Right on Joe!!!!!!


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2004
fvck off, leftists
I think this whole debate mess is all part of the Dem blueprint for November. Perhaps I'm stating the obvious, and that is -- getting Biden out of there while they still can. There is no way the left is getting behind Trump. No way. Newsom or Whitmer would energize the Dems.
Reports are that Kamala is infuriated that she is not being fronted. You will have to placate Kamala to run anyone. Someone is going to have to take one for the team, and no ego will allow for it.
Reports are that Kamala is infuriated that she is not being fronted. You will have to placate Kamala to run anyone. Someone is going to have to take one for the team, and no ego will allow for it.
Kamala Harris Victory GIF by Election 2020
He had the questions beforehand just like Cank, a week to rehearse and yet........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dims cheating again, imagine that.
Desperation is starting to realy sink in. From here only bad things can happen. Thier convention is about to look exactly like 1968. The amount of cheating needed to pull off a victory would send this country spiraling into a civil war, and assassinations are on the table. The hold on power for them is going to get messy.
Newsom or Whitmer would energize the Dems.
I don't believe either of these should be the nominee if President Biden steps aside. I would of course vote for either if they were the nominee, but the nomination should go to Vice President Harris if Biden stands down.

Reports are that Kamala is infuriated that she is not being fronted. You will have to placate Kamala to run anyone.
The reports I have seen is that many within the Democratic Party (supporters of Harris and just political observers) are making it clear that Harris will play a central role in determining who will be the nominee if President Biden drops out. And anyone in the Democratic Party who suggests that the Vice President will be bypassed for some of these other Democrats being mentioned, clearly doesn't understand the Democratic Party today and the danger that could create for November.

Kamala Harris has been nothing but supportive of President Biden in all the news reports I've seen.
The amount of cheating needed to pull off a victory would send this country spiraling into a civil war, and assassinations are on the table.
This is a ridiculous statement and a dangerous one too. Democrats could still easily win the White House again this November, with or without President Biden on the ticket.

The notion that if Democrats win, that must mean cheating occurred and therefore we could have a civil war is exactly why Trump must be defeated in November.

And assassinations on the table? What nonsense are you rambling on about Tulsa? You sound like a nutcase right now.

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