Espionage Act, LMAOWhat was "overzealous" about the indictment?
Why don't you. Charging Trump under the Espionage Act, forcing the violation attorney client privilege, SWAT Raids is 100% abuse of power by the DOJ and those in the court system. You know it I know and so does half the country. Over half the country thinks this is all political. Democrats and the Washington Establishment have been trying to get Trump from day one, going so far as to make up lies, try to impeach him knowing the charges were false, violating people's Constitutional rights, changing laws to make it possible to prosecute him etc, etc. Because you oppose Trump you are unwilling to see the other side of the coin.Why don't you put your politics aside for once?
All you are doing is parroting Democrat talking points. Sorry but there are tow sides to every story and we are on opposing sides 99.9% of the time.All you are doing in parroting Trump's talking points. You are trying to deflect away from the crimes Trump allegedly committed and shift the blame to others.
Accountable for what? Russia Collusion, Asking Ukraine to look into Biden's corruption, Taking Presidential Documents like every President before him, expected the aw to be equally applied, tweeting mean things, hurting Democrat feelings, not bowing down to the Washington Establishment? Nothing to hold him accountable for at this point.Are you ever going to hold Trump accountable? Will you ever set your politics aside for once?
When are you and your kind going to apologize for the lies, abuse of power and throwing a temper tantrum like a spoiled child?
I don't expect you to see it, you don't care your side has abused it's power to try and get
How was the indictment political?