So now we know the dosssier was fake

Thanks for letting that happen. This country owes you and the kazillion others a debt.

You’re all becoming bizzaro versions of smug liberals, soon we’ll have a country full of unironic self-fart sniffers.
Surely you knew the whole thing was a farce, as well. Hopefully you did.
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August 2018:

So.. you got kicked off? LOL Say what you want, you can more or less say whatever you want to a mod here. I'm gonna get a membership over there.

I think ol' Mueller is closing in.

@Syskatine how does this work, do you get emails telling you exactly what to say or do they use radio waves transmitted through your fillings?
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So the quotes are fake news? The video I posted of fox and friends this morning also fake?
L-O-L. Where did I say they were fake, Super Sleuth? You've been duped for more than 2 years despite all of the information at your disposal. I don't see that changing any time soon. I can't stop laughing at the hysterical twitter dorks you post as if they have any shred of credibility. I'm supposed to believe Hillary stooges over what I can see with my own eyes?
L-O-L. Where did I say they were fake, Super Sleuth? You've been duped for more than 2 years despite all of the information at your disposal. I don't see that changing any time soon. I can't stop laughing at the hysterical twitter dorks you post as if they have any shred of credibility. I'm supposed to believe Hillary stooges over what I can see with my own eyes?

Oh boy you are just begging to be bronzed now.
L-O-L. Where did I say they were fake, Super Sleuth? You've been duped for more than 2 years despite all of the information at your disposal. I don't see that changing any time soon. I can't stop laughing at the hysterical twitter dorks you post as if they have any shred of credibility. I'm supposed to believe Hillary stooges over what I can see with my own eyes?
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ;) So thanks, now you dismissed the message by way of the messenger, I don’t follow who ever it was that tweeted it I did however hear and read those quotes so when I saw it condensed I used it. Now tell me how I’ve been duped again? In what way? Can you cite a specific example? Do you have any shot in that rifle or is your powder still wet?
There's a lot in the Mueller Report which by law cannot be made public. The Grand Jury testimony is confidential. Many of the interviews of WH staff will likely be covered by executive privilege notwithstanding that many of the interviewees were never charged with anything and thus have an expectation of privacy. The same goes for non-WH staff/persons within or without government. Some documents and interviews will be classified as sources and methods and cannot be made public.

The reason the democrats are doing a full court press for all the underlying documents is so they can smear and dispatch their twitter trolls against those who were not charged. They also want access to the interviews which had nothing to impart to the investigation and those with minimal bearing on the investigation to use to misconstrue and spin accusations where none exist. They will leak much of this information to their media propaganda wing so they can do a Covington Catholic on those the dems want to tarnish with false narratives.
There's a lot in the Mueller Report which by law cannot be made public. The Grand Jury testimony is confidential. Many of the interviews of WH staff will likely be covered by executive privilege notwithstanding that many of the interviewees were never charged with anything and thus have an expectation of privacy. The same goes for non-WH staff/persons within or without government. Some documents and interviews will be classified as sources and methods and cannot be made public.

The reason the democrats are doing a full court press for all the underlying documents is so they can smear and dispatch their twitter trolls against those who were not charged. They also want access to the interviews which had nothing to impart to the investigation and those with minimal bearing on the investigation to use to misconstrue and spin accusations where none exist. They will leak much of this information to their media propaganda wing so they can do a Covington Catholic on those the dems want to tarnish with false narratives.
1st paragraph :)
2nd paragraph :rolleyes:
Curiouser and curiouser.

Just to recap - the report was expected to be a dud in regards to indictments, but that it would be potentially a political hit - so it isn’t surprising that politicians would consider it to be partisan.

It also contains grand jury testimony and potentially classified information. I absolutely want to see the whole thing but there can be reasonable arguments made both ways on this. It was a criminal investigation so I’m not sure congress has any particular right to see it.
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Just to recap - the report was expected to be a dud in regards to indictments, but that it would be potentially a political hit - so it isn’t surprising that politicians would consider it to be partisan.

It also contains grand jury testimony and potentially classified information. I absolutely want to see the whole thing but there can be reasonable arguments made both ways on this. It was a criminal investigation so I’m not sure congress has any particular right to see it.
It was a counter intelligence investigation as well and Congress absolutely has right to see the underlying documents, especially the gang of 8 and especially, especially because of the precident Nunes set the last two years demanding DOJ turnnover damn near 900,000 documents related to the FISA courts. It’s all gonna come out except for the most sensitive redactions.
It was a counter intelligence investigation as well and Congress absolutely has right to see the underlying documents, especially the gang of 8 and especially, especially because of the precident Nunes set the last two years demanding DOJ turnnover damn near 900,000 documents related to the FISA courts. It’s all gonna come out except for the most sensitive redactions.

Again, ok. Not arguing with you. Just explaining the possible context of the statements you posted about.

Regardless, it’s funny to watch. Please continue.
In about 30 mins we should find out a little bit more than we know now. I would like to read the entire report and one day I might get to, but for now this is it.
No criminal conspiracy with Russia, no determination as to obstruction of justice from mueller. Report neither indicts nor exonerates the President. According to the AG. Still need to read the report. Both sides take your corners. Also Mueller let Barr decide on obstruction and what do ya know. @Syskatine. I’m all bronze now.
No criminal conspiracy with Russia, no determination as to obstruction of justice from mueller. Report neither indicts nor exonerates the President. According to the AG. Still need to read the report. Both sides take your corners. Also Mueller let Barr decide on obstruction and what do ya know. @Syskatine. I’m all bronze now.

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