Props to O-State Illustrated for providing this board.......

Guarantee you at least 2 lefties here have this McDonalds Employee ring and one still wears it to this day with Pride.
How did you even know about this stuff? Is this real?
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Guarantee you at least 2 lefties here have this McDonalds Employee ring and one still wears it to this day with Pride.
At first I thought the initials were "USC" which would have been just too awesome (Troyropa, are you still out there?), but it's actually "QSC.". I did some research and found the initials QSC&V associated with McD's, which stands for Quality, Service, Cleanliness, and Value. This must be something they give to store managers. I worked 2 summers at McD's and all I ever got was a "110%" hat pin. Didn't even get to keep the "gimme hat" that was part of my uniform.
Only fast food joint I ever worked at one summer I think after 10th grade was Danvers. Quit not long after the Butch Female Manager told me to serve a pan of toasted buns I dropped on the nasty greasy kitchen floor. NASTY!
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The apologists slowly faded into oblivion. I almost felt sorry for the Lamumba apologist after watching the Indian fairdinkem surgically destroy him. I'm glad I never had to test my limited debate skills against soonerinlOUisiana or fairdinkem.
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If you want I can put in a good word for you at the Sonic on 51. You’ll need three references though. Maybe get cleaned up and go make some friends with the other stay at home moms.

You are a loser. You will never be married, you will never have kids. You will die alone. Chew on that tonight in your parents spare room.
Sniff, sniff, you got me Harry.

Such a pitiful little loser. Almost like a nerve was touched.

I live one of the most blessed lives on earth. I always have. There are no nerves to touch. I just want you to know that we know the place in which your insults come from. You are completely naked here.
Something to ponder: when was the last time Clinton put you your heels like this? This is top 5 Harry triggered territory.

Let’s flesh this out.

You have made 30 email accounts in order to push your wrong opinions on internet strangers who find you repulsive.

How much weight do you think someone like that has in affecting other peoples lives?

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