
Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
There is no argument that Zionism is a racist, hate-filled, Jewish-supremacist, settler-colonialist ideology hell bent on driving any and all non-Jews out of their presence and having total control of a land of their choosing. Surely no one can possibly disagree with that. So the question becomes: by the year 2024 has Israel reached max-Zionism. With the rise in the Israeli government of Bibi Netanyahu, Itamar ben-Gvir, Batelel Smoltrich and even (or especially) Yoav Gallant into positions of power can Zionism grow any greater, or has the world seen peak-Zionism? What more could the Zionists do to cleanse the land for its satisfaction? Before you get your panties twisted into knots in your butt crack please let me point out that I am talking specifically about Zionism the political ideology, not Judaism the religion. So stuff your claims of anti-Semitism back in your pocket. I’m talking political ideology here, not religion. How much more can the Zionists do to achieve their final goal?
There is no argument that HitlerDan is a rabid racist, hate-filled, anti-Semite who is a piece of shit and a garbage "human" being (an asshole).

His type were celebrating in 1930s Germany as Synagogues burned, Jewish businesses were stolen, and Jews taken away in cattle cars.
How about you? Have we reached peak Zionism?
There is no argument that Zionism is a racist, hate-filled, Jewish-supremacist, settler-colonialist ideology hell bent on driving any and all non-Jews out of their presence and having total control of a land of their choosing. Surely no one can possibly disagree with that. So the question becomes: by the year 2024 has Israel reached max-Zionism. With the rise in the Israeli government of Bibi Netanyahu, Itamar ben-Gvir, Batelel Smoltrich and even (or especially) Yoav Gallant into positions of power can Zionism grow any greater, or has the world seen peak-Zionism? What more could the Zionists do to cleanse the land for its satisfaction? Before you get your panties twisted into knots in your butt crack please let me point out that I am talking specifically about Zionism the political ideology, not Judaism the religion. So stuff your claims of anti-Semitism back in your pocket. I’m talking political ideology here, not religion. How much more can the Zionists do to achieve their final goal?
You tell us.
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You tell us.
Yes, I think Israel has reached peak-Zionism and has nowhere to go but down from here. The wonder is whether it takes us and much of the rest of the world down with it. So what about you? Are we at max-Zionism or is there more evil left in its arsenal?
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No, it wouldn't.
The subject is Israel & Zionism, not Iran. It is astonishing to me how badly you guys want to avoid talking about Israeli malfeasance and circle back to Iran, yet you never start a thread about Iran. If that’s the subject you want to talk about why don’t you start a thread and talk about it?
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The subject is Israel & Zionism, not Iran. It is astonishing to me how badly you guys want to avoid talking about Israeli malfeasance and circle back to Iran, yet you never start a thread about Iran. If that’s the subject you want to talk about why don’t you start a thread and talk about it?
It’s amazing you expect Israel to be a punching bag for Iran’s regime. None of this would be taking place without Iran’s support and approval, which has been allowed and funded by that idiot in the White House.
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Yes, I think Israel has reached peak-Zionism and has nowhere to go but down from here. The wonder is whether it takes us and much of the rest of the world down with it. So what about you? Are we at max-Zionism or is there more evil left in its arsenal?
Well there you go. You have the answer to your own question. Why bombard this board with endless questions about the Jews when you clearly have the answers you're looking for in your own head. What's wrong with you man?
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Well there you go. You have the answer to your own question. Why bombard this board with endless questions about the Jews when you clearly have the answers you're looking for in your own head. What's wrong with you man?
Trying to have a conversation, a civil conversation if possible, with people whose opinions differ from mine. That’s why this board exists, isn’t it?
It’s amazing you expect Israel to be a punching bag for Iran’s regime. None of this would be taking place without Iran’s support and approval, which has been allowed and funded by that idiot in the White House.
Poor little defenseless Israel, a punching bag for that military behemoth in Iran. Such victims, always victims.
Poor little defenseless Israel, a punching bag for that military behemoth in Iran. Such victims, always victims.
Make no mistake Dan, Israel is not a victim in your sense of the word. They are taking matters into their own hands and taking care of the problem people like you want to perpetuate.
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Make no mistake Dan, Israel is not a victim in your sense of the word. They are taking matters into their own hands and taking care of the problem people like you want to perpetuate.
Make no mistake, Bearcat, the LAST thing I want is for the violence to perpetuate. But as long as one side in the conflict treats the other side as human animals the violence will continue nonstop.
This thread is crazy.

A few years ago you’d’ve had to go to a skinhead/Neo nazi board to see this shit.

Thanks Obama.
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Make no mistake, Bearcat, the LAST thing I want is for the violence to perpetuate. But as long as one side in the conflict treats the other side as human animals the violence will continue nonstop.
Remind me the name of the militant Jewish proxies continually attacking Tehran? Denying the right of Iran to exist?

This thing is one-sided in your pea brain?
Make no mistake, Bearcat, the LAST thing I want is for the violence to perpetuate. But as long as one side in the conflict treats the other side as human animals the violence will continue nonstop.
Dan I sincerely think you believe you are trying to stop the violence but you are naively only perpetuating the problem. They have tried peace and it isn't and hasn't worked. Unless you want the violence to continue year after year, decade after decade it's time to solve the problem once and for all. Personally I don't want to leave my kids and their future generations the problems we created, allowed to fester, refused to address and left them to deal with.
As long as you only blame one side you will never solve the problem and continue to be Sinwar's useful idiot.
Remind me the name of the militant Jewish proxies continually attacking Tehran? Denying the right of Iran to exist?

This thing is one-sided in your pea brain?
It’s not just Iran they attack, it’s Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria. Who just carried out assassinations in foreign lands, one, ironically since you brought it up, in Teheran, the other in Beirut. In case you don’t know it was Israel that was the terrorist. Which country bombed an Iranian diplomatic house in April. Israel again! Which country drops white phospherous on civilian villages in Lebanon, a clear war crime that is totally ignored by the terrorists. Oh, yeah, that is Israel, too. So please spare me the “poor little old Israel, the victim, always the victim” routine. Israel is every bit as evil as the Muslims you want so badly to hate.
Dan I sincerely think you believe you are trying to stop the violence but you are naively only perpetuating the problem. They have tried peace and it isn't and hasn't worked. Unless you want the violence to continue year after year, decade after decade it's time to solve the problem once and for all. Personally I don't want to leave my kids and their future generations the problems we created, allowed to fester, refused to address and left them to deal with.
As long as you only blame one side you will never solve the problem and continue to be Sinwar's useful idiot.
You miss the point. I’m not trying to stop the violence by posting on this board, that would be pure stupidity. This is supposed to be a place where opinions are exchanged with the full understanding that nothing goes any further. The powers that be don’t know we exist and care even less what we think, they do what they want to do, we’re just background noise to them.

As far as stopping the violence, I posit that Israel’s tactic of always ratcheting up the violence (you kill one of us we’ll kill 10 of you) has never stopped anything. It is a policy destined for failure. It has failed for almost a century. There is no way a people would sit meekly and be treated with the harshness Israel has treated Palestinians without fomenting violence. I doubt there’s a person on this board that would accept the Palestinians’ fate without recourse to violence. I know you don’t want to hear it but the truth is Israel is the aggressor in this conflict. You have it exactly backward; the Palestinians react with violence when they don’t think they can stand being treated as human animals one more second. You keep accusing me of posting “Hamas propaganda,” when in reality you have been so manipulated by Zionist propaganda for the last few decades you actually believe Israel is the victim and only reacts in self defense.
What a laugh. You use the most vicious, inflammatory, and hateful rhetoric in your posts, and you get way less shit than you deserve.
You’re probably right. But I would point out my inflammatory and hateful rhetoric is directed at governments, government policies, government actors, ideologies that drive those policies and actors, and rarely at you personally. Unfortunately you can’t say the same.
It’s not just Iran they attack, it’s Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria. Who just carried out assassinations in foreign lands, one, ironically since you brought it up, in Teheran, the other in Beirut. In case you don’t know it was Israel that was the terrorist. Which country bombed an Iranian diplomatic house in April. Israel again! Which country drops white phospherous on civilian villages in Lebanon, a clear war crime that is totally ignored by the terrorists. Oh, yeah, that is Israel, too. So please spare me the “poor little old Israel, the victim, always the victim” routine. Israel is every bit as evil as the Muslims you want so badly to hate.

Which of the places you listed is Iran not supporting terrorism against Israel?

None of them.
Which of the places you listed is Iran not supporting terrorism against Israel?

None of them.
You’re missing the point. Tons’ argument is Israel doesn’t attack first in other countries, everything is self defense. I pointed out a handful of places where Israel has attacked first without provocation.
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You miss the point. I’m not trying to stop the violence by posting on this board, that would be pure stupidity. This is supposed to be a place where opinions are exchanged with the full understanding that nothing goes any further. The powers that be don’t know we exist and care even less what we think, they do what they want to do, we’re just background noise to them.

As far as stopping the violence, I posit that Israel’s tactic of always ratcheting up the violence (you kill one of us we’ll kill 10 of you) has never stopped anything. It is a policy destined for failure. It has failed for almost a century. There is no way a people would sit meekly and be treated with the harshness Israel has treated Palestinians without fomenting violence. I doubt there’s a person on this board that would accept the Palestinians’ fate without recourse to violence. I know you don’t want to hear it but the truth is Israel is the aggressor in this conflict. You have it exactly backward; the Palestinians react with violence when they don’t think they can stand being treated as human animals one more second. You keep accusing me of posting “Hamas propaganda,” when in reality you have been so manipulated by Zionist propaganda for the last few decades you actually believe Israel is the victim and only reacts in self defense.
The only media I consume on Israel comes from your propaganda. Our difference is I can see the propaganda, you can't. My opinion on Israel comes from personal expereince, travel and talking with people from both sides who have been there, grew up there and have ties there. I don't trust the media to tell me anything about Israel, especially your preferred propaganda outlets.
While you may think the Palestinians are peace loving, people who merely want to be left alone, you couldn't be further off base. They are violent, have no control of their emotions and fully believe they and they alone should control and inhabit all of Israel. There is also a large percentage that have been so radicalized they believe every Jew on earth should be killed. I would also point out the Palestinians would just as soon you join the Jews in death after you usefulness as a useful idiot is over.
Maybe I'm old school but war is not pretty and is over when the side you are fighting decides to surrender. Strange how you refuse to see this and continue to support a bunch of terrorist.
The only media I consume on Israel comes from your propaganda. Our difference is I can see the propaganda, you can't. My opinion on Israel comes from personal expereince, travel and talking with people from both sides who have been there, grew up there and have ties there. I don't trust the media to tell me anything about Israel, especially your preferred propaganda outlets.
While you may think the Palestinians are peace loving, people who merely want to be left alone, you couldn't be further off base. They are violent, have no control of their emotions and fully believe they and they alone should control and inhabit all of Israel. There is also a large percentage that have been so radicalized they believe every Jew on earth should be killed. I would also point out the Palestinians would just as soon you join the Jews in death after you usefulness as a useful idiot is over.
Maybe I'm old school but war is not pretty and is over when the side you are fighting decides to surrender. Strange how you refuse to see this and continue to support a bunch of terrorist.
I don’t think the Palestinians are any more peace loving than any other people. I do think they chaff at being chased out of their homeland, rounded up into an open air concentration camp, treated like slaves in an apartheid state, and for some of them (about 30-50,000 of them out of 2,300,000) it boils into violence. What Israel is doing to the remaining 2,250,000 exceeds what you tell yourself is wartime tactics. And unless Israel kills every last one of them (as you have said you’re fine with) the violence will resurrect a few years down the road. How do you expect young Palestinian boys who are 6-12 years old will behave when they are men of fighting age? The tactic of genocide has no end beyond reprisal ten to fifteen years from now. And that’s assuming the Zionist leadership doesn’t get its way and start a regional war that will wipe Israel as we know it off the map, along with most of the rest of the Middle East, if not the whole world. I don’t want that to happen. I don’t think you do either, but to be honest I don’t know if that’s how you feel or not.
You’re probably right. But I would point out my inflammatory and hateful rhetoric is directed at governments, government policies, government actors, ideologies that drive those policies and actors, and rarely at you personally. Unfortunately you can’t say the same.
Liar. Your hateful, inflammatory rhetoric is against an entire religion of 10 million people.

EDIT: 16 million
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I don’t think the Palestinians are any more peace loving than any other people. I do think they chaff at being chased out of their homeland, rounded up into an open air concentration camp, treated like slaves in an apartheid state, and for some of them (about 30-50,000 of them out of 2,300,000) it boils into violence. What Israel is doing to the remaining 2,250,000 exceeds what you tell yourself is wartime tactics. And unless Israel kills every last one of them (as you have said you’re fine with) the violence will resurrect a few years down the road. How do you expect young Palestinian boys who are 6-12 years old will behave when they are men of fighting age? The tactic of genocide has no end beyond reprisal ten to fifteen years from now. And that’s assuming the Zionist leadership doesn’t get its way and start a regional war that will wipe Israel as we know it off the map, along with most of the rest of the Middle East, if not the whole world. I don’t want that to happen. I don’t think you do either, but to be honest I don’t know if that’s how you feel or not.
Who led you to believe Israel's majority is white European and Russian Jews?
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You’re missing the point. Tons’ argument is Israel doesn’t attack first in other countries, everything is self defense. I pointed out a handful of places where Israel has attacked first without provocation.

Why did Israel attack?


Why are you pro Iranian imperialism?
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There is no argument that Zionism is a racist, hate-filled, Jewish-supremacist, settler-colonialist ideology hell bent on driving any and all non-Jews out of their presence and having total control of a land of their choosing. Surely no one can possibly disagree with that. So the question becomes: by the year 2024 has Israel reached max-Zionism. With the rise in the Israeli government of Bibi Netanyahu, Itamar ben-Gvir, Batelel Smoltrich and even (or especially) Yoav Gallant into positions of power can Zionism grow any greater, or has the world seen peak-Zionism? What more could the Zionists do to cleanse the land for its satisfaction? Before you get your panties twisted into knots in your butt crack please let me point out that I am talking specifically about Zionism the political ideology, not Judaism the religion. So stuff your claims of anti-Semitism back in your pocket. I’m talking political ideology here, not religion. How much more can the Zionists do to achieve their final goal?
Will you ever win that argument in yer melon Dan?
There is no argument that Zionism is a racist, hate-filled, Jewish-supremacist, settler-colonialist ideology hell bent on driving any and all non-Jews out of their presence and having total control of a land of their choosing. Surely no one can possibly disagree with that. So the question becomes: by the year 2024 has Israel reached max-Zionism. With the rise in the Israeli government of Bibi Netanyahu, Itamar ben-Gvir, Batelel Smoltrich and even (or especially) Yoav Gallant into positions of power can Zionism grow any greater, or has the world seen peak-Zionism? What more could the Zionists do to cleanse the land for its satisfaction? Before you get your panties twisted into knots in your butt crack please let me point out that I am talking specifically about Zionism the political ideology, not Judaism the religion. So stuff your claims of anti-Semitism back in your pocket. I’m talking political ideology here, not religion. How much more can the Zionists do to achieve their final goal?
I am a Zionist. I am also a Gentile. I love how you make such a declarative statement when voicing your opinion. That's straight out of the leftist playbook.

Let me tell you Israel will own the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. God has declared it and what He declares (see below) will happen. When this has happened you will have reached max Zionism.

You are a speck of dust in His universe. You have worth because He made you in His image as He did all mankind. Jews are not supreme. God is.

Your ultimate problem is with God.

Isaiah 46:

10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

12 Hearken unto me, ye stouthearted, that are far from righteousness:

13 I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

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