Here's a little frequently asked questions and answers. I'm taking some liberties and these may or may not be exact questions that have come up.
1. Mike Gundy was instructed to fire one or both of the coordinators, wasn't he?
As a point of fact, it was not told, suggested, dictated or any other similar terms to him what he needed to do with any staff decisions.
I understand why this is a question, as there is precedence (Dana), but it is not what happened today. Mike made a decision and executed it. The timing was surprising to most everyone. Mainly due to it being on NSD. Two points here 1) Since none of the players are bound by their signature now, it's changed in a big way. 2) Given the first point, does it matter if it was Tuesday, Thursday or next week?
2. This means that everything is pretty much how it's going to be moving forward, right?
In a word, no.
I'm going to address this in two parts, the second of which will actually be in the next question. For this part, other coaching staff changes are likely still to come. I do not have specific, good information here, I'll say that up front. There are a lot of reasons to believe this past season was Charlie Dickey's last at OSU and quite possibly in coaching period. I'll address those reasons at some later date, assuming it comes to pass. I don't know that any assistant on the current staff is secure in their on-field coaching status or employment status at OSU. This season and some of the events surrounding and during it have upset the apple cart in a major way and pretty much no one is secure or safe.
3. So, Mike Gundy's pretty much safe from any additional pressure/consequences?
Also, no.
First, let's define pressure/consequences. The options are the automatic yearly "rollover" extension of his contract to keep it at a five-year deal, retirement (voluntary or forced via settled buyout), fired or some degree of contract renegotiation if one side has the leverage to force that. The automatic raise clause may or may not be negotiable in the event of the rollover being stopped or other extenuating circumstances.
Let's also make clear who Mike Gundy ultimately answers to. It's not OSU President Dr. Kayce Shrum, nor is it Atheltic Director Chad Weiberg. They are his direct superiors, yes, and to a degree he does answer to them. Because of a series of events in the past - most of which pre-date those two being in their current positions - the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents are who he directly answers to. Historically-speaking the "BoR" has final approval over head football coach contracts, along with most other major University position employment contracts. Because of that series of events in the past, the reality of the situation is it's a much more direct oversight of head coach Mike Gundy's contract/employment status.
I'm ready to say at this point, 100% there is additional impact to Mike Gundy's status as defined above still to come. The rollover, in particular is not even a question at this point. It's done. Literally already formally taken out of play, as required by contract. That's the bare minimum.
4. There is a report that "OSU" has coordinators in mind to hire, quickly. The assumption is that either the Athletic Department/Director has someone in mind and/or will dictate to Mike Gundy who he will hire, is that right?
Reports are what they are these days. Narrative, or more often just click bait. One time - literally - in OSU history a head coach was strongly encouraged to hire a coordinator or financial resources might be withheld. Boone's been dead for quite some time now and Mike Holder is retired. Chad Weiberg, nor Dr. Shrum, nor the Board of Regents are or will be telling Mike Gundy who to hire.
That's all I've got for now. Hopefully it's informative.
1. Mike Gundy was instructed to fire one or both of the coordinators, wasn't he?
As a point of fact, it was not told, suggested, dictated or any other similar terms to him what he needed to do with any staff decisions.
I understand why this is a question, as there is precedence (Dana), but it is not what happened today. Mike made a decision and executed it. The timing was surprising to most everyone. Mainly due to it being on NSD. Two points here 1) Since none of the players are bound by their signature now, it's changed in a big way. 2) Given the first point, does it matter if it was Tuesday, Thursday or next week?
2. This means that everything is pretty much how it's going to be moving forward, right?
In a word, no.
I'm going to address this in two parts, the second of which will actually be in the next question. For this part, other coaching staff changes are likely still to come. I do not have specific, good information here, I'll say that up front. There are a lot of reasons to believe this past season was Charlie Dickey's last at OSU and quite possibly in coaching period. I'll address those reasons at some later date, assuming it comes to pass. I don't know that any assistant on the current staff is secure in their on-field coaching status or employment status at OSU. This season and some of the events surrounding and during it have upset the apple cart in a major way and pretty much no one is secure or safe.
3. So, Mike Gundy's pretty much safe from any additional pressure/consequences?
Also, no.
First, let's define pressure/consequences. The options are the automatic yearly "rollover" extension of his contract to keep it at a five-year deal, retirement (voluntary or forced via settled buyout), fired or some degree of contract renegotiation if one side has the leverage to force that. The automatic raise clause may or may not be negotiable in the event of the rollover being stopped or other extenuating circumstances.
Let's also make clear who Mike Gundy ultimately answers to. It's not OSU President Dr. Kayce Shrum, nor is it Atheltic Director Chad Weiberg. They are his direct superiors, yes, and to a degree he does answer to them. Because of a series of events in the past - most of which pre-date those two being in their current positions - the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents are who he directly answers to. Historically-speaking the "BoR" has final approval over head football coach contracts, along with most other major University position employment contracts. Because of that series of events in the past, the reality of the situation is it's a much more direct oversight of head coach Mike Gundy's contract/employment status.
I'm ready to say at this point, 100% there is additional impact to Mike Gundy's status as defined above still to come. The rollover, in particular is not even a question at this point. It's done. Literally already formally taken out of play, as required by contract. That's the bare minimum.
4. There is a report that "OSU" has coordinators in mind to hire, quickly. The assumption is that either the Athletic Department/Director has someone in mind and/or will dictate to Mike Gundy who he will hire, is that right?
Reports are what they are these days. Narrative, or more often just click bait. One time - literally - in OSU history a head coach was strongly encouraged to hire a coordinator or financial resources might be withheld. Boone's been dead for quite some time now and Mike Holder is retired. Chad Weiberg, nor Dr. Shrum, nor the Board of Regents are or will be telling Mike Gundy who to hire.
That's all I've got for now. Hopefully it's informative.
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