SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh

She absolutely has to set herself apart in this matter to continue to solidify her street creds with the hard left crowd in her upcoming run for the WH. Were she to accept Kavanaugh, she could kiss her bid goodbye while its still in its single-cell form.
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She absolutely has to set herself apart in this matter to continue to solidify her street creds with the hard left crowd in her upcoming run for the WH. Were she to accept Kavanaugh, she could kiss her bid goodbye while its still in it single-celled form.
This is true.
And she stands in the middle of the street re: mainstream America?

You can damned sure bet she's not standing in a pile of shit/used needles/squalor/filth in a CA dump in the middle of (insert/dump name/shit-pile/city here). Out of sight, bitch don't care.
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