I’m well aware of that.
Obama micromanaged his generals because he knew better.
Obama proclaimed he was better than his policy advisors.
Obama proclaimed he was better than his speech writers.
The Obama whitehouse wreaked of micromanagement
How often did he refer to himself (used I)?
1/5/16 gun control speech 76 Times in 33 Minutes
10/1/15 after mass shooting 28 Times in 12 Minutes
1/27/15 on India 118 Times in 33 Minutes
Pass the baton speech for Hillary 119 Times in 45 Minutes.
Who was it about, him or her?
At least Trump appoints and lets them run their stuff.
Why has he made more gains vs ISIS in half the time?
He let his generals take care of it.
Oh, Obama also interferes and prevented arrest and prosecution of Hezbollah running drugs, guns, money, etc.
Remember Trump and his hands comment?
Remember the media outrage?
What if Trump did this?
Trump’s attacks on CNN are a sign of narcissism right?
What about Obama’s attacks on Fox?
Obama isn’t even president and he’s still rustled about Fox.
Lastly, has Trump weaponized the IRS against those who oppose him?
Has Trump allowed the DOJ and FBI NAD’s abuse NSA access to spy on the opposition party?
Talk about thin skinned and insecure.
When Trump does those things then I’ll put him on Obama’s level.
Oh yeah, and don’t forget Obama And his 15lb dumbbells.
At least we know he can lift a pussyhat.
Oh, again I must ask.
Is it true Prince Al Talweed paid for Obama’s Harvard education?