not as tho fake tears has any sort of moral conviction on the weed
str8 up desperation move
I agree, and Trump needs to get on board...tell Sessions to stand down...and not worry about trying to “improve” the deal or get all the credit.
We can have a nice thing here if these two can tap down their egos for once.
I agree, and Trump needs to get on board...tell Sessions to stand down...and not worry about trying to “improve” the deal or get all the credit.
We can have a nice thing here if these two can tap down their egos for once.
trump needs to pile drive fake tears
call him out for losing so bad to a che guevara socialist
he gotta go bob marley to disassociate from the psychotic mess he’s leading in libtard land
If Trump has no issue doing this:
He's probably going to try to grab the reins from ol' Chucky.
You don’t want legal marijuana, do you?
Just this once, he can play nice...right?
I know that you clearly know the difference between should and would on this one.
You don't really think there is much chance that he plays nice, do you? That's contrary to almost everything he has said and done the last two years and change.
If Trump legalizes by Executive Order, no one will remember Schumer's move.
Except he can’t do that.
And before you “Obama” me, that’s not what he did.
If Trump legalizes by Executive Order, no one will remember Schumer's move.
If Trump legalizes by Executive Order, no one will remember Schumer's move.
He can change its classification from being a tier 1 drug, correct? And in doing so, completely change its legal status without going through congress. I presume that classification is done by the executive branch.
Two federal agencies, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), determine which substances are added to or removed from the various schedules, although the statute passed by Congress created the initial listing.
Which specifically lists MJ as a schedule one by statute.
I’m not sure if the statute gives those agencies the authority to change the schedule for drugs that are scheduled by law. It may. I haven’t read it in a while.