Star Wars trailer


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2001
New one played last night during the MNF game, from the looks of it I have a new hero J.J. Abrams. At least from the trailer it looks pretty darn amazing.
New one played last night during the MNF game, from the looks of it I have a new hero J.J. Abrams. At least from the trailer it looks pretty darn amazing.
Okay, I want to talk about this with someone, so I'm glad you brought it up. I'm super excited. The movie comes out a week before my birthday, and some friends and family are going to see this for my birthday.

That said, I'm a little nervous. The second Star Trek movie was not nearly as good as the first one, and in large part that was because it was just a rehash of an earlier Star Trek movie. It feels like we're going down the same road a bit here. The new poster that was released on Sunday shows a Death Star-like weapon. The bad guy in this is supposedly a Darth Vader wannabe. He was torturing the new Han Solo-type character, just like in Empire Strikes Back. The main character lives on a desert planet and stares wistfully at the sky. And based on the (admittedly cool) conversation the real Han Solo was having with the new characters, it seems like Luke has gone into seclusion (since they don't seem to know anything about the Jedi), just like Obi-Wan and Yoda.

I'm hopeful but a little more nervous than I was.

I see your point, but the trailers look fantastic. After the crap we saw in Episode I,2,3, the bar is set pretty low. Really looking forward to seeing it.
The trailers for the prequels were good too. And while the bar should be set low, I don't think that's the case. Everyone online is losing their damn minds. The trailer debut last night was appointment television. Fandango, AMC, Arclight, and other sites were crashing; it took some people hours to be able to buy their tickets.

I don't think there's any way this will be even close to as bad as the prequels. And I don't think that a rehashed Episode 7 necessarily spells doom and gloom for Episodes 8 and 9. I am a little surprised by the direction it seems to be heading in. Like I said, though, I'll be there on opening night with another 7 people.
I was not too impressed with it actually. The villain looks way to vaderesque to me. Just didn't get very excited. The last 3 have me disinterested until my mind is changed...
I have to say, everything about it looks pretty good. Plus I didn't see freaking Jar-Jar in any clip so right there its automatically better.

I see a little of what you are talking about as far as a rehash of the first story but I think there will be some similar themes but let's be honest, what would be the next logical step after defeating the Empire in Ep 6? Han and Leah get together and have some kids. Luke, being the only Jedi left goes off on his own to try to find others and learn more about the force. So then as with any story there's going to eventually be a bad guy that sees what Vader did and think, "I can do that a little better" and then give it a go. However I don't think you are going to see mystery parents and siblings, a famous smuggler, and a princess needing to be rescued. There will most definitely be some similarities but I think the story will be quite different this time around.

At least that's my hope.
Come on guys, there's a very good reason why the new villian would be very much like Darth Vader. Perhaps a VERY close relation to Vader. Think about it.
Come on guys, there's a very good reason why the new villian would be very much like Darth Vader. Perhaps a VERY close relation to Vader. Think about it.

Luke as the bad guy? I don't see that but I guess anything is possible....I figured he's off hiding in some remote planet somewhere....certainly JJ is keeping his level of involvement a secret at this point.

I also am convinced more than ever this is Han's last go....he's gonna die. They seem to be building the story around him based on the trailers and I can't see Ford wanting to do two more of these. I expect Han to be the cornerstone of the old guard in this film, then see more of Leia and Luke in 8 and 9 to close this out.

I'm freaking excited, can't wait. JJ has always said his first love was Star Wars, not Star Trek. This is very personal to him, and he wants to bring the feel back to Episode IV. I think this will be great, although I am worried he's not directing 8 or (presumably) 9.
Rian Johnson (Brick, Brothers Bloom, Looper) is directing 8, and Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed, Jurassic World) is directing 9.
Actually, Luke turning at the end of the original has long been a debatable topic. A Jedi begins to turn when they start to give in to their rage to win a battle. Watching the final battle between Luke and Darth Vader, it's hard to argue he doesn't do exactly that. Then, coupled with the loss of his father he worked so hard to save, I don't think it's too much to think that Luke does give in to rage and despair and ultimately turn.

It's also a known fact that Lucas originally wanted Luke to turn in "Return of the Jedi" but was talked out of it. I'm not saying I know 100% for sure this is the case, how could I, but if I had to bet, Luke is a Sith.
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I always looked at it the complete opposite. There's no doubt he had some anger at the end but when it came time for the end blow he resisted. Now that doesn't mean from the time the last one ended and this on starts he didn't end up turning, but him still having something to live for (Leah and Han) that he didn't turn. Who knows, would make for an interesting story if he did.
It didn't cross my mind until you said it that Luke has been in complete conclusion (regarding Han's "it's all true" line). I thought instead that Ray (the girl seemed the likely audience for that conversation) had been raised in seclusion herself and didn't believe the stories about wars among the stars.

As to Kylo Ren being related to Vader... I think that's highly likely. It wouldn't surprise me if he was Vader's grandson, and I suppose it makes sense that Vader could have had other children. Unless he lost more than arms and legs on Mustafar it's kind of hard to believe there weren't other women.

I think if Luke has fallen to the dark side I'll be pretty pissed. I feel like her already had his come to Jesus moment and he passed. I think he did fully embrace the dark side when Vader suggested he could turn Leia, but once he cut his father's hand off... Everything is different then. For Vader that's the moment he's turned completely (cutting off Mace's hand).

I saw a brilliant essay earlier this year about Kenobi's last lesson and how you win a Lightsaber fight. Obi Wan let go, and ultimately that's how Luke escapes the dark side both times he confronts his father. The first time he lost the duel but escapes when Vader thought he had him right where he wanted him. The second time he wins the duel, but releases the Lightsaber instead of finishing Vader. If he had there would have been no turning back. Just like when Ben did it, Luke becomes more powerful than either of the Sith imagined by letting go. Once Luke lays down his arms it's no longer two Sith against one Jedi. From that moment they're father and son again (for the first time?) even if Vader hasn't grasped that yet, and Palpatine is completely overwhelmed and outmatched when confronted with that new reality.

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