Raising the minimum wage doesn't help low wage workers, this is what you get instead.

WTF am I saying? If an unskilled worker's wages double, not for productivity, not for performance, but solely because the government says so, why shouldn't mine? Just using lib logic.....,

Could you please find me where a liberal has proposed that?
Wage compression is an intended effect of doubling the minimum wage. It will either cause the unskilled and skilled workers wages to narrow, putting them on more equal footing (the progressive wet dream) or it will cause the employer to raise all wages to account for and retain skill and experience, thus eroding the company's profit margin (another progressive wet dream).

What about those that lose jobs and can't get one? Government tit! What about prices inflating to cover the labor expenses that will erode buying power for everyone except high earners? Government tit, more minimum wage hikes, higher taxes to cover the cost of government milk, etc. Progressive social engineering needs everyone but the elite to be crawling in the dirt begging for scraps. They'll throw some out here and there to make sure the peasants keep hoping for a better day they promise to provide and keep "voting" the political class into power.

As Jerry Brown said last month regarding California's minimum wage law, “Economically, minimum wages may not make sense. But morally and socially and politically, they make every sense because it binds the community together and makes sure that parents can take care of their kids in a much more satisfactory way.”

As CowgirlUp likes to say, it's the optics that matter.
That is liberal logic all the way. It doesn't have to make sense to them. It doesn't have to be good in the end either( see public housing projects and free junk food for the poor and the obesity rate of the same demographic). It just has to sound like a yummy idea no matter how quickly or destructively it all comes crashing down.

Look at how feminism has ruined marriage. Look at how the attacks on Christians have ruined neighborhoods that depended on the community aspect of that culture. Well too bad Jesus wasn't real suck it.

Liberals just want to disrupt based on emotion and the minimum wage thing is another of the countless examples. The stupidest part about this whole dumb thing is people who are poor could live soooooo much better if someone, anyone would root out the corruption of the welfare system and other aspects of this predictable government bloating over the last fifty years. We are the richest country in the world all the while people rot in their own shacks or on the streets while the repubes and dems bicker using their bases as proxy soldiers. Hell, the money spent on attack ads during one election cycle could bring tens of thousands of people up several notches on the economic cycle. The priorities of politicians...
Also, some of these "I don't give a crap about my job" hourly workers had better watch out who they might be replaced by.
That is liberal logic all the way. It doesn't have to make sense to them. It doesn't have to be good in the end either( see public housing projects and free junk food for the poor and the obesity rate of the same demographic). It just has to sound like a yummy idea no matter how quickly or destructively it all comes crashing down.

Look at how feminism has ruined marriage. Look at how the attacks on Christians have ruined neighborhoods that depended on the community aspect of that culture. Well too bad Jesus wasn't real suck it.

Liberals just want to disrupt based on emotion and the minimum wage thing is another of the countless examples. The stupidest part about this whole dumb thing is people who are poor could live soooooo much better if someone, anyone would root out the corruption of the welfare system and other aspects of this predictable government bloating over the last fifty years. We are the richest country in the world all the while people rot in their own shacks or on the streets while the repubes and dems bicker using their bases as proxy soldiers. Hell, the money spent on attack ads during one election cycle could bring tens of thousands of people up several notches on the economic cycle. The priorities of politicians...

A repeat, but self-explanatory:–Piven_strategy

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