Rejoice, The Earth Is Becoming Greener

Also the numbers of trees and plants worldwide have increased proportionally to the increase in CO2 levels of emissions. Funny how Mother Nature has a way to deal with this without any government grants or Al Gore's squeals.
I did a little research and most of you posted is correct but you know this a debatable
subject I found an article that confirms what you said but added to it.
Give your impression

Thanks! That was a very interesting article. I did have issues with two points.

First, did you notice that the opposing points of view were articulated by “scientists and experts” vs “skeptics,” as though the skeptics are not scientists themselves? When I see the issue discussed in such terms my “cynic meter” goes into overdrive.

Second, while the “scientists and experts” agree there are positives in rising CO2, they immediately turn to the negatives. I don’t have a problem with them pointing out the negative consequences, but their argument is based on an assumption that humans will not find answers to overcome those negatives. I find that attitude to be preposterous! They’re scientists and experts for crying out loud, they are supposed to have embarked on a profession whose job it is to find “cures” for the negatives.

I personally have a lot of trouble taking seriously such an attitude from a person who is supposed to have dedicated his life to scientific discovery but instead throws his hands in the air and declares the sky is falling.
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