and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.
and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.
You implying Obama lied and did not make it affordable?
I’m not a Republican.
I did cut a check for Cobra coverage for two sons for several years while they were in school.
I could cut a check today if I had to.
If the government takes over, it’ll cost far more in taxes.
I would rather cut the check.
I’m not a Republican.
I did cut a check for Cobra coverage for two sons for several years while they were in school.
I could cut a check today if I had to.
If the government takes over, it’ll cost far more in taxes.
I would rather cut the check.
Atta boy. What about your premiums, do you pay for those?
Don't dunce this up, I'm gonna talk policy and politics with somebody and I want real information.
If you get a degree in a non-marketable skill, it isn’t my fault you cannot land a job with benefits.
I pay my wife’s. It is deducted from my salary. My employer pays mine.
Let him have his shitty thread to his own, will not tell us if the affordable care act is not affordable.
You seem really distressed. What's wrong with Obamacare? Are you paying more for shittier health insurance now or something? I can't see how that could be the case since Obama promised that he would save the average family $2,500 a year on premium costs.and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.
You seem really distressed. What's wrong with Obamacare? Are you paying more for shittier health insurance now or something? I can't see how that could be the case since Obama promised that he would save the average family $2,500 a year on premium costs.
Do you ever get tired of giving the Dunce take? See, affordable for me may not be affordable for someone else. Some people have different incomes and insurance. It's hard to generalize whether it's affordable for everyone.
Not what Obama said dumbazz, he did not say it would be affordable for just some, never would have passed if he did.
If the current government provided plan does not work you have to ask yourself why and go from there.
Does it count if you are Rep owned business that pays for healthcare?
Would it be better to expand the economy so more people have jobs to feed themselves and get off welfare and more businesses to provide healthcare?
Or should we just tax the holy living hell out of everyone and kill the economy l, take away jobs and the dignity that comes with it, and in turn provide shifty healthcare to all?
You are not sincere about debating this, and you can not sincerely debate it if you can not admit Obama phucked it up bad, healthcare costs went up. The premise of your question admits Obama phucked up but you deny, and now you want to turn this in to some Rep white privilege BS.
You are a waste of time.
We talked about this, Dunce. Nobody reads this. 24 words or fewer.
and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.
I answered your question, lot lizard. I'll repeat it in crayola.I get it. Hannity didn't explain how to deal with this simple question. One more time: WHat has Biff or the last 4 Republican Congresses done to improve health care?
I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.
Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.
What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.
What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.
I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.
I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.
Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.
What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.
What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.
I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.
I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.
Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.
What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.
What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.
I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.
I remember that this was one of three criteria you were going to judge Trump on, and one of the other two was a gimme.I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.
Self employed and on MediShare. Paying my own way and thankful I’m able to choose.
I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.
Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.
What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.
What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.
I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.
Self employed and on MediShare. Paying my own way and thankful I’m able to choose.
You're paying an insurance company to accept the financial risk of your potential health problems. When you have a heart attack, or a stroke, or a car crash, the insurance company you paid money to all year pays for the healthcare you receive. The risk they take is that your healthcare costs may far exceed what you've paid in premiums. As a lawyer, this shouldn't be a difficult concept for you. You pay for car insurance. You pay for home owners insurance. Healthcare is a big ticket item because it isn't dirt cheap to deliver.Mega, your account above is insane. But let's just assume you DID pay for it. Here's what you and I pay when we pay for a policy:
and you haven't bought or consumed anything yet. Now you go the ER because you sliced your thumb open trying to hit that high E at the Slim Whitman fan club convention. Now you pay the copay. Still haven't received anything yet.
- Health insurance company's overhead,
- Health insurance co's profit
Now you get your thumb stitched shut, they check your clap to make sure it hasn't spread, give you some penicillin and send you home. Now you get the bill and have to pay some more for:
the Dr.
the nurse
the ER
the lab work on your clap
One poster said something to the effect of "Not my fault you dont' have benefits" like a stable-fed employee.
You're paying an insurance company to accept the financial risk of your potential health problems. When you have a heart attack, or a stroke, or a car crash, the insurance company you paid money to all year pays for the healthcare you receive. The risk they take is that your healthcare costs may far exceed what you've paid in premiums. As a lawyer, this shouldn't be a difficult concept for you. You pay for car insurance. You pay for home owners insurance. Healthcare is a big ticket item because it isn't dirt cheap to deliver.
There's an easy answer. Don't pay the insurance company. Pay cash for your healthcare. Most providers offer handsome discounts for cash customers. You take on all of your own risk. Stay healthy, you won't pay a dime. Have that heart attack, pay for the services rendered.
But they can afford 5 bedroom houses, big SUVs, 4K TVs, all you can eat internet and cable, coffee at Starbucks...But it's not working, the middle class can't afford health insurance unless there's institutional money behind it.
Yes, some do. The least qualified goes to school for 9 years to prepare for their first day on the job. 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, and a 1 year internship to get their unrestricted medical license. Board certification, which is required for everything but self employment in family practice which is what the above gets you, requires 3-6 more years on top of that just to prepare for day 1 on the job. That figure doesn't include fellowships, which can be 1-3 additional years depending on specialty. So your average foot and ankle orthopedist has spent 14 years training for day 1. Your average ER doctor 12 years. Anesthesia 12 years. Internal medicine fields like nephrology, neurology, pulmonology, cardiology etc 13-14 years. You should ask Poketologist how many years he trained to do organ transplants.And some medical professionals make insane money.
and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.
Wish I could check in but your savior priced me out of insurance so he could give it to poor people in exchange for votes.
Why would anyone trust the Democrats to do better this time? You whine about Republicans doing nothing while completely ignoring what your dear Party single handedly did to get us here. And now we're supposed to think they are suddenly competent enough in healthcare policy to turn total control over to them? Lol, nope. Stop guzzling narratives and engage your own brain.Well, by all means let's save the system. Make sure we all bitch and never change.
You and the democrats (Obama) want single payer. More control of the citizensWell, by all means let's save the system. Make sure we all bitch and never change.
Well, by all means let's save the system. Make sure we all bitch and never change.
Save the system?
It would be easy and your savior had a chance to fix it. He chose to make it immeasurably worse.
I had health insurance until Obamacare.