Shocking! Iran threatening to resume its peaceful nuclear weapon program

Now that Trump has pulled us out of the agreement Iran has reacted by violating terms to which it is not beholden to America. As such Americans who invoke the agreement as the foundation of their condemnation of Iran should explain the rationale. What is the unvarnished, unbiased philosophical rationale?

Fine. I never expected them to comply even when it as 'in effect'. Now that we've backed out, they are totally free to continue their ways. Congratulations, you've picked a flaw in someone's logic if they are outraged about Iran's actions. But I've never been outraged. Woot! Seems like a Pyrrhic victory but you go ahead and break your arm patting yourself on the back.
Yeah, I didn't miss any point, Dan. Sorry that you don't like the answer I gave you. I posted an article that quoted Iran announcing it would violate the agreement that it still has with the other signatories. I then stated (sarcastically) that I was shocked that they made that announcement. I can't speak for anyone but me, Dan.

As is so often the case with me and Ostatedchi, and, now in this instance you and I, we are talking past each other. But this time I’ve figured out why. When Iran announced in advance it was intentionally going to exceed the agreed upon number, the American government, the MSM, right-wingers like Hannity and Limbaugh were incensed that Iran would dare to breach the deal. NeoCons were delighted, of course, because now they would have justification to start a war they have hungered for for decades. It is that sector my question is aimed at. But neither you nor Ostatedchi belong to that sector. You already knew Iran wasn’t violating any deal with America. So you were the wrong people to respond to my question. When you did respond I naturally misunderstood. So I was thinking you were trying to answer my question when you were merely pointing out you had not had the same reaction. The reason you didn’t provide the justification I was looking for is because you hadn’t bought into the spin being provided by those in
power and those whose job it is is to rationalize their actions. I apologize for lumping you into that group!
As is so often the case with me and Ostatedchi, and, now in this instance you and I, we are talking past each other. But this time I’ve figured out why. When Iran announced in advance it was intentionally going to exceed the agreed upon number, the American government, the MSM, right-wingers like Hannity and Limbaugh were incensed that Iran would dare to breach the deal. NeoCons were delighted, of course, because now they would have justification to start a war they have hungered for for decades. It is that sector my question is aimed at. But neither you nor Ostatedchi belong to that sector. You already knew Iran wasn’t violating any deal with America. So you were the wrong people to respond to my question. When you did respond I naturally misunderstood. So I was thinking you were trying to answer my question when you were merely pointing out you had not had the same reaction. The reason you didn’t provide the justification I was looking for is because you hadn’t bought into the spin being provided by those in
power and those whose job it is is to rationalize their actions. I apologize for lumping you into that group!
It's all good, sir. I was definitely confused by your responses. I supported the US ending their sanctions relief but give zero craps what the other countries do. The reason I supported leaving the deal is because of what Iran is doing now. The inspection regime is a joke and the mullahs have never had any intention of stopping their pursuit of nuclear weapons. The deal has done nothing but allow Iran to have access to their most significant obstacle, money, and a lot of it.

I sympathize with the Iranian people and wish sanctions didn't effect them the way they do. I'd probably feel differently if the mullahs were using the money from sanctions relief to actually improve the country like the Obama administration claimed they would.
In the Senate vote on the Iran deal the dems had 42 votes not allowing a vote on disapproval to reach the full Senate. The GOP needed 60 votes to get the vote of disapproval acted upon. 42 votes is not the 67 needed to ratify a treaty. Nor were there 67 votes available to override an Obama veto of the resolution of disapproval should it have been voted on by the Senate.

In essence, Obama's Iran Deal was headed for rejection either with a resolution of disapproval or the failure to have 67 votes to ratify the Iran Deal if presented as a treaty.

Obama's spin on it was the resolution of disapproval failed therefore the Iran Deal survives. This parliamentary slight of hand was no different than the method they use to get a pay get it automatically unless voted down.

Obama never presented to the Senate for review any of the side agreements which included sending the $1.5 billion in cash to Iran. The Iran Deal allowed Iran to restrict from inspection several secure areas. Without inspection of all areas there was no way for Iran to prove it was in compliance with the Deal nor could the inspectors verify they were in compliance.
In the Senate vote on the Iran deal the dems had 42 votes not allowing a vote on disapproval to reach the full Senate. The GOP needed 60 votes to get the vote of disapproval acted upon. 42 votes is not the 67 needed to ratify a treaty. Nor were there 67 votes available to override an Obama veto of the resolution of disapproval should it have been voted on by the Senate.

In essence, Obama's Iran Deal was headed for rejection either with a resolution of disapproval or the failure to have 67 votes to ratify the Iran Deal if presented as a treaty.

Obama's spin on it was the resolution of disapproval failed therefore the Iran Deal survives. This parliamentary slight of hand was no different than the method they use to get a pay get it automatically unless voted down.

Obama never presented to the Senate for review any of the side agreements which included sending the $1.5 billion in cash to Iran. The Iran Deal allowed Iran to restrict from inspection several secure areas. Without inspection of all areas there was no way for Iran to prove it was in compliance with the Deal nor could the inspectors verify they were in compliance.
@Ponca Dan - you never replied to this statement. Looks like you ran away like a scared kid caught in his lies about Obama and the Iran deal. What do you say?
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Not sure what is so hard for liberals to understand. Iran can not be allowed to even come close to developing nuclear weapons, whether it is today or anytime in the future.
So......without a deal in place, how do you suggest we stop them?
Unfortunately what ever it takes up to and including military action.
The Iranian regime is telling us what they are doing and going to do but some of you people don't think they are serious. If Iran is allowed to have a nuclear weapon they will use it.
We do not have the the Military capability to take out their facilities, at least their most important ones, it would take a full scale invasion and occupation of their country which we could not do without significant assistance from our Allies, which they are not going to go to war with us over this.
If Iran used a Nuclear weapon they know that would be the end of their country, I really doubt they would take that chance (thats the beauty of Nuclear weapons, any country that uses them in any way other than a defensive measure would be done).
If they gave one to a Terrorist group, they would also be held accountable. Any weapon that is detonated leaves a fingerprint. We can tell exactly where the fuel was produced/ enriched, who provided the fuel , when and where it was made viable. And where it was assembled. A country cannot hide the origin of the weapon.
The only real way to solve this would be through negotiations, but, Iran thought they had a deal, by our own accounts and those of our Allies, they held to the agreement. We did not. Would they even sit down with us again?
We do not have the the Military capability to take out their facilities, at least their most important ones, it would take a full scale invasion and occupation of their country which we could not do without significant assistance from our Allies, which they are not going to go to war with us over this.
If Iran used a Nuclear weapon they know that would be the end of their country, I really doubt they would take that chance (thats the beauty of Nuclear weapons, any country that uses them in any way other than a defensive measure would be done).
If they gave one to a Terrorist group, they would also be held accountable. Any weapon that is detonated leaves a fingerprint. We can tell exactly where the fuel was produced/ enriched, who provided the fuel , when and where it was made viable. And where it was assembled. A country cannot hide the origin of the weapon.
The only real way to solve this would be through negotiations, but, Iran thought they had a deal, by our own accounts and those of our Allies, they held to the agreement. We did not. Would they even sit down with us again?

Don’t worry Israel we will for sure know who let a nuke go in your back yard. That should definitely make you feel better. I’m sure President kamala harris will avenge your death.
We do not have the the Military capability to take out their facilities, at least their most important ones, it would take a full scale invasion and occupation of their country which we could not do without significant assistance from our Allies, which they are not going to go to war with us over this.
If Iran used a Nuclear weapon they know that would be the end of their country, I really doubt they would take that chance (thats the beauty of Nuclear weapons, any country that uses them in any way other than a defensive measure would be done).
If they gave one to a Terrorist group, they would also be held accountable. Any weapon that is detonated leaves a fingerprint. We can tell exactly where the fuel was produced/ enriched, who provided the fuel , when and where it was made viable. And where it was assembled. A country cannot hide the origin of the weapon.
The only real way to solve this would be through negotiations, but, Iran thought they had a deal, by our own accounts and those of our Allies, they held to the agreement. We did not. Would they even sit down with us again?

signed ghost of
neville chamberlain
The only real way to solve this would be through negotiations, but, Iran thought they had a deal, by our own accounts and those of our Allies, they held to the agreement. We did not. Would they even sit down with us again?
Because you write into the 'agreement' that Iran doesn't have to comply until ratified by the US Senate and it becomes an official 'treaty'. Easy answer.
The Iran Deal permitted Iran to deny access and inspection of several of their critical nuclear research sites. That would be like allowing Russia to inspect our compliance with a nuclear deal but denying access to Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and the Pantex Plant.
We do not have the the Military capability to take out their facilities, at least their most important ones, it would take a full scale invasion and occupation of their country which we could not do without significant assistance from our Allies, which they are not going to go to war with us over this.
If Iran used a Nuclear weapon they know that would be the end of their country, I really doubt they would take that chance (thats the beauty of Nuclear weapons, any country that uses them in any way other than a defensive measure would be done).
If they gave one to a Terrorist group, they would also be held accountable. Any weapon that is detonated leaves a fingerprint. We can tell exactly where the fuel was produced/ enriched, who provided the fuel , when and where it was made viable. And where it was assembled. A country cannot hide the origin of the weapon.
The only real way to solve this would be through negotiations, but, Iran thought they had a deal, by our own accounts and those of our Allies, they held to the agreement. We did not. Would they even sit down with us again?

We tried it your way and look where that got us, Iran developing nuclear weapons? Now it's time to bring that country to it's knees economically and if it's required militarily. We've been playing nice with this regime since they took hostages in 1979 and it's done nothing but encourage Iran's evil ways.
And LOL if you think we can not destroy Iran's nuclear program without a major ground force. Hell all we have to do is take the leash off the Israilis and they will take care of it.
We do not have the the Military capability to take out their facilities, at least their most important ones, it would take a full scale invasion and occupation of their country which we could not do without significant assistance from our Allies, which they are not going to go to war with us over this.
If Iran used a Nuclear weapon they know that would be the end of their country, I really doubt they would take that chance (thats the beauty of Nuclear weapons, any country that uses them in any way other than a defensive measure would be done).
If they gave one to a Terrorist group, they would also be held accountable. Any weapon that is detonated leaves a fingerprint. We can tell exactly where the fuel was produced/ enriched, who provided the fuel , when and where it was made viable. And where it was assembled. A country cannot hide the origin of the weapon.
The only real way to solve this would be through negotiations, but, Iran thought they had a deal, by our own accounts and those of our Allies, they held to the agreement. We did not. Would they even sit down with us again?

The peaceful and truthful Iranians can buy spent fuel from Russia, probably China hell maybe even NK. That is what a number of countries already do for "Peaceful" nuclear activities/power.

My second thought is the IDF will take care of this, as was said above with or without our help/approval. Promise the Republic of Georgia would let the Israelis stage through that country if the Saudis don't already have an operational base in the middle of BFKSA that is being used. No accident that one of the ruling class in Saudi just wrote that the war with the state of Israel needs to end just recently, may have even been last week.

Negotiating with them is weak, ineffective and time consuming, plus you would have to drag the pussy Europeans along (most of who are probably already being paid under the table)..... my question to you UK is what can be done to stop their terrorist activities once they do develop an offensive nuclear weapon, while we are negotiating or fall for some BS deal? We say stop, they say FO we have nukes now so try to stop us!

I would prefer to squeeze them economically and force regime change internally, than give them the opportunity to EVER use a nuclear weapon and act like I'm in their heads and counting on them rationally thinking "this will be the end of my country" if we do this.

Our mean the ones that allowed us to pay more to protect them then they paid mean some of the ones we have liberated twice and given them back their sorry ass territory, those allies?
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The peaceful and truthful Iranians can buy spent fuel from Russia, probably China hell maybe even NK. That is what a number of countries already do for "Peaceful" nuclear activities/power.

My second thought is the IDF will take care of this, as was said above with or without our help/approval. Promise the Republic of Georgia would let the Israelis stage through that country if the Saudis don't already have an operational base in the middle of BFKSA that is being used. No accident that one of the ruling class in Saudi just wrote that the war with the state of Israel needs to end just recently, may have even been last week.

Negotiating with them is weak, ineffective and time consuming, plus you would have to drag the pussy Europeans along (most of who are probably already being paid under the table)..... my question to you UK is what can be done to stop their terrorist activities once they do develop an offensive nuclear weapon, while we are negotiating or fall for some BS deal? We say stop, they say FO we have nukes now so try to stop us!

I would prefer to squeeze them economically and force regime change internally, than give them the opportunity to EVER use a nuclear weapon and act like I'm in their heads and counting on them rationally thinking "this will be the end of my country" if we do this.

Our mean the ones that allowed us to pay more to protect them then they paid mean some of the ones we have liberated twice and given them back their sorry ass territory, those allies?
Remember, the Obama admin leaked info that Israel had a secret agreement to use Azerbaijan bases to go after Iran's nuke sites.
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How? The UN? Please. This statement is laughable.
No.....if a terrorist got detonated a nuclear device against us or Israel,we would take the country out who it traced back to, unless we deviate from our established doctrine.......whether we retaliate with a weapon of our own, or a full blown invasion, that would probably depend on which country it was
No.....if a terrorist got detonated a nuclear device against us or Israel,we would take the country out who it traced back to, unless we deviate from our established doctrine.......whether we retaliate with a weapon of our own, or a full blown invasion, that would probably depend on which country it was
Doesn't make all those people who died come back to life.
To be clear, Israel will initiate a first strike against Iran to prevent this from happening, with or without our permission or physical assistance
Israel does not have the capability either, and I am talking about Iran's most very important facilities, We, or Israel could cause a lot of damage to many facilities, but not their most important ones
Doesn't make all those people who died come back to life.
Have you ever wondered why a terrorist group has not already acquired one? Its because we can trace the fuel ( and other aspects) back to the exact time and place it was produced, /assembled . Any country which has that capability knows this and knows they will get the blame....once a Nuclear weapon is used, all gloves are off
Have you ever wondered why a terrorist group has not already acquired one? Its because we can trace the fuel ( and other aspects) back to the exact time and place it was produced, /assembled . Any country which has that capability knows this and knows they will get the blame....once a Nuclear weapon is used, all gloves are off
And then what? Invade them? Afghanistan and Iraq have worked out soooooo well.
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We tried it your way and look where that got us, Iran developing nuclear weapons? Now it's time to bring that country to it's knees economically and if it's required militarily. We've been playing nice with this regime since they took hostages in 1979 and it's done nothing but encourage Iran's evil ways.
And LOL if you think we can not destroy Iran's nuclear program without a major ground force. Hell all we have to do is take the leash off the Israilis and they will take care of it.
Iran built their three top facilities too far underground, we have nothing, and neither does Israel to take them out
And then what? Invade them? Afghanistan and Iraq have worked out soooooo well.
If........a country used or provided a nuclear weapon that was used against the US, our doctrine states that we will respond in kind, with overwhelming force
We tried it your way and look where that got us, Iran developing nuclear weapons? Now it's time to bring that country to it's knees economically and if it's required militarily. We've been playing nice with this regime since they took hostages in 1979 and it's done nothing but encourage Iran's evil ways.
And LOL if you think we can not destroy Iran's nuclear program without a major ground force. Hell all we have to do is take the leash off the Israilis and they will take care of it.
Its not "my way", but it is the way civilized countries address problems. Despite what you hear on Fox news, out Intell community and those of our allies all said that Iran was in compliance with the agreement. If the new administration did not like the agreement, it is their right to re negotiate it, but walking away from it , does no one any good at all......
Its not "my way", but it is the way civilized countries address problems. Despite what you hear on Fox news, out Intell community and those of our allies all said that Iran was in compliance with the agreement. If the new administration did not like the agreement, it is their right to re negotiate it, but walking away from it , does no one any good at all......

Seem to remember a lot of intelligence agencies also saying their were WMD's in Iraq.

Curious how everyone knows that the US and or the Israelis don't have assets that can get to some of the more sensitive facilities. Anyway, even more reason to bring them to their knees economically. Had the ex-rodent in chief not done this thing solo and gone through the senate, it would have never passed, so to somehow lay this regression of "what civilized countries do" at Trumps feet is laughable. What civilized nations don't do is roll over and endanger their future by being bearded tacos.