Russell Okung - Huh?

Got to get over the PC bullshit Vito..
Move on and own your people's past; then we can learn and , perhaps, one day begin to understand...
Black History Past
Oklahoma lynchings
As part Native American, I believe we have had it much worse than black people. We were hunted for sport and referred to as redskins. Today our nation's capital uses that racist name as the mascot for its football team. Nobody cares because there aren't enough of us to move an election to one side or the other.
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Man I sure feel sorry for the democrats. Treating blacks poorly all these years coupled with Republican kindness is really gonna hurt the democrats with the black demographic.
Care to post facts like I did on how the Republican Party has been racist towards blacks? Oh wait your not a smart enough person to go look for facts. You just throw out lies hoping they stick. Lead water get you also?
Hey coach -- I just want to thank you for taking the time and trouble to post right wing media talking points, and the inability to take it even one inch further. Gave you chance after chance. Thanks for weighing in. You're a typical conservative, fwiw. Next time you introduce yourself by calling someone a moron you should figure out just a few basic facts.

You may go back to parroting whatever you hear on Rush. If you're a coach, i hope you use your head more in the discharge of your coaching duties than you do being an internet badass.

If you need a source to know what the Occupy/BLM (the two examples I gave ITT) movements are all about then all I can say is I am sorry for you and I'm not going to waste my time explaining them to you.

Second, I am not a conservative as I have stated in the Mary Fallin thread. I have also never once voted for Mary Fallin and think Oklahoma is run in a pathetic manner. I also told you I voted for Barry O in 08', but according to you I am a conservative...the only core belief of the reds that I truly believe is personal responsibility and don't think it's the government's responsibility, especially at a national level, to get involved in every matter.

I am fiscally conservative, outside of that there are only a handful of things that I agree with the right on, and that pretty much begins and ends with the death penalty and illegal immigration. I am hard core for the death penalty and think it's a travesty that tax paying money keeps viscious criminals alive. Round them up and use them for cancer research is what I would vote for and implement in a phucking heartbeat if I had the choice. I also think it's pathetic that those who walk right across the border are allowed access to everything that American citizens are. I am pro-choice, don't give a shit if gays marry, think marijuana should be legal, support euthanasia, believe in separation of church and state, believe in flat tax and believe education in this country is severely underfunded. That's just a snapshot of what I stand for and if any of those besides the ones I pointed out are conservative beliefs (outside of maybe the flat tax), then by all means label me a conservative. I couldn't care less what you think of me.

And no, I am not a coach.
If you need a source to know what the Occupy/BLM (the two examples I gave ITT) movements are all about then all I can say is I am sorry for you and I'm not going to waste my time explaining them to you.

Feel sorry for me, but please find where BLM wants "everyone had the same amount of money, resources, education, etc." You literally made it two sentences before parroting a mouth-breathing slogan you picked up from right wing media, just like a feeble-minded conservative. And you spend energy on it - you came in and picked a fight, armed with bumper sticker slogans and half-inch deep theories you heard from the right.

edit: Kudos on your mission statement, too. I'm trying to figure out what is so irritating about you and I finally realized it's because you introduced yourself as a chicken shit. A half dozen people hooking it up with a solitary board lib (as usual) so you join the mob and pile on. Yes, you're quite the independent rebel.
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Feel sorry for me, but please find where BLM wants "everyone had the same amount of money, resources, education, etc." You literally made it two sentences before parroting a mouth-breathing slogan you picked up from right wing media, just like a feeble-minded conservative. And you spend energy on it - you came in and picked a fight, armed with bumper sticker slogans and half-inch deep theories you heard from the right.

edit: Kudos on your mission statement, too. I'm trying to figure out what is so irritating about you and I finally realized it's because you introduced yourself as a chicken shit. A half dozen people hooking it up with a solitary board lib (as usual) so you join the mob and pile on. Yes, you're quite the independent rebel.
I honestly do feel sorry for you. You obviously don't have the comprehension to read between the lines on social 'movements' and what their wet dreams would be. I'm also blocking you. I need conversation with someone of your ilk like I need a boil on my ass. Keep up the good fight, sport.
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I honestly do feel sorry for you. You obviously don't have the comprehension to read between the lines on social 'movements' and what their wet dreams would be. I'm also blocking you. I need conversation with someone of your ilk like I need a boil on my ass. Keep up the good fight, sport.
WHat happen @syskatine you get tired of me pawning your pussy ass? You are so stupid. You start more shit then a dung beetle in an elephant herd and when you loss you throw the poor me card out. Pretty much yesterday one conservative owned your ass and that was me. I am still wanting on all those facts on how the republican party hates blacks. Make America great again by shipping all the @syskatine to Syria. We will even let you take your revolutionary war muskets for protection.
WHat happen @syskatine you get tired of me pawning your pussy ass? You are so stupid. You start more shit then a dung beetle in an elephant herd and when you loss you throw the poor me card out. Pretty much yesterday one conservative owned your ass and that was me. I am still wanting on all those facts on how the republican party hates blacks. Make America great again by shipping all the @syskatine to Syria. We will even let you take your revolutionary war muskets for protection.

I've slept on it, absorbed your widsom, prayed on it, and you're right. About everything. The searing truths and keen insights have blown me away. No -- YOUR keen insights and searing truths, let's give credit where credit is due.

You've changed me, and now I'm a conservative.
Great idea. Why don't you try it on these boards? It's conservatives that constantly being up race. So don't do it if it bothers you.

100% false and when asked to prove it in another thread you "didn't have time."

So chalk that up to poop that didn't stick to the wall. But by all means poop in your hand again and try to throw a few more fastballs.