Rhetorical Q: Why does this apply to blue states only?


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015

New York Times Says to Expect Election Results to Take a While​

"Counting mail ballots takes more time because there are more steps involved."

They need a way to inject ballots after the machine count.

The machines can be rigged, as they were in 2020. This is not speculation, it was confirmed by former Obama associates.

But if the machines are set to change votes in real time, that requires an internet connection. And that's detectable.

That's why they need ballots.
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They need a way to inject ballots after the machine count.

The machines can be rigged, as they were in 2020. This is not speculation, it was confirmed by former Obama associates.

But if the machines are set to change votes in real time, that requires an internet connection. And that's detectable.

That's why they need ballots.
The ballots have to match the cheating they are doing, or it would be detectable. If you need 10,000 you need 10,000 ballots to get there. It doesn't matter if someone or one person cast those ballots, there is no way to go back and see which ballots are fraudulent and which are not. Once the ballot is in the hopper you have gotten away with-it Scott free. Mail in ballots means they just print as many ballots as they would like and put them in the back of trucks ready to give you exactly what you need, all you need is a way to know how much and a way to get them in the hopper. Solution ballots drop boxes, water main breaks, any small number of people to sneak them into the count in key places, and for the election count to go into tomorrow, to make it barely plausible, and barely plausible is all you need.