Scooter can smear and lie to start the Iraq war after all!


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
So let me get this straight. Scooter Libby helped "out" Valerie Plame (which is illegal) because her husband Joe Wilson published an op-ed piece that said Dumbya's was wrong about Saddam trying to get yellow cake uranium. Scooter went after Wilson's wife to defeat anti-war messaging. He got his way, and we went to war in Iraq.

Then, the FBI investigated who outed her, and he lied to them and obstructed the investigation to get away with lying to start a war. He stood trial and a jury convicted him of two counts of perjury, obstruction of justice and making a false statement.

Biff runs for office and says that the Iraq war was a horrible decision and yuge mistake. He says the neocons aren't trustworthy. He's gonna kick them out.

Now he's pardoned the poster child of neocons, the one that helped silence dissent to stop the Iraq invasion.

Did I get this right?
“I don’t know Mr. Libby,” Mr. Trump said in a statement, “but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly. Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life”
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So let me get this straight. Scooter Libby helped "out" Valerie Plame (which is illegal) because her husband Joe Wilson published an op-ed piece that said Dumbya's was wrong about Saddam trying to get yellow cake uranium. Scooter went after Wilson's wife to defeat anti-war messaging. He got his way, and we went to war in Iraq.

Then, the FBI investigated who outed her, and he lied to them and obstructed the investigation to get away with lying to start a war. He stood trial and a jury convicted him of two counts of perjury, obstruction of justice and making a false statement.

Biff runs for office and says that the Iraq war was a horrible decision and yuge mistake. He says the neocons aren't trustworthy. He's gonna kick them out.

Now he's pardoned the poster child of neocons, the one that helped silence dissent to stop the Iraq invasion.

Did I get this right?
Wow, triggered. It's just Scooter Libby. It's not like Trump has released a bunch of real criminals like drug dealers back into the community. You just lock your door at night and all will be OK, syssy.
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Wow, triggered. It's just Scooter Libby. It's not like Trump has released a bunch of real criminals like drug dealers back into the community. You just lock your door at night and all will be OK, syssy.
While I disagree with sys more often than not, I’m pretty much with him in this one. Is it just me, or does this have John Bolton’s fingerprints all over it? The neocon military/industrial/congressional complex got their war, got several thousand of our young men killed, tens of thousands of them wounded or maimed. All while myrdering several hundred thousand people indigenous to the area, including an estimated 500,000 children who died of thirst, dehydration, dysentery and multiple other horrific diseases because the US destroyed their clean water supply. And now it’s what, 16, 17 years later, we’re still there killing and being killed. And for what? So the military industrial complex can get wealthier off the bodies of mostly innocent people. Scooter was one of the ones who got us in this mess. He should rot in prison!
And geez, Chelsea Manning is a free man woman now too thanks to Barry. All he she did was commit pretty much treason. No big deal.

Treason? Against whom? A government that lied to us about its constant violation of our Constitution, the law of our land? Betrayed those criminals in our government, most certainly, but is a hero for exposing secrets that should not have been.
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Treason? Against whom? A government that lied to us about its constant violation of our Constitution, the law of our land? Betrayed those criminals in our government, most certainly, but is a hero for exposing secrets that should not have been.
Ponca Dan, we have these things called laws. They aren't perfect by any means, but they do exist. And Mr. Ms. Manning is guilty of violating them.
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“I don’t know Mr. Libby,” Mr. Trump said in a statement, “but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly. Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life”
Ponca Dan, we have these things called laws. They aren't perfect by any means, but they do exist. And Mr. Ms. Manning is guilty of violating them.
Yes, he violated the law in the same way the family that hid Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis. Sometimes a person has to do the moral thing instead of following an immoral law. The government criminals Manning exposed were also violating the law - with complete impunity - and would still be violating the law if their actions had not been exposed. What would you have done in Manning’s place? What would you want done with Scooter?
Can’t wait for Trump’s special forces hit on Manning’s pal Julian Assange lol...any day now I’m sure haha
Dan, note how these guys defend Bush. There are no principles to that MAGA stuff -- they'll do 180's and rip anyone that notices.
Dan, note how these guys defend Bush. There are no principles to that MAGA stuff -- they'll do 180's and rip anyone that notices.
Sure, awesome defense of Bush on display here.

Got any more redneck lawyer observations? Nothing on Obama's tendency to pardon convicted drug dealers back onto the streets? I'm sure Chicago, Baltimore, and St. Louis appreciate Barry's contributions.
Yes, he violated the law in the same way the family that hid Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis. Sometimes a person has to do the moral thing instead of following an immoral law. The government criminals Manning exposed were also violating the law - with complete impunity - and would still be violating the law if their actions had not been exposed. What would you have done in Manning’s place? What would you want done with Scooter?
Dan, I just want laws enforced. If the laws are bad, they should be fixed. I have almost zero interest in presidential pardons because the law allows for them, even when they're idiotic. Complaining about Scooter Libby and not Chelsea Manning or the dozens of convicted drug dealers is just partisan nonsense, which is what I'm pointing out.

When can we expect to see McCabe in jail or is he somehow different than Flynn? [Rhetorical]
Dan, I just want laws enforced. If the laws are bad, they should be fixed. I have almost zero interest in presidential pardons because the law allows for them, even when they're idiotic. Complaining about Scooter Libby and not Chelsea Manning or the dozens of convicted drug dealers is just partisan nonsense, which is what I'm pointing out.

When can we expect to see McCabe in jail or is he somehow different than Flynn? [Rhetorical]

You think we should be locking up nonviolent drug offenders for decades?
Dan, I just want laws enforced. If the laws are bad, they should be fixed. I have almost zero interest in presidential pardons because the law allows for them, even when they're idiotic. Complaining about Scooter Libby and not Chelsea Manning or the dozens of convicted drug dealers is just partisan nonsense, which is what I'm pointing out.

When can we expect to see McCabe in jail or is he somehow different than Flynn? [Rhetorical]

I’m not following your argument. Are you saying it is wrong to defend Manning, who exposed government malfeasance, if we don’t defend Libby, who initiated goverment malfeasance, because both of them violated the law? Manning could have followed the law, gone through appropriate channels, and what do you think would have been the outcome? Would he have have been silenced, possibly even murdered, and the corruption gone undetected, or would the American public have been made aware of what he exposed by violating the law? Anyway, the law WAS enforced: Manning went to prison.

As regards Hillary, McCabe et al, they belong in a cell next door to Libby. I pray I live to see the day!
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Are you saying it is wrong to defend Manning, who exposed government malfeasance,
Yep. Broke the law.

if we don’t defend Libby, who initiated goverment malfeasance,
Neither initiation nor defense of government malfeasance is what he was convicted of.

I think neither deserve a pardon under the law. I think both received a pardon via political preference.

That help?
Yep. Broke the law.

Neither initiation nor defense of government malfeasance is what he was convicted of.

I think neither deserve a pardon under the law. I think both received a pardon via political preference.

That help?
Yes, much clearer, thank you. We’ll just have to politely disagree!
Wow, triggered. It's just Scooter Libby. It's not like Trump has released a bunch of real criminals like drug dealers back into the community. You just lock your door at night and all will be OK, syssy.

Medic, I can't figure out if basic points fly over your head or you think that this is like a collegiate debating match and you get points for a high volume of posts and shitty arguments. Re-read the OP. I didn't express a problem with pardons -- I have a problem with running on a platform that Iraq was an unforgivable blunder and then pardoning the guy that broke the law to commit the blunder. The functional equivalent with Manning would be if Obama ran on a platform of not tolerating intelligence leaks, and then pardoned Manning. Thunder away about pardons. Biff is reversing himself from his single biggest foreign policy doctrine: He is intensifying a military conflict in Syria and he just pardoned the criminal that pushed the one foreign policy blunder he screamed about in debates and rallies.

You lost me with that one. Was it supposed to be in blue?

Riiiiiight. Assange is perfectly safe!! He helped elect Biff by publishing stolen data. Steal. Lie. Bully. Rape. Assange is one of them.

He was right about one thing -- he literally could shoot someone on 5th avenue and you guys would still defend it!
Medic, I can't figure out if basic points fly over your head or you think that this is like a collegiate debating match and you get points for a high volume of posts and shitty arguments. Re-read the OP. I didn't express a problem with pardons -- I have a problem with running on a platform that Iraq was an unforgivable blunder and then pardoning the guy that broke the law to commit the blunder. The functional equivalent with Manning would be if Obama ran on a platform of not tolerating intelligence leaks, and then pardoned Manning. Thunder away about pardons. Biff is reversing himself from his single biggest foreign policy doctrine: He is intensifying a military conflict in Syria and he just pardoned the criminal that pushed the one foreign policy blunder he screamed about in debates and rallies.

Riiiiiight. Assange is perfectly safe!! He helped elect Biff by publishing stolen data. Steal. Lie. Bully. Rape. Assange is one of them.

He was right about one thing -- he literally could shoot someone on 5th avenue and you guys would still defend it!
Can you give Cliff notes? I'm not going to read anything from a redneck lawyer without proper paragraphs. Sorry, no extra time for story telling from fat and old redneck lawyers.
Medic, I can't figure out if basic points fly over your head or you think that this is like a collegiate debating match and you get points for a high volume of posts and shitty arguments. Re-read the OP. I didn't express a problem with pardons -- I have a problem with running on a platform that Iraq was an unforgivable blunder and then pardoning the guy that broke the law to commit the blunder. The functional equivalent with Manning would be if Obama ran on a platform of not tolerating intelligence leaks, and then pardoned Manning. Thunder away about pardons. Biff is reversing himself from his single biggest foreign policy doctrine: He is intensifying a military conflict in Syria and he just pardoned the criminal that pushed the one foreign policy blunder he screamed about in debates and rallies.

Riiiiiight. Assange is perfectly safe!! He helped elect Biff by publishing stolen data. Steal. Lie. Bully. Rape. Assange is one of them.

He was right about one thing -- he literally could shoot someone on 5th avenue and you guys would still defend it!

this is so much fun to watch.
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Can you give Cliff notes? I'm not going to read anything from a redneck lawyer without proper paragraphs. Sorry, no extra time for story telling from fat and old redneck lawyers.

That's a copout. His post isn't ridiculously long. Maybe it should be 2 paragraphs instead of 1. You are going to refuse to read it because he didn't include a blank line in the middle of it?

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