Red River or Angel Fire


2nd Team
Oct 23, 2004
Which one would you guys suggest for a 3-4 day weekend ski trip? Taos is the only resort in NM I've been to, and it's been close to 20 years. Either town have anything to do? Any particular place to stay that's good?
haven't been in a while, but Red River has more to do as it did back the last time I was there. You can ski both places, and even make it up to Taos. I'm pretty sure Angel Fire was owned and maybe still is by some OSU guys. More choices in Red River I'm sure.
that's a nice place in a great location. The only other thing you need to worry about for that whole area is how much snow is there. I haven't checked so don't know but heck if you're on rentals I guess it doesn't matter much...only hurts if you fall. I'm talking about landing on rocks instead of snow.

just checked and it's a 42" base and everything is open...I don't think it's get much more than a 42" base so looks fairly typical. Looks like more snow coming this weekend.
Tons is basically right. More to do in red river and the snow always seemed a little worse at angel fire to me, but that's years ago talking too. We just do Crested Butte the past 15+ years.
I usually fly and do Breck or Vail areas. If I drive, I go to Wolf Creek, which is probably my favorite place. Just thinking of trying something new this year. See if I can find a place I like a few hours closer.

If you haven't ever been to Wolf Creek, I'd suggest checking it out. Stay in Pagosa Springs.

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