Spirit Cooking: The Most Bizarre Wikileaks Discovery Yet

I see this as a content being pushed by anti-Hillary pro-Trump to squeeze out other content...basically a placeholder to distract from other news.

Which makes me think it's either preemptive in nature or an attention-suck (end consumer being the voter) because the momentum favors Trump.

Because, to me, it honestly seems like not that big a deal. Surely most regular people realize that people in these high places frequently have their weird things.

Or...maybe I'm wrong. Saw a post from a self described Pro-Trump black voter that encouraged spreading this "because we are tripped the F out by this kinda stuff."

Either way, I look to see if anything big drops in the next few hours to own the weekend talking.
Got to admit this is weirding me out.

I know Hillary and her evil henchmen are messed up but this is just down right deviant behavior.

No wonder they didn't turn Weiner in when they found out about his pediophilia ways back 2011. I bet he's got some really good dirt on these freaks.
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Got to admit this is weirding me out.

I know Hillary and her evil henchmen are messed up but this is just down right deviant behavior.

No wonder they didn't turn Weiner in when they found out about his pediophilia ways back 2011. I bet he's got some really good dirt on these freaks.

Someone very close to me has been telling me for years that most of these people in positions of power are luciferians. I always blew it off. Now......well, I don't know.
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Someone very close to me has been telling me for years that most of these people in positions of power are luciferians. I always blew it off. Now......well, I don't know.
These people are plain and simply pure evil. I've been calling the Obama Administration, their supporters, and its agenda Luciferism for years. They have co-opted positions of power throughout government and society. The media is their primary enabler.

Luciferism defined: Right is wrong---wrong is right; good is bad and bad is good.
No surprise to me, Hillary is in favor of late-term abortions. She lied out of her ass in the last debate when she said most are for medical reasons. Simply not true. The data shows that the majority of late-term abortions are simply because the mother doesn't want the kid. The majority of the kids murdered via late-term abortions are healthy.

These people are sick, evil and twisted people.
(IF) the ruling class is all pervy devil worshippers what does that say about religion?

I'm completely lost. The only information I'm embracing (if by that, you mean believing and considering factual) comes from Wikileaks. And only that because of it's impeccable record of factual information.

There's a big difference between posting things that may or may not pan out but are clearly interesting and 'embracing' them factually or philosophically.

What does any of this have to do with religion?

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