Seceding From The State Of Israel

Did you read this article, or is this another 'you read the headline, and assumed what it meant'? Because the story doesn't say what I think you think it says.
He's clueless. There's no chance he'd intentionally post a link to a story about how some Israelis are way pissed at Netanyahu for not gEnOcIdInG Hezbollah off the map.
Did you read this article, or is this another 'you read the headline, and assumed what it meant'? Because the story doesn't say what I think you think it says.
“The decision to secede is based on Israel’s failure to prevent Hezbollah’s daily attacks”

Didn’t need to read past this sentence (the first sentence) to know Dan didn’t read the article.
Did you read this article, or is this another 'you read the headline, and assumed what it meant'? Because the story doesn't say what I think you think it says.
What made you think I didn’t read the article, of course I read it. Where do you think I erred? The article is about Israeli’s being so mad at Netanyahu’s leadership in the north they are threatening to secede. Which is basically what my accompanying comment said. Methinks you and the others are so determined to oppose me because I stray from the Israeli lobby line that you jump to conclusions and pounce without knowing there’s nothing to pounce on. All of you need to take a deep breath and relax.
What made you think I didn’t read the article, of course I read it. Where do you think I erred? The article is about Israeli’s being so mad at Netanyahu’s leadership in the north they are threatening to secede. Which is basically what my accompanying comment said. Methinks you and the others are so determined to oppose me because I stray from the Israeli lobby line that you jump to conclusions and pounce without knowing there’s nothing to pounce on. All of you need to take a deep breath and relax.
Why are they mad, Dodge? You glossed right over that part for some strange reason...
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What "plight" is that?
I can only provide conjecture but I think they are upset Netanyahu is making no effort to cease fire against Hezbollah which would allow them to return to their homes safely. Instead he is doing everything he can think of to intensify the conflict and drag the US in to save his ass. I think they just want to go home and are upset his actions are preventing it. Any more questions?
What made you think I didn’t read the article, of course I read it. Where do you think I erred? The article is about Israeli’s being so mad at Netanyahu’s leadership in the north they are threatening to secede. Which is basically what my accompanying comment said. Methinks you and the others are so determined to oppose me because I stray from the Israeli lobby line that you jump to conclusions and pounce without knowing there’s nothing to pounce on. All of you need to take a deep breath and relax.
They are annoyed with him. For not doing enough killing. If you read the story, you'd have understood that. They want INCREASED military presence fighting Hezbollah. You seem to want peace in the region, and have posted multiple stories about Jews saying that the violence is too much. Seems strange that you'd be pushing a story about Israeli's being mad that Netanyahu hasn't killed enough Hezbollah during all the fighting.
I can only provide conjecture but I think they are upset Netanyahu is making no effort to cease fire against Hezbollah which would allow them to return to their homes safely. Instead he is doing everything he can think of to intensify the conflict and drag the US in to save his ass. I think they just want to go home and are upset his actions are preventing it. Any more questions?
What do you mean conjecture? The story you said you read states exactly what plight. Oh yea, you didn't actually read it.
They are annoyed with him. For not doing enough killing. If you read the story, you'd have understood that. They want INCREASED military presence fighting Hezbollah. You seem to want peace in the region, and have posted multiple stories about Jews saying that the violence is too much. Seems strange that you'd be pushing a story about Israeli's being mad that Netanyahu hasn't killed enough Hezbollah during all the fighting.
I’m not “pushing” the story beyond pointing out there’s trouble in paradise. I think Netanyahu knows the last time Israel sent troops into Lebanon to punish Hezbollah they got sent home with their tails between their legs, and if he can ramp things up with enough rocket fire he can count on the American Israel lobby (AIPAC, ADL) to get the media to gin up enough “poor Israel, the victim” propaganda the easily manipulated will demand we sacrifice more treasure and the blood of American soldiers to see to it the IDF does not get embarrassed again. But so far the US is not biting and the colonists who stole the land to begin with are itching to go back and reclaim what they think is their’s. Yeah, they probably prefer the IDF kill more Palestinians (what Israelite doesn’t want the IDF to kill more Palestinians) but the most important thing for them is to return to their stolen land.
There are several ways for Israel to get Hezbollah to quit its daily rocket attacks. One way would be to kill more Hezbollah, which would be a temporary fix until more Israeli colonists (they call themselves “settlers” but what they are are colonists) could remove the locals and take over like they’re doing in the West Bank which provocation will guarantee a violent response and everything is right back where it started. Another way would be to negotiate an agreement with the full understanding the US will not back Israel’s play if it violates the agreement. Hopefully peace would then reign. But of course even then peace probably would not last. The Zionist greed to take all the land would surely raise its head in short time.
I can only provide conjecture but I think they are upset Netanyahu is making no effort to cease fire against Hezbollah which would allow them to return to their homes safely. Instead he is doing everything he can think of to intensify the conflict and drag the US in to save his ass. I think they just want to go home and are upset his actions are preventing it. Any more questions?
"The organizers plan to protest under the banner: “No to a political agreement with Hezbollah” and call for the “restoration of security through military action … This is a battle that we must fight together … a fight for our freedom, our honor and the future of our children. We the people of the north will not be silent.”
I’m not “pushing” the story beyond pointing out there’s trouble in paradise. I think Netanyahu knows the last time Israel sent troops into Lebanon to punish Hezbollah they got sent home with their tails between their legs, and if he can ramp things up with enough rocket fire he can count on the American Israel lobby (AIPAC, ADL) to get the media to gin up enough “poor Israel, the victim” propaganda the easily manipulated will demand we sacrifice more treasure and the blood of American soldiers to see to it the IDF does not get embarrassed again. But so far the US is not biting and the colonists who stole the land to begin with are itching to go back and reclaim what they think is their’s. Yeah, they probably prefer the IDF kill more Palestinians (what Israelite doesn’t want the IDF to kill more Palestinians) but the most important thing for them is to return to their stolen land.
So in reference to the story you posted:

Are you for the side complaining that Netanyahu isn't doing enough militarily and thus is asking for more bloodshed?
Or for Netanyahu's side that's trying to negotiate peace with Hezbollah even as they fire rockets into northern Israel?

Those are the two sides in this story.
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So in reference to the story you posted:

Are you for the side complaining that Netanyahu isn't doing enough militarily and thus is asking for more bloodshed?
Or for Netanyahu's side that's trying to negotiate peace with Hezbollah even as they fire rockets into northern Israel?

Those are the two sides in this story.
I’m on the side that says Netanyahu has pissed off some of his constituents. And to be honest it’s a very enjoyable side!
"The organizers plan to protest under the banner: “No to a political agreement with Hezbollah” and call for the “restoration of security through military action … This is a battle that we must fight together … a fight for our freedom, our honor and the future of our children. We the people of the north will not be silent.”
My goodness it’s so much fun to wind you up and watch you take off!
What made you think I didn’t read the article, of course I read it. Where do you think I erred? The article is about Israeli’s being so mad at Netanyahu’s leadership in the north they are threatening to secede. Which is basically what my accompanying comment said. Methinks you and the others are so determined to oppose me because I stray from the Israeli lobby line that you jump to conclusions and pounce without knowing there’s nothing to pounce on. All of you need to take a deep breath and relax.
"Israeli lobby", "AIPAC lobby" You probably use terms like "international banking cabal" as well, don't you, NaziDan?