HS Recruiting News

No dog in the fight but I generally have a beef with social media echo chambers and I don’t see this sentiment about Iowa anywhere outside of social media and forums. Iowa has some vocal critics but their constant doomsday posting should not be interpreted as truth. Iowa is an always favorite for runner-up at NCAAs and they are very consistent from year to year. They do get recruits and they do develop wrestlers - folks just cherry pick the failures and TnT don’t give a crap about their image on the internet.

TBH I’m amazed to defend Brands, I just don’t buy the narrative and am protesting mobthink lol
You don't think other coaches and/or their surrogates aren't using subtle messages against each other? "We aren't about winning at all cost. We are about fun." "We have a culture that's focused on education and wrestling. There is no room for partying." On and on.

It's interesting that the top 3 wrestling schools all have gold medalists at the helm. The point is, use it to your advantage.
I think using average placement is misleading. Since Cael has been at Penn State, Oklahoma State has averaged 3rd place. Have you been happy with the Cowboys consistent success the last 14 years?

(Also, fun fact, Iowa has finished in 2nd place to Penn State just once. Ok St has finished 2nd to Penn State twice.)

I think a better metric is average team score per year:
1) PSU: 121.7
2) Iowa: 90.5
3) Ok St: 73.4

This better shows the gap that needs to be traversed to catch Penn State and how far behind Iowa actually is. Of course, I agree with everyone on here, Oklahoma State will soon be replacing Iowa as Penn State's main rival.
That is eye opening.
You don't think other coaches and/or their surrogates aren't using subtle messages against each other? "We aren't about winning at all cost. We are about fun." "We have a culture that's focused on education and wrestling. There is no room for partying." On and on.

It's interesting that the top 3 wrestling schools all have gold medalists at the helm. The point is, use it to your advantage.
I'm sure they do sell their programs but I'm not going to pretend I know what coaches say about each other. My comments are more about the online wrestling community deciding that "Iowa is a dying program that can't develop anybody and needs a complete reform". There's a plethora of evidence that Iowa generally kicks a lot of butt - arguably more than any other team not PSU. The same convos happen all the time across all kinds of sports fandom any time a team dares to not win a championship, so it's not like my little protest is going to move the needle on pie-in-the-sky critiques. Just pointing it out.

Also if they are flailing I want them to continue business as usual. haha. Bring back AJ Ferrari!

Seriously though unless there's crazy improvement by OSU (not counting us out but we have to do it not just want it), Iowa will smoke us again this year - they outrank us in 9/10 weights lol
Seriously though unless there's crazy improvement by OSU (not counting us out but we have to do it not just want it), Iowa will smoke us again this year - they outrank us in 9/10 weights lol
I think OSU will be very strong from 157-197. Teemer isn't a Hawk yet, and seems to be a slight lean against being one. So Fish. Hamiti is better than Arnold. Plott is better than Brands. Keck is even with Buchanan (if Buchanan shows up).
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Keck is even with Buchanan (if Buchanan shows up).
who is this Keck fella?
Iowa/OSU Dual in my attempted unbiased of opinion
Cruz v. Spratley 0-4
Ayala v. Witcraft 3-4
Block v. Hughes 6-4
Parco v. Tagen 9-4
Cobe (Don’t think Teemer comes) v. Fish 12-4
Cali v. Amine 15-4
Gabe v. Hamiti 15-7
Nelson v. Plott 15-10 I personally think Nelson will win this but I’m trying to be take my bias out
Buchanan v. Surber 18-10
Ben v. Wyatt 18-13
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who is this Keck fella?
Iowa/OSU Dual in my attempted unbiased of opinion
Cruz v. Spratley 0-4
Ayala v. Witcraft 3-4
Block v. Hughes 6-4
Parco v. Tagen 9-4
Cobe (Don’t think Teemer comes) v. Fish 12-4
Cali v. Amine 15-4
Gabe v. Hamiti 15-7
Nelson v. Plott 15-10 I personally think Nelson will win this but I’m trying to be take my bias out
Buchanan v. Surber 18-10
Ben v. Wyatt 18-13
You think some dipshit named Nelson will beat Plott?
who is this Keck fella?
Iowa/OSU Dual in my attempted unbiased of opinion
Cruz v. Spratley 0-4
Ayala v. Witcraft 3-4
Block v. Hughes 6-4
Parco v. Tagen 9-4
Cobe (Don’t think Teemer comes) v. Fish 12-4
Cali v. Amine 15-4
Gabe v. Hamiti 15-7
Nelson v. Plott 15-10 I personally think Nelson will win this but I’m trying to be take my bias out
Buchanan v. Surber 18-10
Ben v. Wyatt 18-13
Isn't the transfer portal closed? Teemer and Buchanan are seniors right?
I think using average placement is misleading. Since Cael has been at Penn State, Oklahoma State has averaged 3rd place. Have you been happy with the Cowboys consistent success the last 14 years?

(Also, fun fact, Iowa has finished in 2nd place to Penn State just once. Ok St has finished 2nd to Penn State twice.)

I think a better metric is average team score per year:
1) PSU: 121.7
2) Iowa: 90.5
3) Ok St: 73.4

This better shows the gap that needs to be traversed to catch Penn State and how far behind Iowa actually is. Of course, I agree with everyone on here, Oklahoma State will soon be replacing Iowa as Penn State's main rival.
So I was bored this after at work and did a bit of digging into the past 10 years. It was pretty interesting. Here's the Top 10 by average team tournament finish.

TeamAvg PointsStDev PointsAvg PlaceStdDev Place
Penn State
Ohio State
Oklahoma State
Virginia Tech

Two teams with significantly lower average points have averaged higher finishes just due to consistency. Overall I think this does a great job of realistically representing where the program was at the end of last season. A chance for greatness in any given year, but also a chance for an major disappointment.

I would hope and expect Standard Deviations start shrinking and the average points start rising.
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So I was bored this after at work and did a bit of digging into the past 10 years. It was pretty interesting. Here's the Top 10 by average team tournament finish.

TeamAvg PointsStDev PointsAvg PlaceStdDev Place
Penn State
Ohio State
Oklahoma State
Virginia Tech

Two teams with significantly lower average points have averaged higher finishes just due to consistency. Overall I think this does a great job of realistically representing where the program was at the end of last season. A chance for greatness in any given year, but also a chance for an major disappointment.

I would hope and expect Standard Deviations start shrinking and the average points start rising.

This is great work. I like the use of standard deviation. Nebraska is really interesting because how they've managed to stay within the 8 to 12 range since 2014 (with one outlier at 5th).
who is this Keck fella?
Iowa/OSU Dual in my attempted unbiased of opinion
Cruz v. Spratley 0-4
Ayala v. Witcraft 3-4
Block v. Hughes 6-4
Parco v. Tagen 9-4
Cobe (Don’t think Teemer comes) v. Fish 12-4
Cali v. Amine 15-4
Gabe v. Hamiti 15-7
Nelson v. Plott 15-10 I personally think Nelson will win this but I’m trying to be take my bias out
Buchanan v. Surber 18-10
Ben v. Wyatt 18-13
Switch result of Cobe v Fish match. I like Fish here. 16-15 OSU.

Brain fart on Keck lol. Multi tasking late on a Friday afternoon.
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I know smoke is fire now for Buchanan (Oklahoma’s side conforming he is in Iowa City and doesn’t intend to return to Norman) That essentially means the portal rules are completely pointless (not too shocking) as I don’t think Buchanan ever entered the portal at all let alone by the spring deadline.
I know smoke is fire now for Buchanan (Oklahoma’s side conforming he is in Iowa City and doesn’t intend to return to Norman) That essentially means the portal rules are completely pointless (not too shocking) as I don’t think Buchanan ever entered the portal at all let alone by the spring deadline.
if the NCAA doesn't act on that, then it's the OK Corral going forward. The have's will buy anyone and everyone whenever they feel like it. Many keep saying Brands is good people, but I don't see good people doing it this way. This is WAAAY over the line IMO.
if the NCAA doesn't act on that, then it's the OK Corral going forward. The have's will buy anyone and everyone whenever they feel like it. Many keep saying Brands is good people, but I don't see good people doing it this way. This is WAAAY over the line IMO.
Talking about the Wild West and over the line — I heard Pearsall recently called Ayala to make a move to Stillwater
Talking about the Wild West and over the line — I heard Pearsall recently called Ayala to make a move to Stillwater
If true and not totally made up, Brands should definitely report that as Pearsall is a member of Oklahoma State's wrestling staff and that would be illegal.
Ben v. Wyatt 18-13
I could see most of these as possibilities but you think Wyatt will only decision Ben? I see this as bonus points all day. I could see Iowa being a slight edge at the beginning of the season but getting closer as the season goes on. OSU will be better this year than they were last year. People have only last year to go off of, but I think each team member will improve significantly this year. Just my opinion. Go Pokes.
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I know smoke is fire now for Buchanan (Oklahoma’s side conforming he is in Iowa City and doesn’t intend to return to Norman) That essentially means the portal rules are completely pointless (not too shocking) as I don’t think Buchanan ever entered the portal at all let alone by the spring deadline.
should have never left Wyoming.
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Talking about the Wild West and over the line — I heard Pearsall recently called Ayala to make a move to Stillwater
🤯what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Live by the sword, die by the sword. You make your bed and you sleep in it. I could go on all day.
I think using average placement is misleading. Since Cael has been at Penn State, Oklahoma State has averaged 3rd place. Have you been happy with the Cowboys consistent success the last 14 years?

(Also, fun fact, Iowa has finished in 2nd place to Penn State just once. Ok St has finished 2nd to Penn State twice.)

I think a better metric is average team score per year:
1) PSU: 121.7
2) Iowa: 90.5
3) Ok St: 73.4

This better shows the gap that needs to be traversed to catch Penn State and how far behind Iowa actually is. Of course, I agree with everyone on here, Oklahoma State will soon be replacing Iowa as Penn State's main rival.
I'm confused as to what you're calling "Average Placement". To me it means the average of finishes so that would seem to be; all place values added up, divided by the number of years.

Since 2010 that would be; PSU - 2.00, Iowa - 3.14, OSU 6.71.

I'm an engineer not an accountant so please tell me what I'm doing wrong.
I'm confused as to what you're calling "Average Placement". To me it means the average of finishes so that would seem to be; all place values added up, divided by the number of years.

Since 2010 that would be; PSU - 2.00, Iowa - 3.14, OSU 6.71.

I'm an engineer not an accountant so please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

I was responding to Alex about team point placement where he said Iowa was 2nd. You and Grumpy are correct about actual team placement.

Here's the points:
I was an English major so when I see those numbers my eyes tend to glaze over. I can count to 35 however so I know we have not reached that number and it is going on 20 years at 34 which is tantamount to Jack Benny at "age 39" when in reality he was in his 70's. True story, I have a grand daughter born on my 60th birthday and every year she would get a
birthday card from me. On her 21st birthday she got a card congratulating her on her 10th birthday. She is now 23 and today I am going to a baby shower for her 2nd child which will be my 15th great grand child. Numbers are important
but they can be spun any NUMBER of ways. I do not want to wait until my grand daughter is 40 for us to achieve
🤯what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Live by the sword, die by the sword. You make your bed and you sleep in it. I could go on all day.
I didn’t say I had a problem with it — my point is Iowa is not the only one trying to play this game. In Iowa’s defense, at least they don’t have coaches calling athletes
I didn’t say I had a problem with it — my point is Iowa is not the only one trying to play this game. In Iowa’s defense, at least they don’t have coaches calling athletes
Iowa seems to be playing the game differently if you believe a fraction of the stuff that we all have seen this offseason. No idea what all is true but it’s been a lot to say the least.
I think you misinterpret to a degree. By all accounts Bobby is a great guy, good coach, and better wrestler. I enjoyed watching him on the mat. When I use "Bobby Telford", it is actually a cut at Tom Brands for allowing someone else to be the face of his program to recruits.
How do you know how Tom recruits? From what you read on anonymous message boards?
if the NCAA doesn't act on that, then it's the OK Corral going forward. The have's will buy anyone and everyone whenever they feel like it. Many keep saying Brands is good people, but I don't see good people doing it this way. This is WAAAY over the line IMO.
Tom is good people. Don't forget it!
Not if everyone has dirty hands and is reporting them.

How do you know how Tom recruits? From what you read on anonymous message boards?

Tom is good people. Don't forget it!
Tom Brands allows bad actors to surround himself. That makes him complicit in what they do. You and most Iowa fans are delusional to the fact that Brands is now following and not leading.