Sorry lefties. Your hopes of a crashed economy have been whizzed on


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015
Fed Chair Jerome Powell is NOT expecting a recession: "We’re not forecasting or expecting a recession," he said. "I wouldn’t see a recession as the most likely outcome for the United States -- or for the world economy for that matter."
Fed Chair Jerome Powell is NOT expecting a recession: "We’re not forecasting or expecting a recession," he said. "I wouldn’t see a recession as the most likely outcome for the United States -- or for the world economy for that matter."
Interesting. DJT has publicly castigated Powell, even suggested he is as big an enemy of the US as the dictator in China (I can never remember his name), because Powell has refused to manipulate our currency. I think it's safe to say Trump is concerned about the possibility of a recession, and he is demanding currency manipulation (ala what he has condemned China for doing) as a short-term sugar rush to delay an economic downturn until after the election.

I think you are a big Trump supporter, aren't you? So what's the answer? Will we not have a recession because Powell won't follow Trump's demands to manipulate the currency, which implies Trump has been wrong? Or will we have a recession in spite of Powell's assurances since he won't kiss Trump's ring?
Interesting. DJT has publicly castigated Powell, even suggested he is as big an enemy of the US as the dictator in China (I can never remember his name), because Powell has refused to manipulate our currency. I think it's safe to say Trump is concerned about the possibility of a recession, and he is demanding currency manipulation (ala what he has condemned China for doing) as a short-term sugar rush to delay an economic downturn until after the election.

I think you are a big Trump supporter, aren't you? So what's the answer? Will we not have a recession because Powell won't follow Trump's demands to manipulate the currency, which implies Trump has been wrong? Or will we have a recession in spite of Powell's assurances since he won't kiss Trump's ring?

What makes you think I’m a Trump supporter? Hmm?mmm?mmm?

Recessions are part of life, just like stop and go traffic. They happen. When? I have no idea. But they sure don’t happen just because CNN and the liberal mental-midgets say it will happen. I don’t worry about such things.
Interesting. DJT has publicly castigated Powell, even suggested he is as big an enemy of the US as the dictator in China (I can never remember his name), because Powell has refused to manipulate our currency. I think it's safe to say Trump is concerned about the possibility of a recession, and he is demanding currency manipulation (ala what he has condemned China for doing) as a short-term sugar rush to delay an economic downturn until after the election.

I think you are a big Trump supporter, aren't you? So what's the answer? Will we not have a recession because Powell won't follow Trump's demands to manipulate the currency, which implies Trump has been wrong? Or will we have a recession in spite of Powell's assurances since he won't kiss Trump's ring?
Powell is doing exactly what the President wants he just didnt do it soon enough for Trump.

More rate reductions to come. Wallstreet reaponding favorable.
I think Cramer has it exactly right. Powell got stuck on his 'lets get interest rates back to a normalized level so we have that lever in the future mode' last year and refused to pull the brake on raising rates soon enough. Now he's drawing down the rates, but the damage of raising them too fast has already been done. And now he remains steadfast in his messaging to avoid admitting that he made the mistake.

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