Star Wars VII - Spoilers & Plot Discussion

The Duke

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin TX
For those who have seen the film or are ok with spoilers:

I thought it was a very good film that re-established the status of the franchise alongside the original trilogy. But there are a few things that perhaps keep it from being the best of the series. A few thoughts/comments:

1) anyone else think Luke is the Sith/bad guy? I'm leaning that way. I don't buy the 'Supreme Commander Snook' hologram at this point, wondering if it's all Luke pulling the strings. Hope I'm wrong but why else would he stand aside and let everything he once held most dear be torn apart? Web rumors include Darth Plagueis but I haven't a clue although I guess his name came up in III.

2) R2 on 'low power mode' since Luke left years ago....really? Is that like droid pouting?

3) Love Rey. Great character, and Daisy Ridley nailed it.

4) I predicted Han's demise. No way Harrison Ford wanted anything to do with two more movies.

5) what planets exactly did the planet killer destroy? They also need to find some fresh material after what equates to a 3rd Death Star.

6) Rey is Ren's sister I'm guessing?

7) I wish we had seen more of Max Von Sydow's character.

I'm seeing it again Sunday, going to pay close attention to Rey's lightsaber/force flashbacks.
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I saw it...3D yesterday, and I'm not a Star Wars worshiper but liked the first one way back when. There were probably 20 people in the theater (bricktown). Had to go see it for myself and without knowing or remembering all the stuff from the first to this one it was still great. The 3D was better than expected. At the beginning of the movie, the first 30 minutes anyway, some kind of spacecraft crashes into the desert sand and I had to dodge the sand coming right at me from that crash. There were a couple of other instances like that (where debris came flying at you). It was that good. It was an extra dimension to the whole movie. Even had things coming from behind that you picked up with your peripheral well before they hit the screen.

I think they could have hinted a bit earlier in the movie about Rey being a jedi...and maybe they did but I missed it. Waiting for her to do the jedi mind trick on that guard to uncuff her was my first realization that she was actually a full blooded jedi. I thought she might have a touch of jedi but not quite to that level...a raw jedi!

I was thinking Fords son was going to jump off that bridge instead of Ford getting the sabre're right, he probably wasn't looking forward to the next 2 movies.

Finn's role was a bit odd...he must be coming back as something else in the next one...even Rey said she would see him again

The bar scene was great

I'm going to go back and watch it in regular vision...3D doesn't have quite as crispness of a picture as the normal screen does it seems.
I loved it. But reflecting hard, here are my complaints (which are minor).

First, I really thought there would be a lot more Captain Phasma, but in reality I guess Boba Fett didn't get much screen time early on did he?

But mainly, given the fact that Yoda once said of young Anikan that he was too old to train at what... 8? How in the world was Kylo Ren not only relatively easily defeated by a completely untrained Rey - though she obviously has Luke Skywalker level natural Force abilities - who had never even SEEN a lightsaber before that same day, but he also had all that he could handle with Finn, who is basically a washed out first day Stormtrooper who also had never used a lightsaber before and has no Force abilities.

That said, awesome scene. And you have to suspend reality a bit, but so much has been made of the importance of training in Star Wars canon that I thought it was a very interesting conceit to make Rey so instantly bad ass.

Had a thought. If Rey's memory was swiped at the age she was abandoned, and assuming she is a Skywalker (either Leia's or Luke's), AND the fact that she displayed superior fighting skills with her staff when she met Fin, she probably has had advanced training that she may not even recall how she learned. It would help explain her "instant" bad assery, upon reflection.

My guess is that she is Luke's daughter, her mother is Mara Jade and she was put in that plsnet and had her memory swiped to protect her from Kylo when he flipped.

Also, "Han dies" is the new "I am your father."
I've thought Luke going dark was going to happen since I read the theory. There are just way too many hints in the original three for it to not play out that way. Which brings me to the question. Anakin brought balance to the force by killing Sidious and dying himself right? How would leaving two people, both with the power of the Jedi, bring balance? Where's the dark? Is it possible the balance was achieved because Leia was light, Luke was dark, and both had the same level of power? Although Leia doesn't practice as a Jedi it's obvious she has the force. Thoughts?
My guess is Luke's daughter.

I think he ran away because he's afraid. It's the first time perhaps, but I think Luke finally felt fear when his nephew went bad under his guidance.

Something crazy it's hard to remember 32 years later... Luke is still the most alone man in the galaxy. He screws up, hurts his own family, fails to train Jedi... He has no one to go to with these problems. He needs Rey as much as she needs him.
I liked the movie; it's certainly better than episodes 1 and 2, which were abysmal. But I don't get the people who act like it's anywhere near on par with ANH or ESB. I had 3 fears for this movie, all of which came true:

1) I was afraid it was going to just rehash the original movies. I posted that fear in this forum a couple weeks ago after the last trailer and poster were released. It absolutely came true. The new characters were not exact analogues of the earlier characters, but you've got 3 new main characters that include a woman and two men, just like before. Poe Dameron is the closest to an old trilogy analogue; he's very much in the Han Solo mode. The early plot centers around integral data held by a funny droid who is found by a character on a desert world who looks wistfully at the ships because they want to leave the planet (Rey wanted to get back to Jakku admittedly, but only because she wanted to meet her family again so she could leave with them). The bad guy is an overt Vader analogue. You've got a cool-looking character who's barely in this one but is clearly being set up as the Boba Fett wannabe based on look, lack of screen time, and the fact that people were already intrigued because she is played by an actress from another beloved fantasy franchise (Mega, supposedly Phasma is going to be more involved in the next movie). Essentially the Empire is still at large after all this time? Little progress has been made in 30 years to wipe these guys out. And worst of all, we get the Death Star thing all over again. I'm honestly flabbergasted by this. It's the exact same thing as in Jedi, which was already basically the same as ANH. Here, just like in Jedi, Solo takes the team down to the planet to destroy the shield so the air force can blow the thing up. I don't understand how anyone even considered this as a viable story for more than two seconds.

2) I was afraid Solo was going to die. Harrison Ford was top-billed for the first time, he was in all of the trailers, and he's long held disdain for Star Wars. Made sense. I think they handled it well, and Adam Driver's performance in that scene was pretty mesmerizing. I was mostly afraid of this as a fanboy.

3) I was afraid Luke wouldn't be in it. I think this was intriguing as part of the actual story. That first line of the crawl, "Luke Skywalker has vanished," was really powerful. I just wanted Luke to show up and show off an extreme mastery of the Force gained over decades. Again, more of a fanboy fear than poor storytelling.

Those were my fears going in, which were all realized. The first one is the only one that really causes me to grade the actual movie down. The other things that bugged me in the actual movie were:

1) The Max von Sydow character at the beginning who hands Poe Dameron the info. This is sort of indicative of a complaint people leveled at Abrams et al. about Lost. You raise these interesting questions but never answer them. Who the hell was this guy? Why does he know about the Force? Why does he have this map to Luke? If Luke is in hiding from everyone including his sister, why does a map to his location exist AT ALL? Why hire a guy like Max von Sydow to play a character who gets killed in the first 10 minutes? If, as I thought was maybe the case, this character was connected to Luke's aborted training of new Jedi, that would have been really interesting to hear about. But we heard nothing about it, Luke didn't even show up to shed any kind of light on it, and the guy is dead anyway. If the plan is to discuss his connection in greater detail in the next movie, that's a waste because we won't even remember this guy then.

2) Power/destiny creep. This is a problem for ongoing series, especially when it's the "next generation" or something of the sort. The new guy has to be more special than the old guy. In this movie, this is most laughably demonstrated when they showed the Death Star compared to Starkiller Base. "You thought that thing was bad, look how huge this new one is!" But it's just as badly handled, if not worse, with Rey. I've read multiple places where George Lucas said Luke is the most powerful Jedi ever. Now, Lucas isn't in charge anymore, so I guess that's moot. But still, we saw Kylo Ren do things that we've never seen before, and then Rey, who has never handled a lightsaber before, at one point is about to get pushed off a cliff but closes her eyes, literally says, "oh, the Force," and then kicks the ass of this guy who's been shown to be incredibly powerful so far. Same thing when Rey picks up the lightsaber. She's seeing visions in ways we've never seen before because the lightsaber is "calling her"? What the shit? Anakin was the chosen one in the prequels retroactively, but really Luke was the chosen one because he fulfilled his father's destiny, but wait no, Rey is really really chosen because inanimate objects are choosing her and she can teach herself the Force in 5 minutes.

3) R2D2 low-power mode. Why wouldn't Luke have taken him? So he's just been lugged around for decades while not working? Stupid. Next.

4) All-CGI characters. I know JJ made a special effort to construct physical sets for this one, and it really improved the feel compared to the prequels. So why did we get so many all-CGI characters? They were really distracting every time they showed up. Supreme Commander Snoke (played by Andy Serkis, AKA Gollum!) looked really terrible.

All of this adds up to me as making this movie somewhat superfluous. It really serves more as table-setting to introduce the new characters than to actually advance the universe. So much was exactly the same as before, so what was really advanced in-universe except the wrinkle lines on the stars' foreheads? So what is going to happen in the next one? Some predictions:

1) Rey is Luke's kid. RedSon said this, and I agree. They made a big deal about Rey's family over and over here. They purposely showed the child version of her being dragged somewhere on Jakku without showing who was doing the dragging. That's a Chekhov's Gun situation if I've ever seen one. Plus, Maz mentioned that the lightsaber that called to Rey was Luke's lightsaber and his father's before him. Pretty big clue. Luke definitely looked like he recognized her at the end, and even after my complaint above that this movie rehashed so much of the originals, I don't think they will do the brother-sister reveal again. Han obviously recognized his son and was pretty devastated by how that whole thing went down; he would have recognized his daughter.

2) Evil from beyond the Rim. All the Star Wars books and video games that came out starting in the 1990s are no longer canon. Disney wiped them out. Some books were releases in September of this year, including one called Aftermath, that are now canon. I didn't read that one because I heard it was terrible, but supposedly there was discussion about the Emperor, before his death, sending out forces beyond the Rim to search for the source of the Dark Side. I'm guessing that's what Snoke represents. He's of that race or something.

3) Ren will be redeemed. They already laid the foundation for this with Ren talking about being "tempted by the Light," a scene and concept that I thought was handled really well. Now that Luke has shown up, presumably we will hear more about how and why Ren fell, and that will set up his redemption. That might not happen until Episode IX, though, since Star Wars is all about symmetry. Just like we had to have a major character killed in the first episode of each trilogy (Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Han Solo), I'm assuming the big redemption happens in the last episode like Vader's did in Jedi.

Sorry for the incredibly long post, but I've been wanting to discuss this stuff. Most sites are just all people saying it was the greatest thing ever or it was dog crap, and you can't actually get any kind of dialogue started there when trying to tread a middle path. Don't let my complaints fool you; I still enjoyed the movie. There were scenes that I won't forget anytime soon. It was beautiful looking (they did something different with the lightsabers to make them really pop on screen), and the sound effects were incredible. These things, especially the rehash and the power creep stuff, just kept it from being a classic to me.

These force abilities by Ren and Rey have been seen in the Clone Wars cartoon, which is canon, other movies and some of the new canon books and comic books. Darth Vader was able to use the force to deflect blaster fire in ESB on Bespin. Also, Jedi have been able to have visions, they've just never been portrayed that way. Inanimate objects can have the force flowing through them. The cave on Degobagh is an example. There was a strong dark side presence in and around the cave that was calling to Luke in ESB. I think it's pretty clear Rey has had training in the past, but her memory wipe took it away. She could certainly handle herself with the staff early in the movie.
Trust me, I'm well aware of all the stuff from the original movies, but I admit I haven't seen all of the Clone Wars cartoon. But Vader deflected or just absorbed bolts in Empire; he didn't freeze light in midair like we saw here. I don't think the cave having a presence is the same as the lightsaber "calling" Rey either. I acknowledge what Luke experienced was similar to what Rey experienced though. Still, maybe my point was unclear: I'm not really complaining about new stuff being done so much as the fact that Ren's doing new stuff (or new iterations of stuff that's been done before (also you could say his ripping stuff from someone's mind may have been what Vader did to Solo behind closed doors in Empire)) demonstrates his training and power, but then he got his ass kicked by a totally untrained Rey.

You can say "it's pretty clear she had some training in the past," but two things: she was getting her butt kicked until she had closed her eyes and stupidly whispered, "the Force..." and you only think it's pretty clear BECAUSE she won that fight. But that's circular. There's certainly nothing in the movie that even indicates she's ever touched a lightsaber before that day. Yeah, she was good with the gaffi stick, but that's a totally different kind of weapon than a lightsaber, and we do know she's been on Jakku since she was a little kid. She obviously had plenty of time to train with that weapon, unlike the lightsaber.

Sort of unrelated question, but did Rey cut off Ren's hand? I thought she did, and it certainly would have been in keeping with past movies where a hand gets cut off all the time, but they didn't really show it again where I could be sure.
I've told my friends there were probably a dozen (or more) things stolen from ANH in this. All of them combined damaged my enjoyment of this movie somewhere between 0.0 and 0.1%. Most of the more egregious copying was over in the first hour. Besides that though, we've all seen three Star Wars movies that would have benefitted greatly by sticking closer to the original material, and literally all of my fears going into this were connected to that garbage. Anyway, I understand why that would bother someone, but it didn't bother me.

I'm not sure I buy Poe (autocorrect said. "Pie" @TheRedSon) being very much like Han at all. Luke (as in Fighter-Pilot Luke) yes. Finn isn't particularly similar to anyone. Rey is similar to all three of the heroes from the originals though. She looks like Leia, she gets the Falcon (and other ships/machines) like Han or Annakin and she acts and intuits the Force much like Luke (and Han acts like he did around young Luke toward her).

I think we're going to get a much higher focus on Ren in this trilogy than we did Vader before. Taking his mask off, the confusion about how "right" his actions are, the temper tantrums... He's not anything remotely like the polished Dark Lord of the Sith from ANH and ESB even if he had a couple tricks we haven't seen before. I still got the impression he wouldn't be all that dangerous to a fully trained Jedi (or even an experienced Padawan). His light saber skills were not that much better than Finn's (although it does look like the storm troopers have focused on light saber defense sense we last saw them). He did not at all appear "in charge" in scenes with General Hax and he resorts to calling Finn a traitor when he's angry. Really, right after he killed his own father by surprise. He is teetering on the edge of... However many edges there are, and it's pretty fantastic character building. Much better than anything Lucas did with Annakin. I found myself wondering how close to liking episodes II and III I might have found myself had Driver played Annakin...

Anyway, power creep with Ren wasn't an issue for me because other than stopping that one blast and some fairly confident mind reading he didn't seem all that powerful. Rely was different, although I'll wait a bit for an explanation though. I got the impression late in the film that she wasn't untrained... Star Killler was dumb. Pretty awful actually. That said... It wasn't an overbearing part of the story the way DS1 is in ANH. Also... The Empire spent decades building it and the philosophy of control through fear... Doesn't surprise me they wouldn't give up on the super weapon.
Trust me, I'm well aware of all the stuff from the original movies, but I admit I haven't seen all of the Clone Wars cartoon. But Vader deflected or just absorbed bolts in Empire; he didn't freeze light in midair like we saw here. I don't think the cave having a presence is the same as the lightsaber "calling" Rey either. I acknowledge what Luke experienced was similar to what Rey experienced though. Still, maybe my point was unclear: I'm not really complaining about new stuff being done so much as the fact that Ren's doing new stuff (or new iterations of stuff that's been done before (also you could say his ripping stuff from someone's mind may have been what Vader did to Solo behind closed doors in Empire)) demonstrates his training and power, but then he got his ass kicked by a totally untrained Rey.

You can say "it's pretty clear she had some training in the past," but two things: she was getting her butt kicked until she had closed her eyes and stupidly whispered, "the Force..." and you only think it's pretty clear BECAUSE she won that fight. But that's circular. There's certainly nothing in the movie that even indicates she's ever touched a lightsaber before that day. Yeah, she was good with the gaffi stick, but that's a totally different kind of weapon than a lightsaber, and we do know she's been on Jakku since she was a little kid. She obviously had plenty of time to train with that weapon, unlike the lightsaber.

Sort of unrelated question, but did Rey cut off Ren's hand? I thought she did, and it certainly would have been in keeping with past movies where a hand gets cut off all the time, but they didn't really show it again where I could be sure.
Ren was physically injured in this fight. He definitely wasn't at full strength. Plus the force can guide you when you let go and have trust. I think Rey had been training as a small child. It came back to her once she calmed down and basically meditated.
1. Yoda said of Anikan that he was too old to train in episode 1. He was about the same age at that point that Rey was when she was abandoned.

2. Yoda miscalculated because of the strength of the force in the Skywalker line, and Anikan became the most powerful padiwan and sith in galactic history.

3. Luke didn't train in earnest until he went to Degobah boot camp in episode IV at 22 or so years old and turned into a powerful Jedi.

4. Rey is obviously a Skywalker. Either by Leia or Luke - probably Luke, but not as obviously not Leia as it seems - meaning freakish levels of midichlorians that allow for extremely rapid (comparatively) mastery of the Force.

5. It was never stated that Rey (Ben) was the only Skywalker line child Luke was training.

6. It might be assumed that given all this, Rey began training at an optimum age with an elite natural talent - likely training for her whole life before having her memory erased and being abandoned so she's not rapidly learning. She's rapidly remembering.

7. Kylo has yet to "finish" his training which likely means more light saber work since it likely wasn't a priority in the post Empire Galaxy. It's possible that Rey has just as much light saber training as Kylo does.

8. This movie HAD to reboot IV and V. They were the only awesome Star Wars movies. It did that and can go in a new direction now. Using this as a criticism is crazy.
Could Rey (whether she is or isn't Luke's child) be one of many padawans that were spread out across many planets for their safety after Kylo and (whether or not it's Luke or some other Sith-ish bad guy) went dark?
It was already coming back to her (if she had training, and I think she has). She resisted his mind probe. She mind tricked a storm trooper. That's not beginner level stuff.
I hope you and gopokes are right and that they make clear that she's had training. Because yeah, you're making my point.
It's one thing to mind wipe a child. It's something else entirely to mind wipe Leia Organna.

I hope it's not mind wipe at all and more traumatic head injury. Unless it was an accute situation where mind wipe was the only way to save her instead of a planned "this will keep her safe" abandonment.

There are a number of ways to explain this. What if, for example, Luke engineered abandoning Rey but let Han and Leia believe she died somehow?

Remember how quickly she bonded with Han, finishing his sentences and handling the Falcon like she was born to it.

I think she is Luke's but that could be a bait and switch.
There are a number of ways to explain this. What if, for example, Luke engineered abandoning Rey but let Han and Leia believe she died somehow?

Remember how quickly she bonded with Han, finishing his sentences and handling the Falcon like she was born to it.

I think she is Luke's but that could be a bait and switch.

I hope it's not not because I would find it a logical stretch but because I'd like to believe Luke would fight to the death to save his daughter, because Luke of all people should understand the pain of growing up without parents, because Luke didn't get her an Owen and Beru if that's the route he took even though he thought far enough ahead to leave half a map with an old guy in a village so people could eventually find him. What I dislike is what that would say about Luke.

I'm a 36 year old man now and should be over it regardless, and he's fictional to boot, but Luke Skywalker means something to me, and it would hurt deep if he turned into a POS while I was busy growing up.
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Back to Leia... I still would have trouble.

All of our Force users in IV-VII have exhibited some areas of strength...

Palpatine - Foresite, clouding the Foresite of others, lightning from hands

Vader - Absorbing blaster bolts, Force choke, Force manipulation of multiple objects simultaneously

Luke - Piloting intuition, Force enhanced muscles, acrobatics

Yoda - Force manipulation of massive objects, ability to deal with whiny protagonist teen agers (I kid)

Kylo Ren - Mind reading, freezing a blaster bolt in mid flight

Leia - Understands people (macro and micro) and can sense those she's connected to over vast distances via the Force. We've seen it three times now at a more refined level than any other Force sensitive has shown. Closest I can think of is Kenobi feeling the death of the entire population of Alderaan.
Obi Wan's daughter?

Obi-Wan died/joined the force quite some time before she was born....although that would be a cool arc.

I'm with will dissapoint me A LOT if Luke has gone dark. But he would represent a true adversary worthy of the final trilogy.

If Luke hasn't broke bad, they need to have a damn good story on this bad guy who just showed up out of nowhere.
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A few thoughts.

Enjoyed the movie, overall. Wasn't crazy about the overwhelming reboot quality of A New Hope, most of which has already been discussed ITT.

My feeling is that all 3 of the new protagonists are mashups of the 3 main protagonists from IV,V and VI

Poe is the exceptional pilot who is a hero of the rebellion/resistance (like Luke). He is also the level headed thinker/planner (like Leia).

Rey is the young, parentless future Jedi who is exceptionally well connected to The Force (Luke). She is also mechanically gifted and takes well to the M. Falcon (Han). She is also the vulnerable female who is the potential love interest for both of the other 2 (Leia).

Finn is the confused and selfish guy, who tries to run away and do what is best for himself but gets drawn back in due to loyalty to his friends (Han). He is also is surprised by his ability to wield and fight with a light saber, suggesting that he has some type of inexplicable connection to the Force (early Luke and Leia).

I managed to totally stay away from spoilers, but knew Kylo Ren was going to kill Han on the bridge, as soon as they both ended up there. At that point, there were two options. Either he was going to go "home" with Han and the only antagonist would be a giant sized ugly hologram dude, or he was going to kill Han and begin his ascent to the level of a Darth Vader type of bad guy.

I agree with the prior post about Kylo Ren not being able to easily defeat Rey for multiple reasons. He was weakened by his injury. He had just killed his father and was emotionally conflicted and not able to fully focus on the task at hand. He was not well versed at dueling with light sabers. As far as we know, he had never even done it before. Yes he trained with Luke, but Luke may have been teaching him about the Force and about other aspects of being a Jedi. Did Luke even have access to a LS? Maybe Ren built/acquired his after leaving Luke's training and never ran across any others to fight against.

I don't have as much of an issue with Rey seeming to suddenly develop strong abilities to control/use the Force as some of you do. Maybe she had prior training and was mind wiped, or maybe not. Just because it didn't come as easily to Obi Wan, Annakin or Luke (from what we have seen) does not mean that it is impossible for a different individual to grasp it much more easily.
Here's the thing about this being a reboot of IV. It's not. It's similar in that Back in Black is Similar to TNT. ACDC has done 13 albums that all sound the same and that's because that's their sound. This move is the classic Star Wars look, feel and sound in every way.

This move HAD to return to it's roots and that meant a force strong orphan with mysterious family ties leaves her desert shithole to help blow up a got dam death star. I really think if this bothers anyone, they are overthinking Star Wars. Now, from here, it can go anywhere, but there had to be an anchor movie to get the taste of the prequels out of everyone's mouths and set the stage for a broader story. Had to be something like that to hook the younger viewers in the same way us old farts are hooked on the original trilogy.

Why couldn't she come from a planet that was 95% covered with water? Or one that is constantly shrouded with fog? Maybe Finn could have escaped with the map, instead of it being in a droid who is on a secret mission. Maybe, instead of blowing up the giant planet killing weapon, with only seconds to spare, the climactic mission could have been to blow up the moon from which 10,000 brand new spy probes were about to be launched, preventing the resistance from ever keeping a base secret in the future. It wouldn't take much thought to make a movie that is further removed from IV.
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Why couldn't she come from a planet that was 95% covered with water? Or one that is constantly shrouded with fog? Maybe Finn could have escaped with the map, instead of it being in a droid who is on a secret mission. Maybe, instead of blowing up the giant planet killing weapon, with only seconds to spare, the climactic mission could have been to blow up the moon from which 10,000 brand new spy probes were about to be launched, preventing the resistance from ever keeping a base secret in the future. It wouldn't take much thought to make a movie that is further removed from IV.

You say it "had to return to its roots". I'm saying that they could have done that while trying harder to make more different than 4.

It feels a lot like a reboot to me.

Now, there are reboots, and there are differentiIatrd types of reboots. Poseidon was nearly the same thing as The Poseidon Adventure. The upcoming Point Break looks a lot like a modernized version of the original.

This wasn't close to that level, but I would have tried harder to differentiate it.
You say it "had to return to its roots". I'm saying that they could have done that while trying harder to make more different than 4.

It feels a lot like a reboot to me.

Now, there are reboots, and there are differentiIatrd types of reboots. Poseidon was nearly the same thing as The Poseidon Adventure. The upcoming Point Break looks a lot like a modernized version of the original.

This wasn't close to that level, but I would have tried harder to differentiate it.

Dude. It was awesome!

Just try this. Try watching it again, but this time take the stick out of your butt.
Ok. I will give that a try.

I agree that it was awesome.

Didn't realize my comments were coming across as so negative.
I saw it a 2nd time today with the kids. One interesting thing I caught in Rey's AT-AT home was a doll that was dressed in a uniform of a Rebellion pilot. Plus her recording every passing day since she was abandoned.

She was dumped there by someone who didn't seem very inclined to ensure she was safe and cared for.
I saw it a 2nd time today with the kids. One interesting thing I caught in Rey's AT-AT home was a doll that was dressed in a uniform of a Rebellion pilot. Plus her recording every passing day since she was abandoned.

She was dumped there by someone who didn't seem very inclined to ensure she was safe and cared for.

Great catch. I forgot about that.
The purpose of this movie was to reconnect to the fanbase and introduce the new characters. It did a fantastic job of doing that. They can now take the story forward without having to live in the past.

there is no reason to dissect every scene and every nuance in my opinion. I am just very happy they made a good movie that I want to see again.

I wanted it to be fun and it was. May 2017 can't get here fast enough.
The purpose of this movie was to reconnect to the fanbase and introduce the new characters. It did a fantastic job of doing that. They can now take the story forward without having to live in the past.

there is no reason to dissect every scene and every nuance in my opinion. I am just very happy they made a good movie that I want to see again.

I wanted it to be fun and it was. May 2017 can't get here fast enough.

Best way of putting it, I think.

@GlowPoke and I are going to see it for a 2nd time today. Will watch in theaters at least once more after that. All I know is the last movie of any kind that I got this into and saw multiple times in the theater was Episode V back in 1980 at 10 years old.