You guys, and your conspiracy theories, are funny.
Some seek shelter in what the corporate media feeds them. Russian hacks, Trump collusion, no problems with Clinton email, etc. It's comfortable and doesn't deviate from the embedded politics of the Party. That's cool.Your lack of curiosity about things that challenge your own confirmation bias is funnier.
You don't know if this is legit and neither do I, but you've already declared it a funny conspiracy theory. C'mon man.
Been I know exactly what your talking about with conspiracy theories and all...I still don't believe we landed on the moon. It was filmed in the Atacama desert in Chile.
Isn't Snopes run by a former porn star or prostitute? Last week they tried in vain to cover Susan Rice's ass.
Visualize Marilyn Chambers "tarmacking" her fat ass!
Last week you guys lapped up the theories of a occult-obsessed, nazi-sympathizing, pentagram wearing moron. Could you just cut to the chase and tell us which conservative sage is formulating your conspiracies this week?