Sorry for this one- AIDS uptick


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
So now big Harma is saying increase the HIV tests - and weirdly Moderna is now working on an HIV/AIDS mRNA vaccine- holy hell!

All this after HIV premier expert and (discoverer HIV)virologist Dr Luke Montaigne warmed about the Covid shots wearing down immune systems (which is basically AIDS) so to sum up his warning- the shots cause AIDS- not some Tin foil hat guy like me- He is THE number one dude on the HIV virus- so some research before taking anymore Shots I'd sure say.

These sociopaths are causing these things by making billions- them making billions off of their own cures- pure evil they don't give a rats ass about anyone's health - all about the Bejamins

Also to sum up:
-Inventor of the PCR tests Kary Mullis said
don't use these tests this way it's not telling you anything
-inventor of the mRNA technology Dr Robert Malone said don't take the shots
-discoverer of the HIV virus said don't take the shots they cause AIDS- now Big Harma that caused this is saying "we gonna make you a cure"

Did I sum it up correctly? Holy $hit
can't make this up also to sum up- all of this is left off of your evening news?

Strangely enough Dr Luke up and passed away last week just as these new findings coming to the forefront.
Oh also "referees whistle may cause heart problems"....."exercise May cause Clots"...."kids are having more myocarditis than ever before bc of Something other Than the shots "

they are trying to cover their tracks and the bad part- many people will believe them
What total POS these agencies are-
Make Some Blanket warning about clots
AFTER millions have taken those friggin shots
Prior to 1986 lawasuits from the vax injured were bankrupting big Pharma- until sociopath Fraudci convinced R Reagan to give them immunity-downhill from there boyz
Poor @Corndog2021. Covid is over and done, and he is mournful about it, just like the libs in the MSM. Wants it to go on and on and on.

Your boring shitshow is over. Everyone has moved on, Bub.
Poor @Corndog2021. Covid is over and done, and he is mournful about it, just like the libs in the MSM. Wants it to go on and on and on.

Your shitshow is over. Everyone has moved on, Bub.
What no more boostas for Fauchis' Bitch 22? You sure the Coof is over Hoss- not according to your Daddy Fraudci so what are you on 3rd shot? 4th?! If they tell you walk on all fours and take a death jab up the arse you would comply-
What a drone
What no more boostas for Fauchis' Bitch 22? You sure the Coof is over Hoss- not according to your Daddy Fraudci so what are you on 3rd shot? 4th?! If they tell you walk on all fours and take a death jab up the arse you would comply-
What a drone

This recycled brain-dead reply ^^^ is proof that you're not a scientist. You never have a thought of your own. I bet you have all the StarWars action figures though. That counts for something.
This recycled brain-dead reply ^^^ is proof that you're not a scientist. You never have a thought of your own. I bet you have all the StarWars action figures though. That counts for something.
Fauci said "get on your knees 22 and take the death jab up the arse" - yes daddy 😁
Fauci said "get on your knees 22 and take the death jab up the arse" - yes daddy 😁

You seem to like that 'up the arse' thing. Not surprised at all.

Your show is over. Nobody cares about Covid anymore, or your made-up phony BS. What a gullible dunce.
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You seem to like that 'up the arse' thing. Not surprised at all.

Your show is over. Nobody cares about Covid anymore, or your made-up phony BS. What a gullible dunce.
If you want to know who would've complied in Nazi Germany- I give you 22- the one and only......they just don't get more Yes men compliant Than this one...

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