Really? We're just figuring out we need an energy plan?


Heisman Winner
Sep 5, 2001

The link above is not breitbart or some other right-wing rag reporting that the White House does not have an plan for dealing with Europe's energy dependence on Russia while spending the last 3 months talking about Russia at the Ukraine doorstep? In my Mike Pence post last week, I highlighted that the current White House is disorganized and ill-prepared, and that it showed with the Afghan withdrawal, the lack of foresight for acquiring Covid tests, etc. I add the article above as yet another example of this being a myopic administration.
The second Brandon greenlighted Russia's pipeline and closed one of ours, it was obvious we have literally complete idiots in charge who actually believe white nationalism is the greatest threat to US security and forcing going green before green energy is viable physically and financially, proves they are about virtue signaling and solving "problems" they make up and then provide the solutions, just like their Racism BS. They are UNABLE TO SOLVE REAL PROBLEMS. All they know to do is to make a up a problem and then roll out the BS solution so they look accomplished to the idiots that vote them in. Rinse and repeat.