Someone please explain the relationship between Progressives (Libs) and Muslims.


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Liberals claim to want a completely secular society, they are obviously anti Christian, anti Jewish why are they so hell bent on allowing Muslims to do as they please?

Muslim societies are the most oppressive in world, they are misogynists, homophobes and intolerant of other religions.

Resident libs what am I missing?
It cannot be explained. Put it in the basket with the endorsement of socialism , the war on women and gays and putting Michael brown's mom on the dnc stage. There is zero explanation that makes any sense. Sorry to end your thread.
It's strangely ironic that they refuse to condemn a group of people who savagely murder and treat like dogs two of liberalism's core constituent groups---women and LGBTQ's. Maybe they are given a pass because Muslim men have a kindred spirit in pedophilia.
They are pretty much about destroying the past and present by whatever means necessary and without regards to what that destruction will bring about in the future. Ironically they would suffer here (USA) the exact same fates there (ME) that they so blindly protect here (US). Its also completely plausible that they view the peaceful ones as having been so abused by the white man/western culture that they believe once the playing field is leveled they would moderate and not harm anyone.
Liberals claim to want a completely secular society, they are obviously anti Christian, anti Jewish why are they so hell bent on allowing Muslims to do as they please?

Muslim societies are the most oppressive in world, they are misogynists, homophobes and intolerant of other religions.

Resident libs what am I missing?
I explain this once a month or so. Libs are for freedom of religion. Wake me up the next time you hear a mainstream lib defending Muslim misogyny, homophobia, or intolerance, or for that matter being anti-Christian or Jewish.
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I explain this once a month or so. Libs are for freedom of religion. Wake me up the next time you hear a mainstream lib defending Muslim misogyny, homophobia, or intolerance, or for that matter being anti-Christian or Jewish.
I don't see libs defending Muslim oppression and bigotry they just won't talk about it. I would argue that by ignoring Muslim bigotry libs are giving them a pass
I don't see libs defending Muslim oppression and bigotry they just won't talk about it. I would argue that by ignoring Muslim bigotry libs are giving them a pass
Yeah man, Muslims are totally getting a pass. They almost never get talked about.
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That too.
While wanting to be free from religion liberals also want to deny everyone else their religious views whether that is from practicing religion or expressing their religious beliefs.
While wanting to be free from religion liberals also want to deny everyone else their religious views whether that is from practicing religion or expressing their religious beliefs.
You are just making stuff up now.
Sort of related, but I don't really understand the term islamophobia. It's a voluntary ideology - not a race or a sexual identity. Isn't it OK to be a phobic towards pervasive ideologies that pose existential threats to culture and in some cases, to life itself? If so, why isn't it OK to oppose massive muslim immigration from dangerous terror infested parts of the world?

And paradoxically, was Islamophobia a thing before Islamic terror really kicked into high gear? I never heard the term until recent years. So, isn't Islamophobia more like a stress disorder caused by Islamofascists than some kind of xenophobic racist bigotry?

Just wondering. Seems like a made up bullshit word that gets tossed around like candy from a parade float.
What exactly are Libs letting Muslims do that they are stopping Christians and Jews from doing?
I don't see libs defending Muslim oppression and bigotry they just won't talk about it. I would argue that by ignoring Muslim bigotry libs are giving them a pass

Some truth to that first part. It should be addressed in the same way oppression and bigotry is addressed with any other religious group in America.
So, isn't Islamophobia more like a stress disorder caused by Islamofascists than some kind of xenophobic racist bigotry?

I'd say its both of those things. Its been stirred up due to Muslim extremist terroristic activities, but the phobia part comes in play with people being afraid or hateful to all Muslims (especially US citizens) when its an incredibly small % that wishes any ill will towards anyone.

As with ANY phobia, its a fear or hate towards all individuals within a group due to a understandable fear of a very small segment of that group.

People with phobias of snakes, dogs, thunderstorms, etc hate/fear ALL occurrences of those things irrationally even if only a very few should actually, legitimately, be feared.
Liberals claim to want a completely secular society, they are obviously anti Christian, anti Jewish why are they so hell bent on allowing Muslims to do as they please?

Muslim societies are the most oppressive in world, they are misogynists, homophobes and intolerant of other religions.

Resident libs what am I missing?

There's some truth to that. The nuts and bolts of islam and christianity both subordinate women, gays, etc, but islam takes it a step further in practice. The old testament mandates genocide, oppression, etc. but judaism and christianity has moved on. Islam hasn't moved on in many cases.

I think the reason you don't get the tenor you want from libs is that while they're offended at the extremism, liberals don't trust people like you to treat good muslims fairly. We do disagree with islam's violence and oppression, we just also disagree with the fascists that will use that to pile on members of another minority that don't deserve to be treated poorly. By sake of example: your post. No distinctions contemplated.
I hate, despise, dislike, don't respect (insert whatever word your want) any religion which has a significant portion of their members state a desire to kill me or my family simply for not accepting their beliefs regardless of how twisted they have "misconstrued" said beliefs. I have no sympathy for the "peaceful" members of that religion who, themselves, don't speak out against the twisted ones, including their spiritual leaders (Imams/Mullahs) bastardizing their religion due to fear of being harmed by the twisted ones.
So because you libs think that Christians and Jews still hold ancient believes from the Old Testament that we are equally intolerant of people not like us. That just shows how ignorant liberals are of modern Christians and Jews.
So because you libs think that Christians and Jews still hold ancient believes from the Old Testament that we are equally intolerant of people not like us. That just shows how ignorant liberals are of modern Christians and Jews.

You literally can not read something outside of your political narrative and comprehend it.
I hate, despise, dislike, don't respect (insert whatever word your want) any religion which has a significant portion of their members state a desire to kill me or my family simply for not accepting their beliefs regardless of how twisted they have "misconstrued" said beliefs. I have no sympathy for the "peaceful" members of that religion who, themselves, don't speak out against the twisted ones, including their spiritual leaders (Imams/Mullahs) bastardizing their religion due to fear of being harmed by the twisted ones.

Out of curiosity, how do you tell if a particular person has spoken out sufficiently? Just once enough? Does it take some consistency, like four times? Is one blanket condemnation of terrorism enough, or do they need to make a declaration each time there's a terrorist event? Is there a particular forum you check so they know where to speak out, thereby earning your sympathy?

Anyone in particular that comes to mind, or just like... continents and countries in general?
You literally can not read something outside of your political narrative and comprehend it.
No you have to resort to lame insults when your narrative is proven to be based on bullsh!t. Which is why 99% of your posts are insults.
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No you have to resort to lame insults when your narrative is proven to be based on bullsh!t. Which is why 99% of your posts are insults.

He was 100% correct though. It was like you read 3 or 4 words from his post and started smashing the attack keys.

What you somehow read "So because you libs think that Christians and Jews still hold ancient believes from the Old Testament that we are equally intolerant of people not like us."

What he actually said.
"The nuts and bolts of islam and christianity both subordinate women, gays, etc, but islam takes it a step further in practice. The old testament mandates genocide, oppression, etc. but judaism and christianity has moved on. Islam hasn't moved on in many cases."
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He was 100% correct though. It was like you read 3 or 4 words from his post and started smashing the attack keys.

What you somehow read "So because you libs think that Christians and Jews still hold ancient believes from the Old Testament that we are equally intolerant of people not like us."

What he actually said.
"The nuts and bolts of islam and christianity both subordinate women, gays, etc, but islam takes it a step further in practice. The old testament mandates genocide, oppression, etc. but judaism and christianity has moved on. Islam hasn't moved on in many cases."
Fair enough but I still believe he considers Christians and Jews inherently bigoted and unfair to Muslims.
I've never understood the relationship either. Libs are gung ho on separation of church and state and use it profusely at their convenience. OTH, when it comes to muslims, their religion is the state and their laws are based on their religion.
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Liberals claim to want a completely secular society, they are obviously anti Christian, anti Jewish why are they so hell bent on allowing Muslims to do as they please?

Muslim societies are the most oppressive in world, they are misogynists, homophobes and intolerant of other religions.

Resident libs what am I missing?
I will take a stab here (and get the shit for having done so, but hey that is why I come here):
  • "Liberals" is a pretty useless label. You (not literally you, but generally this board) defines liberal as anyone not conservative and/or batshit crazy.
  • In reality when it comes to religious belief the crowd you guys label as liberal is a very broad spectrum. Plenty of Christians/Catholics/Mormons (I know abortion lovers === liberal in your book), many modern Jews and most of the atheists/agnostics. A generalization for sure with plenty of exceptions, but speaking broadly I believe this is supported by polling data.
  • Not all "liberals" believe in a completely secular society. A secular government - for sure. Secular public education - no doubt. Many aspire and believe that you can have a very spiritual private life, but retain a secular public life. Frankly, can't see how you envision things working any other way unless of course you like constant anarchy over things like "creation science".
  • Muslims also have gravitated to the Dems in part because the party platform highlights inclusion and openness rather than one that screams "CHRISTIAN NATION". Your statement about "Muslim Societies" may be true on a global scale, but those who make their way to the US typically are not from the fundamentalist end of the spectrum. They are higher educated, and generally wealthier than the average Muslim. Same for Hindus by the way. The people who can get here come from a much more privileged background than the vast majority.
  • Why do Dems consistently present themselves as more open to other cultures, as more tolerant of beliefs? I would say because it is in many ways the only credible alternative to the Christian Republican party. By adopting a more tolerance based platform they pick up the "fringes" of society who don't believe their way is the only way.
As for me personally, Muslims are as nutty as Jews and Christians. The Abrahamic traditions are so transparently about economic and social control (not to mention some ancient view of sexuality) that I scratch my head at how otherwise intelligent people can spend their entire lives so lost. That being said, these people are entitled to their beliefs so long as they don't infringe on my rights to live a good life I can tolerate them in my midst.

A good conversation could be had about how religion is really about evolution, the modularity of the human mind and cognitive neuroscience but that isn't the question you asked so never mind.
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While wanting to be free from religion liberals also want to deny everyone else their religious views whether that is from practicing religion or expressing their religious beliefs.
Practice whatever the **** you want. Don't expect me or anyone else to do the same and we will be just fine. Keep you shit to yourself...
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So because you libs think that Christians and Jews still hold ancient believes from the Old Testament that we are equally intolerant of people not like us. That just shows how ignorant liberals are of modern Christians and Jews.
And just maybe you sir are ignorant of modern Muslims...
I've never understood the relationship either. Libs are gung ho on separation of church and state and use it profusely at their convenience. OTH, when it comes to muslims, their religion is the state and their laws are based on their religion.

(A) involves the United States of America. (B) does not. Libs are for separation of church and state HERE. That goes for separation of the Christian church, the Muslim church, the Church of Latter Day Saints, and ALL other churches from the US government.

What Muslims do with their OWN countries is a whole different ballgame. Its not our place to tell Pakistan, or the Vatican City if their laws should be based on their religion or not.
(A) involves the United States of America. (B) does not. Libs are for separation of church and state HERE. That goes for separation of the Christian church, the Muslim church, the Church of Latter Day Saints, and ALL other churches from the US government.
So the state has a right to force Muslim women to remove their burkas or hijabs when taking official photo IDs.
(A) involves the United States of America. (B) does not. Libs are for separation of church and state HERE. That goes for separation of the Christian church, the Muslim church, the Church of Latter Day Saints, and ALL other churches from the US government.

What Muslims do with their OWN countries is a whole different ballgame. Its not our place to tell Pakistan, or the Vatican City if their laws should be based on their religion or not.
I agree, but if you think they won't push for their beliefs to be law in our country you're mistaken. .
So the state has a right to force Muslim women to remove their burkas or hijabs when taking official photo IDs.

No clue, I can see both sides to that argument and don't care either way. That issue is a fart in a tornado.

Muslims could correctly say that that is a case of the government impinging on religious expression... the state can correctly say that it would do this to ANY religion, and is needed to identify the subject.

In the grand scheme of things....meh.
I agree, but if you think they won't push for their beliefs to be law in our country you're mistaken. .

Some Christians do exactly that today. Libs should, and I think, would fight against ALL religions from doing so.

Just because libs (whatever exactly that is) support muslim rights to practice their religion, doesn't mean that they will support anything they try to do.
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