM show this AM.
Wow, that would have been horrible. My family and a couple friends are going tonight for my birthday. My birthday is actually on Christmas, so we always do something about a week ahead of time. The timing of this worked out perfectly. If I weren't so busy at work this week trying to meet a deadline, I don't think I would get any work done today.

No pics of you and the family in costume for the movie?

Going with my family (no costumes) Sunday morning. Watched Episode !V with my son last night and watching V and VI tonight and tomorrow.
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No pics of you and the family in costume for the movie?

Going with my family (no costumes) Sunday morning. Watched Episode !V with my son last night and watching V and VI tonight and tomorrow.

Actually did not do costumes. Didn't have time. But I do have an interesting story. We bought our tickets on line weeks ago and wanted to go to the first screening. The Waren theater showed a screening on the 17th at 1:30AM. We bought tickets thinking it was the opening premier kind of midnight release Star Wars has done before. Hoping it wasn't just a late showing yesterday, we called and got no reply. @GlowPoke went in to pick up the tickets and confirmed with front desk the show was wednesday night/thursday morning at 1:30. Yes, wednesday night, confirmed the desk lady.

So we show up at 1:20 and the place is closed. There are a bunch of people there with tickets to a show and they all say 12/17 1:30AM.


So I went up to the Warren theater yesterday morning after dealing with UPS and a vendor this morning - both of whom managed to "lose" a shipment I was expecting today for Bixby Football... so I was already pissed off.

They tried to explain to me how "their" days run past midnight and that everyone knows the national release time for Star Wars is 7:00, well I'm about as big a Star Wars fan as there is and I did not know that. In fact, I specifically remember previous Star Wars movies having midnight releases because they are SUCH A BIG DEAL. So why wouldn't we have expected that "December 17th 1:30AM" was a literal time?

Anyway, I explained this and mentioned that their website, confirmation email and tickets ALL had the wrong date on them, and that nowhere on these things did they mention an official national release time for Star Wars or that they don't separate their hours by calendar day like the rest of the world does. And that my wife had called to confirm, didn't receive a return call and confirmed in person with a salesperson yesterday morning that the tickets were for last night. In the end, they weren't happy about it - which still pisses me off because they were in the wrong several different ways and if I did that in my business, I would lose customers. But they did switch the tickets for a show last night at 7:30. Non-3d but that's OK. I just wanted to see the dang movie before spoilers get out.

And man are the spoilers out today. Do NOT google any Star Wars character's name new or old, or you'll wind up with top 3 google searches revealing massive spoilers.
That is ridiculous. Not sure how they can even argue with you if the date on the ticket is not the actual date that the movie is showing. I hope they learned from this and fix that issue. Just stupid.
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That is ridiculous. Not sure how they can even argue with you if the date on the ticket is not the actual date that the movie is showing. I hope they learned from this and fix that issue. Just stupid.

Agreed. They did take care of me but I know I wasn't the Bly nerd there at 1:20AM on the 17th. Should've been an obvious and easy to avoid problem. Anyway, AWESOME movie for fans of the first 3.
My question is should I see it in 3D or regular? Generally I'm not a 3D fan. But in some shows it is part of the experience.

SO, to 3D or not to 3D?
Yes, I did like the machete order (IV, V, II, III, VI and skip I)
of watching the whole series. I should admit, though, that I had never seen II or III.

That stiff pretty-boy Lucas selected to play Aniken was the worst hack acting by a lead in a big-budget film ever. A real droid could have shown better emotions. The cast and crew must have gone home shaking their heads every day.
My question is should I see it in 3D or regular? Generally I'm not a 3D fan. But in some shows it is part of the experience.

SO, to 3D or not to 3D?

Personally, I don't think you watch it in 3d the first time. Absorb the story and characters as shot (not 3d) and then go watch it again in 3D for a more visceral experience. My opinion. It's incredibly 3d feeling most of the time as is.
I actively avoid 3D movies. They are more expensive and I find them distracting. I end up thinking "oooh that scene was really cool in 3D", or "Wow, it looks like that meteorite is coming right at me", and those thoughts preclude me from being totally sucked into the actual story.
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Saw it this afternoon. Much better than Episodes I-III. I'm glad George Lucas no longer has his hands in the cookie jar.

The emotions of the movie was more in line with Episodes IV-VI.

I enjoyed the new characters that were introduced quite a bit.
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I went with IMAX. I love that shit. Previews alone were a trip, especially for that movie coming out with that has Ragnar (Vikings) in it.

Only downside was half a fn hour of previews
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Loved it.

Story-wise it is probably only as good as IV.

Character, acting, writing... All as good as anything the franchise has ever done.

Plus bonus points for not screwing up all the nostalgia they threw in with it.

I would argue this is as good as any Star Wars movie other than Empire, and as good as anything Star Wars we've seen since the first Ewok showed up in 1983.

Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley... Man. Those are some chops. All four of the new (main) cast were really good, but those two... Damn.
Saw it this morning with my 14 year old son. I liked it a lot. Would rank it 3rd behind ESB and ANH. This is the conversation we had on the way out of the theater.

Me: Well, what did you think?

Him: I can't believe it, I didn't think it was possible to make a movie worse than the prequels, but they pulled it off.

Me: Seriously?

Him: Nah, I'm screwing with you...I loved it!
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