Serious question about CIA interrogations--


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin Tx
Have they ever tried plying detainees with truth serum--ie booze, drugs and women?

I'm serious..I always heard there is some drug/anethesia called truth serum.

And we all know the effects on men of alcohol and women in terms of bragging...

It's certainly not torture, quite the opposite actually...

I know Muslims are against just spike their drinks, or soup, or whatever--and turn on the recorder.

You bring in some hot Western women to console the detainees, feed them some grape clusters, etc, an VOILA I bet you start to get to actionable intel..

Anyway when I become King of the World I'm plying the bad guys with temptations of the palate and flesh--we KNOW how that works!!!! Guarantee you'll get more out them than by waterboarding!!


Every time I've had surgery I've had comments afterward from the staff saying things like I can come back anytime and if they'd have known I'd have been this awesome they'd have done it for free.

My friend works for the oral surgeon I go to and she said I made them laugh so hard they had to stop and one of them had to leave the room.

After my last ankle surgery, the previously chipper staff was less than friendly to me as I was coming out of the recovery room. Apparently I was not very nice at all to one of the nurses but they wouldn't tell me what I said. They just acknowledged that she wasn't happy with me.

I'm pretty sure that stuff would be fairly successful in garnering information.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by N. Pappagiorgio:
You make be on to something CUP!
I think so too--wonder if it's been suggested before?

I know those middle-easterners love to SMOKE...I'd break out the bongs with some gonzhi weed and hash oils followed by 2 shots of Jose Cuervo....Tell em no cigarettes for you Ahmad until you many up on a BONG!!!

Then you just get some American women on the other side of the bars fiddling with their hair, etc..--"So Mohammed, were you tight with the Sheik?" etc...They'd be chirping like canaries!!!

This post was edited on 12/14 12:02 PM by CowboyUp
Just wondering--in the US would it compromise a confession (or evidence) if police offered a beer (or booze) to someone who's been arrested for a crime and they drank it?

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