Question For Those Cheering The “Pager Attack”

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
What’s the difference between your glee in hearing about the attack killing and injuring thousands of Lebanese, many of whom were innocent civilians and your hatred/disgust toward Palestinians who cheer when Hamas pulls off a similar terrorist attack against innocent Israelis?
What’s the difference between your glee in hearing about the attack killing and injuring thousands of Lebanese, many of whom were innocent civilians and your hatred/disgust toward Palestinians who cheer when Hamas pulls off a similar terrorist attack against innocent Israelis?
1. This was against Hezbollah, not Hamas or the "Lebanese"
2. This is about as targeted attack as any military/intelligence agency could hope to pull off during war time.
3. You have no proof to back up your claims of "many" innocent civilian deaths
4. This was in retaliation for years of Hezbollah attacks on Israel, including the murder of 12 innocent Druze children who were only playing soccer.

Given the gross limitations on your critical thinking skills and logic, and your hatred of the Jewish people which further clouds your foggy brain, I'm sure I'm just pissing in the wind here.
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Good grief Dan
What’s the difference between your glee in hearing about the attack killing and injuring thousands of Lebanese, many of whom were innocent civilians and your hatred/disgust toward Palestinians who cheer when Hamas pulls off a similar terrorist attack against innocent Israelis?
White knighting for terrorist is not a good look for you Dan.
1. This was against Hezbollah, not Hamas or the "Lebanese"
2. This is about as targeted attack as any military/intelligence agency could hope to pull off during war time.
3. You have no proof to back up your claims of "many" innocent civilian deaths
4. This was in retaliation for years of Hezbollah attacks on Israel, including the murder of 12 innocent Druze children who were only playing soccer.

Given the gross limitations on your critical thinking skills and logic, and your hatred of the Jewish people which further clouds your foggy brain, I'm sure I'm just pissing in the wind here.
Setting aside your personal insult at the end I appreciate that you gave a thoughtful reply.

1) Yes, I know it was Lebanon, not Gaza, where the attack occurred. I was remembering several posters saying the people in Gaza deserved what Israel was dishing out because even though they had no prior knowledge that the Oct 7 attack would happen they cheered after the fact. Which makes me wonder if those same people think they would deserve an attack on them personally and/or their family members for doing the same thing as the people in Gaza.

2) & 3) Hezbollah, like Hamas, has a political wing and a military wing. The political wing is active in the civil governance of Lebanon. They are not fighters. Yet many of them had been handed the pagers to take with them wherever they go, putting everyone around them at risk. Which is what happened. Many of the injured and some of the killed were innocent civilians. Yet they were targeted right along with those in the military wing (which I assume you believe were legitimate targets). Plus, I don’t believe the two sides are technically at war. An argument is being made that what Israel did was a violation of international humanitarian law, the document of which both Israel & the USA are signatories.

4) You call it retaliation, which I suppose it is. Do you not believe that Hezbollah’s attacks are in retaliation for years of Israeli atracks on their country? Israel’s attacks include dropping white phosphorous on Lebanese villages, a well documented war crime. My point being neither side is the “good guy” side. Actually that’s been my point from the beginning.

Again, with the exception of your closing insult I appreciate that you made a reasoned argument.
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Dan has no concept of “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”.
Of course I understand that concept. Who alive in today’s world doesn’t recognize it is the path everyone follows? Look where it is getting us!
Setting aside your personal insult at the end I appreciate that you gave a thoughtful reply.

1) Yes, I know it was Lebanon, not Gaza, where the attack occurred. I was remembering several posters saying the people in Gaza deserved what Israel was dishing out because even though they had no prior knowledge that the Oct 7 attack would happen they cheered after the fact. Which makes me wonder if those same people think they would deserve an attack on them personally and/or their family members for doing the same thing as the people in Gaza.

2) & 3) Hezbollah, like Hamas, has a political wing and a military wing. The political wing is active in the civil governance of Lebanon. They are not fighters. Yet many of them had been handed the pagers to take with them wherever they go, putting everyone around them at risk. Which is what happened. Many of the injured and some of the killed were innocent civilians. Yet they were targeted right along with those in the military wing (which I assume you believe were legitimate targets). Plus, I don’t believe the two sides are technically at war. An argument is being made that what Israel did was a violation of international humanitarian law, the document of which both Israel & the USA are signatories.

4) You call it retaliation, which I suppose it is. Do you not believe that Hezbollah’s attacks are in retaliation for years of Israeli atracks on their country? Israel’s attacks include dropping white phosphorous on Lebanese villages, a well documented war crime. My point being neither side is the “good guy” side. Actually that’s been my point from the beginning.

Again, with the exception of your closing insult I appreciate that you made a reasoned argument.
How many missiles has Hezbollah targeted Israel with in the last year? There is no difference between the military wing of Hezbollah and the political wing.

Here you go Dan.
Thanks, I’ll read it, but I have a pretty good notion of what was the intended message. And I imagine the message has been heard loud and clear by every Lebanese. I was watching a young Lebanese-American journalist who lives in Beirut saying the terror within the population has spread far and wide. Along with a revitalized hatred of Israel that will not go away easily or soon. Do both sides in the conflict get to practice “an eye for an eye,” or is that reserved for Israel only?
How many missiles has Hezbollah targeted Israel with in the last year? There is no difference between the military wing of Hezbollah and the political wing.
I don’t know how many drone/missile attacks by Hezbollah on Israel in the last year, do you? How many missile attacks and air sorties has Israel used to punish Lebanon? You are the victim of years of manipulation regarding both Hamas and Hezbollah. A member of Hezbollah who administers a hospital is vastly different from a fighter. What you ‘re thinking and saying is a bureaucrat from America’s Department of Commerce is the same thing as a Navy Seal.
I don’t know how many drone/missile attacks by Hezbollah on Israel in the last year, do you? How many missile attacks and air sorties has Israel used to punish Lebanon? You are the victim of years of manipulation regarding both Hamas and Hezbollah. A member of Hezbollah who administers a hospital is vastly different from a fighter. What you ‘re thinking and saying is a bureaucrat from America’s Department of Commerce is the same thing as a Navy Seal.
The article tells you. LMAO
What’s the difference between your glee in hearing about the attack killing and injuring thousands of Lebanese, many of whom were innocent civilians and your hatred/disgust toward Palestinians who cheer when Hamas pulls off a similar terrorist attack against innocent Israelis?

How is it that you still have your family jewels being that you are so disposed to be a colleague of Palistinian Jew-killers? Did you not renew your international contract with AT&T or was it that someone did not know your phone number? I bet they get it right on the next round. Pay phones are your friend, punk. You know how the old ditty goes, "call me, just call me". You'll never hear the ring.
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How is it that you still have your family jewels being that you are so disposed to be a colleague of Palistinian Jew-killers? Did you not renew your international contract with AT&T or was it that someone did not know your phone number? I bet they get it right on the next round. Pay phones are your friend, punk. You know how the old ditty goes, "call me, just call me". You'll never hear the ring.
You seem to have slipped off the rails. Your insulting behavior is not what the thread is about.
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I don't get the tactical reason for doing this. You had access to their communication system have it all away. Especially if was isn't imminent.

Good thing none of them were not on a flight. Taking down an airliner full of civilians, ouch.
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I don't get the tactical reason for doing this. You had access to their communication system have it all away. Especially if was isn't imminent.

Good thing none of them were not on a flight. Taking down an airliner full of civilians, ouch.
Does your cell signal work in the air? Also, I bet Israel limited their text to very specific broadcast towers.
What’s the difference between your glee in hearing about the attack killing and injuring thousands of Lebanese, many of whom were innocent civilians and your hatred/disgust toward Palestinians who cheer when Hamas pulls off a similar terrorist attack against innocent Israelis?
That’s an easy one. We’re not terrorists and we don’t support terrorists. What a dumb f.ucking question.
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What’s the difference between your glee in hearing about the attack killing and injuring thousands of Lebanese, many of whom were innocent civilians and your hatred/disgust toward Palestinians who cheer when Hamas pulls off a similar terrorist attack against innocent Israelis?

Here's one big difference. Israel didn't start this conflict. They're fighting back.

If this doesn't register with you, then try this. The next time you are at the store, pick out some big dude minding his own business, go up to him and clock him in the face. Watch what happens next.
Here's one big difference. Israel didn't start this conflict. They're fighting back.

If this doesn't register with you, then try this. The next time you are at the store, pick out some big dude minding his own business, go up to him and clock him in the face. Watch what happens next.
Israel didn’t start the conflict, you say? Are you sure about that?
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What’s the difference between your glee in hearing about the attack killing and injuring thousands of Lebanese, many of whom were innocent civilians and your hatred/disgust toward Palestinians who cheer when Hamas pulls off a similar terrorist attack against innocent Israelis?

Because of the propensity for scumbag terrorists to hide out in hospitals & schools there is always collateral damage. Get your home boys to stay away from the cities and the locals and have them make their calls from the pay phone over at the edge of the oasis. Doubt many of them played baseball but there is a device I wore as a catcher that might just come in handy. Christmas is coming [P-Dan], don't be a scrooge, send some over.
Because of the propensity for scumbag terrorists to hide out in hospitals & schools there is always collateral damage. Get your home boys to stay away from the cities and the locals and have them make their calls from the pay phone over at the edge of the oasis. Doubt many of them played baseball but there is a device I wore as a catcher that might just come in handy. Christmas is coming [P-Dan], don't be a scrooge, send some over.
Are you able to answer the question, or do you keep avoiding it because you know you won't like what the answer would have to be?

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I swear those look like soldiers in uniform. Am I hallucinating? Isn't the consensus on this board that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization whose fighters won't wear uniforms because they're cowards?
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Are you really this obtuse?
I guess I am. Do you find my comment offensive for some reason? I made it because earlier in another thread someone was saying one way to know Hezbollah fighters are terrorists, not soldiers, is because they won't wear uniforms so the enemy can't tell who they are. Well, it looks like that picture belies his comment.
I guess I am. Do you find my comment offensive for some reason? I made it because earlier in another thread someone was saying one way to know Hezbollah fighters are terrorists, not soldiers, is because they won't wear uniforms so the enemy can't tell who they are. Well, it looks like that picture belies his comment.
I don’t think he finds your comment offensive, I think he finds it obtuse, as do I.
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I don’t think he finds your comment offensive, I think he finds it obtuse, as do I.
Dan thinks Israel's majority is white European and Russian (and now apparently American too) Jews. It shouldn't shock anyone that he's clueless that Lebanon has an actual military that is separate from the terrorist group.
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Are you able to answer the question, or do you keep avoiding it because you know you won't like what the answer would have to be?

The answer is in plain text. The fact that you cannot process the obvious is your problem. [P-DAN], you can lead a whore to culture but you can't make her think. Look in the mirror.