Amazing story, first in Tulsa World and later in DO, detailing his recovery from heart attack and THIRD DEGREE BURNS incurred from consequently laying on hot asphalt this past summer. Article in TW had picture of his scarred back that was painfully gruesome. Article said burn on elbow area deep enough to get into cartilage. Chances of Tommy surviving the heart attack AND the burns were very, very low.
Like his coaching or not, article spoke highly of support provided by Travis and his wife during the long, painful recovery. Great support also given by Tommy's girlfriend who is a nurse.
Quite a well done and incredible story if you can find it online. Tulsa World version was better. God bless Tommy Wade.
Like his coaching or not, article spoke highly of support provided by Travis and his wife during the long, painful recovery. Great support also given by Tommy's girlfriend who is a nurse.
Quite a well done and incredible story if you can find it online. Tulsa World version was better. God bless Tommy Wade.