Question for the board libs


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008
So lets say your running for re-election in a highly competitive race against an independent or you bring the pres in to bolster your case for another term? Or do you run away from him and his policies?
Democrats remind me of the knights in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Sys so if you support his policies and want to continue to vote for his policies that doesn't matter? It's only about the numbers? By the way this isn't a gotcha attempt by me. I'm curious to understand why if you support everything the guy does and want to continue on that path, why you don't say so, have the guy come campaign for you and let it be known these are your stances.
Originally posted by windriverrange:
Sys so if you support his policies and want to continue to vote for his policies that doesn't matter? It's only about the numbers? By the way this isn't a gotcha attempt by me. I'm curious to understand why if you support everything the guy does and want to continue on that path, why you don't say so, have the guy come campaign for you and let it be known these are your stances.
Because if I'm trying to win in a red state, I wouldn't bring him in to offend people that disagree with him. Why do something that would help my opponent?

Would you feel better about democrats if they didn't try to win their elections, and instead ran commercials that helped their opponents?
Originally posted by windriverrange:
Sys so if you support his policies and want to continue to vote for his policies that doesn't matter? It's only about the numbers? By the way this isn't a gotcha attempt by me. I'm curious to understand why if you support everything the guy does and want to continue on that path, why you don't say so, have the guy come campaign for you and let it be known these are your stances.
Liberals can't run on what they truly believe. They would never win anything if they did.
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by windriverrange:
Sys so if you support his policies and want to continue to vote for his policies that doesn't matter? It's only about the numbers? By the way this isn't a gotcha attempt by me. I'm curious to understand why if you support everything the guy does and want to continue on that path, why you don't say so, have the guy come campaign for you and let it be known these are your stances.
Liberals can't run on what they truly believe. They would never win anything if they did.
Republicans are just as bad at running on what the special interests tell them too. The difference is they have done a horrible job of offering up electable candidates. W and GB senior gave the GOP a false sense of direction and now they are a decade behind in terms of positive turnover.
Republican critics are so 2008, it's all about Democrats and President Obama Bush asn't had power for years. Screw the Bush's if Jeb even comes close to being the nominee I'm totally done with Republicans but I'm certainly never going with the big government Democrats, they are anti liberty.
Originally posted by Headhunter:

Republican critics are so 2008, it's all about Democrats and President Obama Bush asn't had power for years. Screw the Bush's if Jeb even comes close to being the nominee I'm totally done with Republicans but I'm certainly never going with the big government Democrats, they are anti liberty.
So are Republicans.
I think it depends more on the candidate than anything. Some candidates will draw him close and some more centrist candidates will put some distance between them and Obama. The national party will definitely put him out there to keep the ethnic and welfare vote but they will not tie him to a candidate.

This post was edited on 10/10 10:45 AM by BvillePoker

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