question about CScott

Speculating about sock puppet accounts is a fun little time waster.
Sometimes you don't even have to speculate. Anybody remember the Auburn guy who posted everywhere under eleventy billion different handles? ohsfan or something like that. He hit the Ghetto a few times.
Sometimes you don't even have to speculate. Anybody remember the Auburn guy who posted everywhere under eleventy billion different handles? ohsfan or something like that. He hit the Ghetto a few times.

Always talking about goat fvcking?

Because we’re originally an A&M University?

Didn’t realize Auburn is an Ag University too?

That guy?

Doesn’t ring a bell.
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Accusing posters of being other posters is a time honored tradition here. When I started posting people accused me of being syskatine who they accused of being gonzo.

Yikes you have been linked to some nutty posters.
Damn, must think about how to provoke a Porky Shitstorm... Those are a lot of fan.
Post that we should string up Muslim women and children to the front of our tanks when we go to war. Maybe about turning the entire Middle East into nuclear glass.

Whomever likes that post is a prime suspect.
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I really hope that, in your head, you said that with a British accent a la Monte Python and the Holy Grail.

I 100% did

I bet toon knows the difference between a concentration camp and a detention center on the border.
No ****ing way. I don’t agree with pilt much of the time. But his IQ reaches well into triple digits. CScott comes up shy of three numerals.

Without discussing numbers, the difference in general intelligence is where I called BS. One will subtly make an intelligent argument. The other will quickly resort to using the F word and or say mean things about your mother.