Russian to judgement


Doesn't the fact that Obama pushed sanctions ahead of the actual intelligence report prove this is political in its timing?
You presume you know as much on the same timeline as the POTUS regarding this topic. Willing to bet that assumption is wrong.
As the writer pointed out Imprimis, this should be the salient point to argue back against this nonsense. Be like someone accusing another of making them pregnant then not submitting to a paternity test, when the accused says no chance the baby is mine. Disgusting where this thing has gone!

I think the good news though is more and more people are seeing what a sham the liberals and their upper management are.

"Here’s a fact that really matters and it’s not in the report: The FBI concluded that Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee without ever inspecting its computers. The gumshoes say the DNC balked, but party leaders say the FBI never asked. In the end, it let a private firm search the computers for evidence."
"...In the end, it let a private firm (1) search the computers for evidence."
(1) A private firm, cofounded by a Russian ex-pat who is associated with a Ukrainian group well known for their anti-Russian sentiment, and PAID FOR by the DNC.

Probably nothing to see here, much like Clinton's emails, Loretta Lynch meeting secretly with Bill Clinton about grandkids and pottery, Lois Lerner pleading the Fifth, etc etc etc. It's just fake news and right wing conspiracy. No American voted for Trump. Only the Russians did.
Interesting opinion piece on the declassified Russian hacking report.

Now why would anyone doubt Benghazi any report coming IRS targeting from the 0bama administration when it has Clinton emails shown time and Loretta Lynch meeting time again Fast and Furious it can be completely trusted Ft Hood workplace violence to be straightforward and If you like your plan you can keep your plan honest with Ransom payment to Iran the American people Solyndra?
Interesting opinion piece on the declassified Russian hacking report.

Now why would anyone doubt Benghazi any report coming IRS targeting from the 0bama administration when it has Clinton emails shown time and Loretta Lynch meeting time again Fast and Furious it can be completely trusted Ft Hood workplace violence to be straightforward and If you like your plan you can keep your plan honest with Ransom payment to Iran the American people Solyndra?

I agree with this take and further, I wish we had seen the neocons emails too. McCain and Graham most of all.
No, we're just done eating from the bullshit trough. We demand better. By all means, keep crawling up and gorging from the all you can bullshit buffet until you pass out though. That's the beauty of living in the USA!
No your just eating the newer improved version of the same fear mongering politicians have always fed you. Enjoy...

You are being blatantly misled by a guy who brags about his ability to do so.
No your just eating the newer improved version of the same fear mongering politicians have always fed you. Enjoy...

You are being blatantly misled by a guy who brags about his ability to do so.
Regarding the hacking, sorry, it smells like bullshit because it is bullshit. 0bama and Company have had plenty of opportunities to lay out some facts. They've failed. Not buying it, and that has nothing to do with bragging guy and everything to do with the past history of the 0bama administration and the case they've so far managed to slop out. Show me some facts and I may believe.
Regarding the hacking, sorry, it smells like bullshit because it is bullshit. 0bama and Company have had plenty of opportunities to lay out some facts. They've failed. Not buying it, and that has nothing to do with bragging guy and everything to do with the past history of the 0bama administration and the case they've so far managed to slop out. Show me some facts and I may believe.

You are asking someone who believes our planet is doomed because of global warming but does nothing about it in his personal life because he doesn't want his kids to be disadvantaged.

David Allen please continue the lecture about being fooled by politicians.

"President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks during the U.S. presidential election and may take action in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

Reince Priebus said Trump believed Russia was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organizations, although Priebus did not clarify whether the president-elect agreed that the hacks were directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia, so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday."

It was the first acknowledgment from a senior member of the Republican president-elect's team that Trump had accepted that Russia directed the hacking and subsequent disclosure of Democratic emails during the 2016 presidential election"


"After receiving a briefing on Friday from leaders of the U.S. intelligence agencies, Trump did not refer specifically to Russia's role in the presidential campaign.

In a statement, he acknowledged that "Russia, China, other countries, outside groups and people are consistently trying to break through the cyber infrastructure of our governmental institutions, businesses and organizations including the Democrat(ic) National Committee."

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer told Reuters the president-elect's conclusions remained the same and that Priebus' comments were in line with Friday's statement."
Works for me since it kept Hildebitch from becoming president and exposed the collusion and election fixing the democrats did.

If the GOP does the same, I hope their computers get hacked too.
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So he said he did not believe them and then sent others out to say now he believes them. Come on trump different...
JD, I think it stinks, but in reality the US engages in the same crap, it is only different now because that POS Clinton and her liberal hordes can point to it as "why" she lost the election. If she had won, doubt we would have heard much and certainly don't think anyone would have been tossed from the country. If they truly breeched the voting booths I would all in favor of another election, but that didn't happen.

An interesting phrase here is "He accepts the fact this particular case was entities in Russia, so that's not the issue." From that Reuters says "It was the first acknowledgement from a senior member of the Republican president-elect's team that Trump had accepted Russia directed the hacking and subsequently disclosure of Democratic emails during the 2016 presidential elections." Irrespective of what Barnum McCain Bailey Graham say, how does one tie "entities (possibly Russian government, but could be outliers) to "Russia" which is the actual country?

The rampant hypocrisy these guys display while completely (and conveniently) neglecting the emails content and the private servers lack of security as the reason for The POS Clintons loss, just makes it hard for me to take much of anything else they say seriously. Also the fact that words like "password" for a password are just inviting people to hack your server/account. Anyway, I know your an incredibly sharp guy, but most of this seams like "self fulfilling prophesy," to me and I'm certain it would have been swept under the rug in the carpet muncher had gotten elected.
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As a citizen who believes the government is here to serve me, and believe that I should be informed so I can provide a degree of oversight of that government, I would like to see some EVIDENCE that it was state actors directed by the Russian government. Regurgitation of a private firm's report doesn't cut it for me. I don't care what Trump says either. WMD in Iraq and all...
JD, I think it stinks, but in reality the US engages in the same crap, it is only different now because that POS Clinton and her liberal hordes can point to it as "why" she lost the election. If she had won, doubt we would have heard much and certainly don't think anyone would have been tossed from the country. If they truly breeched the voting booths I would all in favor of another election, but that didn't happen.

An interesting phrase here is "He accepts the fact this particular case was entities in Russia, so that's not the issue." From that Reuters says "It was the first acknowledgement from a senior member of the Republican president-elect's team that Trump had accepted Russia directed the hacking and subsequently disclosure of Democratic emails during the 2016 presidential elections." Irrespective of what Barnum McCain Bailey Graham say, how does one tie "entities (possibly Russian government, but could be outliers) to "Russia" which is the actual country?

The rampant hypocrisy these guys display while completely (and conveniently) neglecting the emails content and the private servers lack of security as the reason for The POS Clintons loss, just makes it hard for me to take much of anything else they say seriously. Also the fact that words like "password" for a password are just inviting people to hack your server/account. Anyway, I know your an incredibly sharp guy, but most of this seams like "self fulfilling prophesy," to me and I'm certain it would have been swept under the rug in the carpet muncher had gotten elected.

I'm speaking on the fact so many here seem hell bent on arguing that there is no evidence whatsoever that Russia actually did engage in attempts to hack the DNC and influence the election. It melds nicely with all the attempts to parse words about what straight shooter, straight talker Trump "means" when he tweets.

There's no doubt in my mind that Russian state actors made attempts to hack the DNC and other electoral bodies in an attempt to undermine the system. Other state actors (China, etc.) likely did too. There is no doubt in my mind that we engage in the same conduct.

I do agree that the left is trying to delegitimize Trump's election (I.e. He didn't really win, Russian puppet, etc) and there is no evidence that this was the critical difference in results. Essentially, the Democrats are playing right into Russia's efforts to delegitimize our electoral system by promoting how successful Russia actual was by claiming this is "why" Hillary lost.

I'm fully in "meet the new boss....same as the old boss" mode right now. Trump is gonna have to prove to me he is a new kind of leader rather than assuming and declaring he is, but promising to come back and call him out later if he isn't.
I'm speaking on the fact so many here seem hell bent on arguing that there is no evidence whatsoever that Russia actually did engage in attempts to hack the DNC and influence the election. It melds nicely with all the attempts to parse words about what straight shooter, straight talker Trump "means" when he tweets.

There's no doubt in my mind that Russian state actors made attempts to hack the DNC and other electoral bodies in an attempt to undermine the system. Other state actors (China, etc.) likely did too. There is no doubt in my mind that we engage in the same conduct.

I do agree that the left is trying to delegitimize Trump's election (I.e. He didn't really win, Russian puppet, etc) and there is no evidence that this was the critical difference in results. Essentially, the Democrats are playing right into Russia's efforts to delegitimize our electoral system by promoting how successful Russia actual was by claiming this is "why" Hillary lost.

I'm fully in "meet the new boss....same as the old boss" mode right now. Trump is gonna have to prove to me he is a new kind of leader rather than assuming and declaring he is, but promising to come back and call him out later if he isn't.
Agree mostly with this observation. We are in the next phase of 'the hack' - where DJTs legitimacy is the target... As I posted last week, they are hacking Trump now.
You are asking someone who believes our planet is doomed because of global warming but does nothing about it in his personal life because he doesn't want his kids to be disadvantaged.

David Allen please continue the lecture about being fooled by politicians.
I had no idea how deeply you have been impacted by all this. I may be able to help you sleep better by sharing some thinking here. First, love the MKX - for those of you who are deniers I fully recommend it. Second, by Nov I think I will have transitioned my wife to a Model X. Want to cash flow it, no financing, so a bit of a dance but knowing how much this is affecting you HSH I will work extra hard to get it done...
JD fair enough...thanks for the explanation. Do you think that the RNC was hacked and if so why, in your opinion, was nothing released if the hackers had been successful? Just an opinion question from me BTW. You've always been even keeled about the discussions on here, which I very much admire, curious to your thoughts though. Gracias man!
Agree mostly with this observation. We are in the next phase of 'the hack' - where DJTs legitimacy is the target... As I posted last week, they are hacking Trump now.

Agree, that's what this is about.

Wonder if the American people will fall for it?

Considering 2,700 out of America's 3,100 counties voted for Trump (source below) in spite of non stop corporate media propaganda, fake news, and lying pollsters, I doubt it.

Unfortunately, the danger for Trump grows.
JD fair enough...thanks for the explanation. Do you think that the RNC was hacked and if so why, in your opinion, was nothing released if the hackers had been successful? Just an opinion question from me BTW. You've always been even keeled about the discussions on here, which I very much admire, curious to your thoughts though. Gracias man!

My bet would be that an attempt was probably made. No idea if successful or not.

Another bet would be that Russia focused on attacking the party and candidate that:

1. They viewed as the favorite to win at the time the operation began;
2. They viewed as having bigger security vulnerabilities in their systems;
3. That belonged to the party that was presently in power; and
4. Was they were already at odds with over Syria, etc.

The e-mails they found....and IMO played a part in releasing....happened a gold mine of delegitimizing and destabilizing regardless of who actually won. If Hillary had won, the theme would be that she wasn't even the legitimate nominee of her own party so how was she the legitimate nominee?

IMO, the goal was to find something....anything. They likely had less concern with "picking" a winner with disclosing what they found than they did bringing the entire process into question whomever won. Wouldn't even be surprised if they left "plausibly deniable" bread crumbs leading to the discovery that they were involved. That way if Trump won, Dems would claim Russia elected him and if Hillary won Berners would question whether she won the primary fairly. It's a win/win for Russia.

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