Roll Call. All Republicans that cut a check for their own family's health insurance


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018
and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.

and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.


I’m not a Republican.
I did cut a check for Cobra coverage for two sons for several years while they were in school.
I could cut a check today if I had to.
If the government takes over, it’ll cost far more in taxes.
I would rather cut the check.
I’m not a Republican.
I did cut a check for Cobra coverage for two sons for several years while they were in school.
I could cut a check today if I had to.
If the government takes over, it’ll cost far more in taxes.
I would rather cut the check.

Atta boy. What about your premiums, do you pay for those?
If you get a degree in a non-marketable skill, it isn’t my fault you cannot land a job with benefits.
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I’m not a Republican.
I did cut a check for Cobra coverage for two sons for several years while they were in school.
I could cut a check today if I had to.
If the government takes over, it’ll cost far more in taxes.
I would rather cut the check.

Let him answer if the affordable care is affordable? His savior told us it would be so, the same people that lied want to lie again.
Don't dunce this up, I'm gonna talk policy and politics with somebody and I want real information.

So ACA is not policy and politics, that IS what we have, it happened under politics and passed bill. Your so hypocritical. You afraid to question your leader? Oh yeah, you swallowed all the jizz he would give you. Your just a butt hurt Nadler wanting to control the testimony and the narrative.
If you get a degree in a non-marketable skill, it isn’t my fault you cannot land a job with benefits.

"Not my problem, so the health care system is fine." Very MAGA approach.

I pay my wife’s. It is deducted from my salary. My employer pays mine.

Well, I can't find any republicans that are self employed and pay their own insurance. Someone will come along.
Let him have his shitty thread to his own, will not tell us if the affordable care act is not affordable.

Do you ever get tired of giving the Dunce take? See, affordable for me may not be affordable for someone else. Some people have different incomes and insurance. It's hard to generalize whether it's affordable for everyone.
and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.

You seem really distressed. What's wrong with Obamacare? Are you paying more for shittier health insurance now or something? I can't see how that could be the case since Obama promised that he would save the average family $2,500 a year on premium costs.
You seem really distressed. What's wrong with Obamacare? Are you paying more for shittier health insurance now or something? I can't see how that could be the case since Obama promised that he would save the average family $2,500 a year on premium costs.

I get it. Hannity didn't explain how to deal with this simple question. One more time: WHat has Biff or the last 4 Republican Congresses done to improve health care?
Do you ever get tired of giving the Dunce take? See, affordable for me may not be affordable for someone else. Some people have different incomes and insurance. It's hard to generalize whether it's affordable for everyone.

Not what Obama said dumbazz, he did not say it would be affordable for just some, never would have passed if he did.

If the current government provided plan does not work you have to ask yourself why and go from there.

Does it count if you are Rep owned business that pays for healthcare?

Would it be better to expand the economy so more people have jobs to feed themselves and get off welfare and more businesses to provide healthcare?

Or should we just tax the holy living hell out of everyone and kill the economy l, take away jobs and food and the dignity that comes with it, and in turn provide shitty healthcare to all?

You are not sincere about debating this, and you can not sincerely debate it if you can not admit Obama phucked it up bad, healthcare costs went up. The premise of your question admits Obama phucked up but you deny, and now you want to turn this in to some Rep white privilege BS.

You are a waste of time.
Not what Obama said dumbazz, he did not say it would be affordable for just some, never would have passed if he did.

If the current government provided plan does not work you have to ask yourself why and go from there.

Does it count if you are Rep owned business that pays for healthcare?

Would it be better to expand the economy so more people have jobs to feed themselves and get off welfare and more businesses to provide healthcare?

Or should we just tax the holy living hell out of everyone and kill the economy l, take away jobs and the dignity that comes with it, and in turn provide shifty healthcare to all?

You are not sincere about debating this, and you can not sincerely debate it if you can not admit Obama phucked it up bad, healthcare costs went up. The premise of your question admits Obama phucked up but you deny, and now you want to turn this in to some Rep white privilege BS.

You are a waste of time.

We talked about this, Dunce. Nobody reads this. 24 words or fewer.
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and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.


I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.

Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.

What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.

What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.

I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.
I get it. Hannity didn't explain how to deal with this simple question. One more time: WHat has Biff or the last 4 Republican Congresses done to improve health care?
I answered your question, lot lizard. I'll repeat it in crayola.

Why would Republicans need to do anything about healthcare? Obamacare solved everything. What is the issue that you think needs a solution?
I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.

Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.

What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.

What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.

I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.

Good start.

Tort reform needs to happen, insurance for Docs is thru the roof. People should be compensated if they are wronged but they need to reel it in.

Big pharma spends a TON of money on lobbying efforts, the number per rep/senator is astronomical, I was shocked. Do not think some of that money is landing in politicians pockets. This should be completely outlawed.

They should pass a law immediately that says pharma must charge a US citizen the lowest rate their drug is sold world wide, we are subsidizing healthcare across the globe. My wife’s MS drug in Canada costs half what it does here. We are talking $60,000 per year versus $30,000.

They should also pass a law that health providers when they negotiate a contract rate with an insurance company, has to charge the lowest rate they have in any other contract for the exact time frame (costs
will go up over time).

If we want to pay for education, we need more
Doctors, nurses, and medical professionals. Supply/Demand is a huge issue in the cost side and timeliness and quality of care.

We should also not allow insurance companies to try to manipulate their risk pools, this would increase costs in theory, but it would bring more fairness.

My wife uses a Doctor that charges $69 per month for her services and you can see her as many times as you like for that rate, she takes zero insurance. Many other Docs have opened clinics that do not take insurance and have published rates for a broken arm, stitches, X-ray, office visit, etc... they are affordable. They should require insurance companies to reimburse people for services under these doctors as they would under a normal plan.
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I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.

Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.

What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.

What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.

I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.

If he is not a hypocrite he will not read your post because it is too long. I am about to not engage this guy anymore, complete hypocrite who IMO is trolling us for the most part and just wants to piss on our parade because Trump is kicking azz and taking names.

In another response to you in this thread I mentioned my wife had a Doc who does not take insurance and charges $69 a month and for that you can see her as many times as you wish. Maybe that might help you out some, if you had a Doctor like this and then purchased basically a policy that was a catastrophic policy only, maybe you could get something that was more affordable and give you that protection for a catastrophic event? Congrats on your business and I hope things work out well for you.
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I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.

Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.

What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.

What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.

I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.

I'm fortunate to work for a not for profit healthcare system that is self insured. The deductible has gone from $250 to $1,300 and the copays went from $10 to $30. The premiums have gone up a little since the ACA, but nothing like has happened in the open market.

The disadvantage for me is our network consists of our own facilities and providers. You can go out of network with a referral without any penalty if our health system doesn't provide the service , but going out of network outside of that gets very costly.
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I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.
I remember that this was one of three criteria you were going to judge Trump on, and one of the other two was a gimme.

Self employed and on MediShare. Paying my own way and thankful I’m able to choose.
I am self employed and my wife and I pay as we go because out of pocket health insurance is insanely expensive. We are living on the edge right now, one catastrophic medical condition away from being massively in debt. It sucks, but at the moment, its a reality.

Hopefully this is temporary as we are in a growth phase and the next phase projects a lot more $$ to work with, but there's literally nothing remotely affordable as a small business owner. Nothing. I am definitely not happy about that and its a constant source of stress. I would love a solution that doesn't also fvck over the economy or the relative efficiency of our ability to get quality healthcare and get it when you need/want it. Single payer would create more problems than it solves IMO.

What I would like to see is something that creates MORE economic competition in healthcare, prescription costs etc. More incentives for insurers to compete across state lines etc.

What sucks is we actually do pretty well with our business. We aren't rich or anything, obviously, but it's expensive to run a business - especially with a brick and mortar studio location. We've done it debt free and always have our bills paid, but health insurance is so fvcking expensive it's just always been the thing we do without.

I am a free market guy though, and I won't be a hypocrite about it.

Boom. This is exactly the typical, self-employed American's conundrum and it's complete horseshit. One poster said something to the effect of "Not my fault you dont' have benefits" like a stable-fed employee. I wanna talk about the mega's of the world. The people that actually create jobs, pay payrolls, and employ the snarky dicks that look down their nose at entrepreneurs.

Mega, your account above is insane. But let's just assume you DID pay for it. Here's what you and I pay when we pay for a policy:
  • Health insurance company's overhead,
  • Health insurance co's profit
and you haven't bought or consumed anything yet. Now you go the ER because you sliced your thumb open trying to hit that high E at the Slim Whitman fan club convention. Now you pay the copay. Still haven't received anything yet.

Now you get your thumb stitched shut, they check your clap to make sure it hasn't spread, give you some penicillin and send you home. Now you get the bill and have to pay some more for:

the Dr.
the nurse
the ER
the lab work on your clap

and you still haven't got that followup.

Here's something else you'll pay for: the indigents that aren't covered. You now who pays for that? The consumer, those costs are passed along to you, too. The point is, you're paying for everyone else. The people that consume health care aren't generally paying their own way. Employers are paying for them, they're paying for indigents, and they're paying for a huge industry to sit in the middle and decide what Dr's get paid, and what consumers can get. It's an insane model.

I want to see numbers of what a single payer (i.e. taxes) costs you to just... be covered and that's it. It can't be more than this damned insurance.

And NOBODY has reigned in the insurance industry. NOBODY. I'll take the side of whoever tries, though, instead of obstructs change.

What I can't get is why are you so enamored of free market solutions here. Your post looks like the best argument I've seen AGAINST free market solutions. Is there a policy that really shows the free market is killing it? I have yet to see a publicly traded company generate less revenue than they're capable of, and int he context of health insurance that means, by definition, charging the most you can while paying the least you can.

Free market my ass. How many different companies do you have to choose from Mega? And how many PRACTICAL free market options are they offering you? You hustle, I've seen your work on twitter, you're busy. You're telling me this system is sane if YOU can't make it work? You're a frog in boiling water my man, and you're saying you don't wanna get in that other bowl of water because you don't know what's in it. I mean... you're getting boiled alive. One small lump pops up and you're financially DONE and you start all over under the current system.

Last: I've seen all these "Bernie's/Hillary's/whoever's plan costs "x." I defy one of you to tell me what the cost of the current insurance system is. That's insurance premiums the entire country pays, out of pocket costs, all of it. I'll bet it dwarfs the single payer model. I've asked that question several times. The fact that none of this crew has an answer speaks volumes.

Last last: If single payer is so bad, where's all the medicare hate?

Really last: It's such an effed up system that enlightened landlords don't hold bad medical debt against potential tenants. They literally take it as a fact of life that people are going, through no fault of their own, frequently be financially devastated because they didn't have health insurance. It's insane when you look at this current health care system objectively.

Of what benefit is a middle man that controls an entire industry? You understand health insurance industry produces nothing and provides no service? It simply brokers? And they control your health care! It's ludicrous and everyone that doesn't have some benefactor paying for their health care oughta know exactly what I'm talking about.

I swear this is the last: And it's impenetrable. Look at a modern health insurance policy and set of insurance biling and explanations after a hospital stay. First, that task would take hours, if not a day just to get your arms around the policy. The bill is impenetrable for a layman. A system where the policies and billing is so esoteric that the customer cant understand it is another layer of insane.
I paid a ton for Cobra 11/12ths of 2018 and am now overpaying for PPO catastrophic care and a fairly reasonable copay to my private provider. It's NOT "aca"
Mega, your account above is insane. But let's just assume you DID pay for it. Here's what you and I pay when we pay for a policy:
  • Health insurance company's overhead,
  • Health insurance co's profit
and you haven't bought or consumed anything yet. Now you go the ER because you sliced your thumb open trying to hit that high E at the Slim Whitman fan club convention. Now you pay the copay. Still haven't received anything yet.

Now you get your thumb stitched shut, they check your clap to make sure it hasn't spread, give you some penicillin and send you home. Now you get the bill and have to pay some more for:

the Dr.
the nurse
the ER
the lab work on your clap
You're paying an insurance company to accept the financial risk of your potential health problems. When you have a heart attack, or a stroke, or a car crash, the insurance company you paid money to all year pays for the healthcare you receive. The risk they take is that your healthcare costs may far exceed what you've paid in premiums. As a lawyer, this shouldn't be a difficult concept for you. You pay for car insurance. You pay for home owners insurance. Healthcare is a big ticket item because it isn't dirt cheap to deliver.

There's an easy answer. Don't pay the insurance company. Pay cash for your healthcare. Most providers offer handsome discounts for cash customers. You take on all of your own risk. Stay healthy, you won't pay a dime. Have that heart attack, pay for the services rendered.
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You're paying an insurance company to accept the financial risk of your potential health problems. When you have a heart attack, or a stroke, or a car crash, the insurance company you paid money to all year pays for the healthcare you receive. The risk they take is that your healthcare costs may far exceed what you've paid in premiums. As a lawyer, this shouldn't be a difficult concept for you. You pay for car insurance. You pay for home owners insurance. Healthcare is a big ticket item because it isn't dirt cheap to deliver.

There's an easy answer. Don't pay the insurance company. Pay cash for your healthcare. Most providers offer handsome discounts for cash customers. You take on all of your own risk. Stay healthy, you won't pay a dime. Have that heart attack, pay for the services rendered.

Oh all of those are options. But it's not working, the middle class can't afford health insurance unless there's institutional money behind it. A deep pocket employer in most cases. And it's not a real great system for the money it costs. And some medical professionals make insane money. And the health insurance industry doesn't do anything the taxpayer can't do for themselves. And other countries have better, cheaper health care.

It's not lasting.
But it's not working, the middle class can't afford health insurance unless there's institutional money behind it.
But they can afford 5 bedroom houses, big SUVs, 4K TVs, all you can eat internet and cable, coffee at Starbucks...

Maybe we consume too much of what we want and don't prepare very well for the costs of what we need.

And some medical professionals make insane money.
Yes, some do. The least qualified goes to school for 9 years to prepare for their first day on the job. 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, and a 1 year internship to get their unrestricted medical license. Board certification, which is required for everything but self employment in family practice which is what the above gets you, requires 3-6 more years on top of that just to prepare for day 1 on the job. That figure doesn't include fellowships, which can be 1-3 additional years depending on specialty. So your average foot and ankle orthopedist has spent 14 years training for day 1. Your average ER doctor 12 years. Anesthesia 12 years. Internal medicine fields like nephrology, neurology, pulmonology, cardiology etc 13-14 years. You should ask Poketologist how many years he trained to do organ transplants.

We can compare that to lawyers. How much school for lawyers? 7 years? No doctor is even out of medical school at that point. Lawyers can make money much more insane than doctors make, and nothing about lawyers saves lives. Lawyers get very rich off of insurance companies. Lawyers even get very rich off of doctors. I'll add in that many doctors don't get their big money from patient care. The biggest money comes from investments. Doctors invest in all kinds of things, especially healthcare type facilities where they practice. There are plenty of doctors that make normal doctor money too.

When it comes to physicians, you're paying for an expert. You can't be a doctor without all of that training. There's no way to fake it. The human body is very complex. I can write my own will. I can write contracts. I can even find online premade forms to help with that stuff. I can file lawsuits. I can represent myself in court. I can't do my own craniotomy for a subdural bleed evacuation, endovascular clot retrieval for thrombotic stroke, or my own hip replacement surgery. Keep that in mind when you, a lawyer, is bitching about provider pay.
and still want the current for-profit health insurance system.


I'm a libertarian, I pay handsomely for my health insurance, and I want it the way it is. I've seen Medicare and Medicaid up close. I've seen the international systems. There is no complete healthcare system in the world better than ours. Period. End of story. Ours isn't perfect. And there are things that could make it more affordable. But the international systems are worthless for anything beyond emergency services.

In the end its simple: There isn't enough healthcare services to provide all people the ultimate in care. This is a fact. The government running health care doesn't change this fact. Today that healthcare is rationed in the US via cost. When the government takes over this in order to eliminate costs (which they don't, they just transfer the costs to be taxes), I, as a middle-class American, with a solid 6-figure job will continue to pay what I pay today (or more), while now subject to a new rationing process aligned to services offered. All expedited care needs will be routed through the ER, and anything that doesn't REQUIRE an ER will have weeks worth of waiting for appointments. And, other than to transfer the financial burden to those in a higher tax bracket, the government still hasn't actually addressed the real issue with healthcare (which is cost), they just obfuscated it from the financially illiterate masses.
Wish I could check in but your savior priced me out of insurance so he could give it to poor people in exchange for votes.

Well, by all means let's save the system. Make sure we all bitch and never change.
Well, by all means let's save the system. Make sure we all bitch and never change.
Why would anyone trust the Democrats to do better this time? You whine about Republicans doing nothing while completely ignoring what your dear Party single handedly did to get us here. And now we're supposed to think they are suddenly competent enough in healthcare policy to turn total control over to them? Lol, nope. Stop guzzling narratives and engage your own brain.
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Save the system?

It would be easy and your savior had a chance to fix it. He chose to make it immeasurably worse.

I had health insurance until Obamacare.

Premiums kept going up? Is.that the problem?

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