Republicans For Harris

I've been listening to the 50,000 watt giant WBAP 820 Fort Worth every business day on my way to Hell-of-a-burger for breakfast for years. WBAP never talked about a border crisis under Trump.
Because that station is a right-wing radio talk station. It carries right-wing programming like Mark Levin and Dan Bongino.

Of course you aren't going to hear them talk about the failures of Trump as it relates to the border and immigration reform.

It is right-wing propaganda.

You do know this right? You aren't listening to the news. You are listening to right-wing talking heads, propagandists.

Tell us some more "facts."
I've given you enough that you clearly didn't even know about. Did your propagandists tell you about the facts I gave you? No, they didn't. What a surprise lol!

Again though, answer the question I asked of you please...

In which states are you worried "illegals" will put Vice President Harris into the White House?
Because that station is a right-wing radio talk station. It carries right-wing programming like Mark Levin and Dan Bongino.

Of course you aren't going to hear them talk about the failures of Trump as it relates to the border and immigration reform.

It is right-wing propaganda.

You do know this right? You aren't listening to the news. You are listening to right-wing talking heads, propagandists.

I've given you enough that you clearly didn't even know about. Did your propagandists tell you about the facts I gave you? No, they didn't. What a surprise lol!

Again though, answer the question I asked of you please...

In which states are you worried "illegals" will put Vice President Harris into the White House, then register to vote. Some estimates say 2 million illegals voted in CA in 2016. Of course you and I don't know.?
WBAP is right wing so to attract listeners. CA invites illegals to apply for a driver licence then register to vote. Some estimates say 2 million illegals voted in CA in 2016. Of course you and I don't know.

Let me ask a question. Where did Mark Zuckerberg's $400M go he spent on the 2020 election? I know.
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It all boils down to one thing. Commies (Dims) vs Democracy which most TRUE Conservatives are for. The Commie Dims have been trying to change the Constitution for some time now, not the attacks on the SC.
The minute Trump said before his 1st term that he would not support aby Wars and would end current ones they decided he had to go. The FBI spied on his Campaign and the hunt was on to find anything they could on him, they still are. Trump wouldn't bend the knee to the Political Elites and that pissed them off and they have been after him ever since.

Biden has been controlled by these Political Elites since he has been in office and so will Kumula if she wins. They made Brandon step aside so they can continue their Power and Destruction of the US and the World. These people want Power and the Power to kill at will with Wars all over the Globe, headed that way now and thats what they want. Oh its not just the Commie Dim Politicians that want that its also a lot of the Commie Conservatives as well. Both left and right voters only need ask one question of these sob's, what have you done or are doing to make our lives better instead of worse?
I have been saying it for decades, one party plays good cop and the other plays bad cop. There really isn't much difference between them at the end of the day. I still think Trumps life is in danger, they will stop at nothing to keep him from winning in 2024, he wasn't supposed to win in 2016 and a lot of those Politicians have been mad at a lot of Americans that made it happen. Ask yourself this, why do they hate him so much? Why do they fear him? Because he won't bend the knee and do what they ask of him thats why. If you think you still live in a Free Country think again.
Me personally I believe it has been lost for a while now and we won't ever get it back. And I blame all these idiots like 2 putas and CDS and their ilk for loving party over Country and will do anything and believe everything they are told. The whole damn Political landscape in America makes me sick to my stomach. These people truly are evil. How else can you label it?
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Vance has been exposed too. Clearly that man gave Trump a nice below the waist gift to be his running mate. I mean why else would Trump have chosen that weirdo? And we all know about Trump and his sexual favors throughout the years, of course.

Up until this post ^^^, I thought you were an intellectual that I disagree with. Turns out, you're just another desperate progressive street dummy. Thanks for the heads-up.
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