Rumor Has It A Devastating Jobs Report Is Coming Out Wendsday

Will be interesting to see how the MSM tries to hide this if this rumor is true.

The manipulation is astounding.
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Will be interesting to see how the MSM tries to hide this if this rumor is true.

Half the country thinks trump caused Covid job losses so I don’t know who you think this is going to be devastating for.

If you people have learned nothing but one thing over the last few years it should be that logic, data and inevitable poor outcomes do not sway the NPC’s in this country.
Half the country thinks trump caused Covid job losses so I don’t know who you think this is going to be devastating for.

If you people have learned nothing but one thing over the last few years it should be that logic, data and inevitable poor outcomes do not sway the NPC’s in this country.
Sadly, you are correct. In 2020 we saw libs ratting on their Trumper grandmothers for not wearing a mask or getting a covid shot.

That's when I realized the left is gone, they literally put the health of their politics before the health and safety of their families.

That group is NOT waking up. If 'the plan' is to wait on them to do so before we move forward, we aren't going anywhere for a while.
Half the country thinks trump caused Covid job losses so I don’t know who you think this is going to be devastating for.

If you people have learned nothing but one thing over the last few years it should be that logic, data and inevitable poor outcomes do not sway the NPC’s in this country.
That maybe true but I have a small part of me that still has hope some people on the left will not like being manipulated by lies that only benefit the political class.
Erick Ericsson reported this on his show, so it’s coming from more than one place.
Yea I've heard it from from several people including the guy that handles our money. I guess we will find out if it's true tomorrow.
What we do know is almost every jobs report under the Biden Administration has been revised downward the the month after they come in. The majority of jobs created after the Covid recovery have not gone to native born residents which is not helping American citizens. Incomes have increased but have not kept up with inflation, which means consumers have lost purchasing power under the Biden Administration. We know personal debt is at an all time high of 1.14 trillion and climbing every month as consumers try to make ends meet. Government spending is out of control, running annual two trillion dollar deficits and Democrats are proposing raising taxes on an already strapped population. (Don't give me that BS only the rich will be effected, they never are).
Looking at all of this how anyone can think Democrats have been good stewards of the economy and should be rewarded with another 4 years of stewardship is insane but we get the government we deserve. I just feel sorry for our kids, grand ids and their future generations, they are screwed.
That maybe true but I have a small part of me that still has hope some people on the left will not like being manipulated by lies that only benefit the political class.
A few on the left will wake up and when they do, they will do a 180 and even more viciously attack the left and media than they attack Trump now.

When most people realize they have been hoodwinked, they go all-in on attacking the source that lied to them.
A few on the left will wake up and when they do, they will do a 180 and even more viciously attack the left and media than they attack Trump now.

When most people realize they have been hoodwinked, they go all-in on attacking the source that lied to them.
If the leftist on this board, who are not hiding in shame, are any indication, they haven't realized they've been lied to.
Looks like a number of them have bailed in shame.
I used to post regularly on a politics board on another site. In 2020 and 2021, there were about a dozen libs there who were militant about taking the covid shots and NOT questioning the 'science'.

All of them have been gone for 1-2 years. I'm honestly worried about their health, most of them were vaxxxed out of their minds.
I am so sick of our government and media proudly promoting these reports and then “quietly readjusting “ the reports a couple of months later with no media coverage. There is no way in hell that the unemployment numbers are correct when MSM gives them out.
I'd be surprised if they don't cook the numbers. They won't release bad info right now. They've been cooking the numbers for so long, now it's time to broil and simmer. We live in a corrupt every level.

Yeah but its ok to decide "healthcare" is murdering babies? Don't you love the way the change discriptors? A tax is an "investment". Abortion is "healthcare"...
What can one expect? In our country water boils at 212 degrees and freezes at 32. The rest of the world sees water freezing at 0 degrees and boiling at 100.
The imperial system is so stupid.

Metric makes so much more sense.

Which is why when I’m working on a car a vast majority of the fasteners are metric.
The US was first with a decimal/metric currency. 100 cents/ 1000 mills to the buck. We'll be last to learn how to measure. This is but one of the many things that amazes me. Russia was first with a decimal currency in 1704. 100 kopeks to the ruble.

Circa 1995 I was in Alabama to watch km posts go up on all Interstate, US and state highways. By executive order, Slick Willie said we can't afford to change our highways to metric signage and had mile posts replanted and km posts dug up.

I-19 from Tuscon to Nogalas remains our only highway with metric signage.

The numerically, dysfunctional and idiotic imperial system is so stupid the UK abandoned it.

Since 2000, all vehicles sold in the US have digital odometers. Odometers can be swithed by dealer to state kilometers instead of miles should the switch ever come.

All vehicles today are fully metric except for wheel diameter size. Some may still have 1/2" battery cables.
I like to cook. Now, all the new recipes measure in grams. WTF! I don’t cook anymore since I’m not going to spend my time on my phone converting cups to grams. When did we vote on this shit?
The imperial system is so stupid.

Metric makes so much more sense.

Which is why when I’m working on a car a vast majority of the fasteners are metric.
The metric system didn't send no man to the moon.

American Wrestling GIF
The US was first with a decimal/metric currency. 100 cents/ 1000 mills to the buck. We'll be last to learn how to measure. This is but one of the many things that amazes me. Russia was first with a decimal currency in 1704. 100 kopeks to the ruble.

Circa 1995 I was in Alabama to watch km posts go up on all Interstate, US and state highways. By executive order, Slick Willie said we can't afford to change our highways to metric signage and had mile posts replanted and km posts dug up.

I-19 from Tuscon to Nogalas remains our only highway with metric signage.

The numerically, dysfunctional and idiotic imperial system is so stupid the UK abandoned it.

Since 2000, all vehicles sold in the US have digital odometers. Odometers can be swithed by dealer to state kilometers instead of miles should the switch ever come.

All vehicles today are fully metric except for wheel diameter size. Some may still have 1/2" battery cables.
Off topic SBI. A friend of mine just returned from a vacation in Alaska. As a result, he has now set foot in all 50 states. Are you part of that club? You certainly seem well travelled.
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Off topic SBI. A friend of mine just returned from a vacation in Alaska. As a result, he has now set foot in all 50 states. Are you part of that club? You certainly seem well travelled.
I spent 31 days at Hickam AFB, HI. I visited RI one time. I've never set foot in Alaska. I've set foot in 49 states.

I've traveled end to end on I-4, I-8, I-10, I-44, I-24, I-79, I-90, I-94, I-20, I-57, I-59,etc.
I-35 is the only Interstate that splits and does it twice. I-35W and I-35E Dallas-Fort Worth and again in Minneapolis-St. Paul. I've never been on the very north end of I-35. The last mile post in Texas going north on I-35 is 504.

There was a I-10 N and S split at Baton Rouge plan talked about but I-12 was born.

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