There is no argument that Zionism is a racist, hate-filled, Jewish-supremacist, settler-colonialist ideology hell bent on driving any and all non-Jews out of their presence and having total control of a land of their choosing. Surely no one can possibly disagree with that. So the question becomes: by the year 2024 has Israel reached max-Zionism. With the rise in the Israeli government of Bibi Netanyahu, Itamar ben-Gvir, Batelel Smoltrich and even (or especially) Yoav Gallant into positions of power can Zionism grow any greater, or has the world seen peak-Zionism? What more could the Zionists do to cleanse the land for its satisfaction? Before you get your panties twisted into knots in your butt crack please let me point out that I am talking specifically about Zionism the political ideology, not Judaism the religion. So stuff your claims of anti-Semitism back in your pocket. I’m talking political ideology here, not religion. How much more can the Zionists do to achieve their final goal?