Predictions for tonight's debate?

Oct 31, 2022
I think Trump's strategy tonight will mirror his strategy in the last debate: Basically lay back and let Kamala trip over her own words. Same thing he did with Biden. Trump was actually very reserved in the previous debate, I think he'll do the same tonight.

Apparently, Kamala's bff runs ABC News, so she will likely get the questions and that means she will already have the answers memorized and ABC and other MSM sources will be given a script on how to spin her answers. If she does well or even ok, gush about Kamala. If she totally bombs as Biden did, Obama may again put on the call to can her as he did with Biden.

I suspect this will be a pretty uneventful debate. Kamala just wants to get out of tonight not sounding like an idiot, and I don't think Trump will press her. I think it will be a fairly boring debate then in a week or so we'll see if Kamala is willing to do a third debate or not.
Highly anticipated events rarely live up to expectations.
Well the last one had the biggest implosion in US debate history.

And the chick replacing the guy that imploded isn't as smart as he is. So the potential for a repeat performance is there.

A lot riding on tonight's debate tonight. @my_2cents and I are hoping Kamala doesn't get jittery and show up drunk.
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Ready for sone Kamala word salad! Let’s see how well she fills up 2 straight minutes of air time.

That being said, I’m sure her handlers have prepped her pretty well just what to say. But going one on one in such high stakes situation is something I bet she’s never done before. She could choke it (pun intended) pretty big time.
like has been mentioned, she's had the questions and the answers will be canned. She's petty stupid so maybe it won't work.
I think Trump's strategy tonight will mirror his strategy in the last debate: Basically lay back and let Kamala trip over her own words. Same thing he did with Biden. Trump was actually very reserved in the previous debate, I think he'll do the same tonight.

Apparently, Kamala's bff runs ABC News, so she will likely get the questions and that means she will already have the answers memorized and ABC and other MSM sources will be given a script on how to spin her answers. If she does well or even ok, gush about Kamala. If she totally bombs as Biden did, Obama may again put on the call to can her as he did with Biden.

I suspect this will be a pretty uneventful debate. Kamala just wants to get out of tonight not sounding like an idiot, and I don't think Trump will press her. I think it will be a fairly boring debate then in a week or so we'll see if Kamala is willing to do a third debate or not.
I like this take.

If Kamala stayed off the sauce and actually prepared she will do fine.

Only wildcard is she’s unprepared for adversity, she’s been hiding and done no real press or been questioned by anyone but sycophants.

Trump has now been in 7 debates at this level. Kamala’s been in 1, and it was a primary.

I think we walk away where we started. She’s an unaccomplished liar, Trump is more measured which is a double edged sword, and both sides will score the debate 7/10 for their candidate.

Kamala needs to hold it together and somehow avoid word salads. She needs to keep avoiding policy questions. She needs to keep it vanilla.

Trump needs to make Kamala debate Kamala. The paperwork that came out today, and her policy positions in 2020, needs to be his focus, not how she got here. He needs to be careful personally attacking her. Policy not personal. And let. her. talk.
I like this take.

If Kamala stayed off the sauce and actually prepared she will do fine.

Only wildcard is she’s unprepared for adversity, she’s been hiding and done no real press or been questioned by anyone but sycophants.

Trump has now been in 7 debates at this level. Kamala’s been in 1, and it was a primary.

I think we walk away where we started. She’s an unaccomplished liar, Trump is more measured which is a double edged sword, and both sides will score the debate 7/10 for their candidate.

Kamala needs to hold it together and somehow avoid word salads. She needs to keep avoiding policy questions. She needs to keep it vanilla.

Trump needs to make Kamala debate Kamala. The paperwork that came out today, and her policy positions in 2020, needs to be his focus, not how she got here. He needs to be careful personally attacking her. Policy not personal. And let. her. talk.
I’m replying to myself, which is douchey.

But my last paragraph was a disaster. I forgot that the moderators are the ones who actually ask the questions because the last debate I saw Trump ran over them by just talking about whatever he wanted to (which is unorthodox).

Trump tried but he was fighting 3 people - CNN was shockingly more fair…but we now know that was because they were tossing Biden to the side.
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You were too scared to even play the game LOL Not posting all day then showing up minutes after the debate ended?
Skippy had to wait for his talking points. Sure took them a long time to get their stories straight, too. Trump won this one, as evidenced by skippy’s attempted chest-thumping, or at least the void where his chest should be.
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