Predictions for GOT season finale

Ep 10 was not just better than I expected, it was exponentially better than I hoped.

The music in the opening scenes in KL was horrifying in its cold, foreboding simplicity. The piano sounded out of place, somehow, which made it even more sinister.

Not a weak scene on the show, although I rewound it and had another look at the Varys character that showed up in Dorne after seeing him onboard Dani's Westeros-bound ship. Same fellow, I guess, but I felt we had been forced to dance "The Time Warp," again.

I had been trying to think of a phrase that expressed that a lot of things in the story had been wrapped up and tied with neat little bows, but @Mr. Blonde had already nailed it with, "Well, the decks have been cleared."

This episode will be remembered at the top of the heap, along with "The Red Wedding."
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Good question on where Dani is headed. Does she take the iron throne next season and then join the battle against the white walkers or wipe them out first. You know the Dragons are going to take care of the white walkers somehow.

I think it is pretty clear that they are headed for Dorne. To me, that was the whole point of showing Varys sealing the deal with the Dornish amazons and the Queen of Thorns, then showing him on the ship with Dani/Tyrion.

I was thinking about where Sam fits in, and I have a theory. The Citadel is right near Dorne. Perhaps his purpose is to end up being the one who convinces Tyrion/Dani of the seriousness of the WW threat and the need to take the dragons north to help. Maybe we don't see the showdown in KL until after things have been settled with the Night's King, and Sam is the catalyst to divert them from their current objective.
Did you need to have the street rat kids murder the maester? Really?

That was straight from the books with 1 subtle change. In the books, Varys is still in KL and the street urchins are working for him. They take out Pycelle, followed by Uncle Kevan. It seems like in HBO's version, they killed Pycelle simply because Cersei does not like him and finds him annoying. In the books, Varys has him and Kevan killed because they are strengthening Tommen politically by keeping Cersei from doing stupid things and giving Tommen good advice.
Well among all that stuff that we know, we now also know that Bran going across the Wall is going to open the gate for WW, so to speak.

You think Benjen might have been a double agent?

Good point. I don't think he was a double agent, but I can see the line of thinking. Help him get to the other side of the wall so the WW will be able to get past it. But, I think it is more likely that he just doesn't know that Bran has the KK's mark, or doesn't know why it is significant.

One thing I didn't understand. Why not take the two kids to the gate of Castle Black. How is Meera going to get Bran from where he dropped them to the Wall?
So is Jamie now going to hate Cersi?

My guess would be that Jaime will stay by Cersei's side, but her killing all of those innocent people will not sit well with him. Remember, he killed the Mad King because he wanted to prevent him from blowing up KL and killing innocent people. Jaime will be conflicted going forward. Cersei's prophecy said 2 key things. The first was that she would die by strangulation with her younger brother being the one who kills her. She is convinced that it will be Tyrion, but it seems more likely that this laid the groundwork for Jaime to do the deed. He will be a Kingslayer, Queenslayer and Kinslayer, which makes it likely that he won't survive long after killing her.

The second part of the prophecy was that a younger, prettier queen will replace her. Now that Marjory is gone, it looks like that will be Dani. Only other possibility is Sansa, but it is hard to imagine how that happens.
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Varys was simply a plot conceit to let us know the deal was done. Not a big deal. The implication is several weeks have passed anyway.
I didn't notice, but on Reddit they said there were both Tyrell and Dornish ships in Dany's fleet.

I'm starting to think there won't be much to settle in King's Landing. For the most part you just have a bunch of people who want the Lannisters dead, and one of them has dragons. If Dany moves north and destroys the white walkers, and Jaime kills Cersei, it seems like she will be queen by acclamation without a big battle. I can't see Cersei rallying too many people to her side, if she lives. Now that she's lost her plot armor, I don't think she will.
Arya was checking out Jamie but not for the purpose Bronn thought. Cross another name off the list. So he she just going to travel around as a secret assassine? Do we get a Hound Arya reunion? Or does she cross him off the list?

I am guessing we see a Hound/Arya reunion. Both of them are in the same general vicinity as far was we know. Maybe she joins the Brotherhood Without Banners. It would fit, as she has pretty much the same philosophy/goals as the BWB. Both Arya and The Hound have an ax to grind with The Mountain, so maybe they end up working together to take him down.
I'm sure something will happen to change the odds but as of right now nobody can touch Dany's army. It wouldn't be much of a fight.

I thought the Benjen scene was a tad weird but I might have missed something. Hey paralyzed nephew I'm just going to leave you north of the wall with no horse. Good luck.

The High Sparrow being blown to bits made me laugh for some reason. A lot of people spent a lot of time trying to figure out who he really was. Of course it could play out differently in the books.

I thought the Dorne scene was a little meta. Olyenna telling the sand snakes to shut the f' up might as well been the fans.

I'm curious where the Sam stuff is going. Unless there is a time jump it looks like we are hitting the home stretch. I would think it would take a while for Sam to actually become a Maester. Maybe he discovers something while he is there.

Awesome to see the North unifying and the Starks getting some kind of win finally.

I know it was wishful thinking but I was really hoping after the credits we would get something that said "Winds of Winter coming to bookstores ..."
Good point. I don't think he was a double agent, but I can see the line of thinking. Help him get to the other side of the wall so the WW will be able to get past it. But, I think it is more likely that he just doesn't know that Bran has the KK's mark, or doesn't know why it is significant.

One thing I didn't understand. Why not take the two kids to the gate of Castle Black. How is Meera going to get Bran from where he dropped them to the Wall?

Not sure what happens to Bran. As the new three eye raven he needs the heart tree. Not sure if he basically becomes part of the tree like the old three eye raven did or not.
Sansa had a look on her face towards the end of the king in the north scene like she realized littlefinger was trying to figure out how to get what he wanted. He has a plan to take the iron throne with or without her and a brief look of concern came over her face as she looked at littlefinger. Like she just realized she made him an enemy since she rejected him and supported Jon becoming king in the north. It will be interesting to see how that whole story plays out. I think Littlefinger is the biggest threat to the remaining Starks and Sansa realized it at that moment.
Not sure what happens to Bran. As the new three eye raven he needs the heart tree. Not sure if he basically becomes part of the tree like the old three eye raven did or not.

My guess would be that he ends up in Winterfell where he has access to the Weirwood tree in the Godswood. There is no Weirwood tree at Castle Black. However, if he is in Winterfell, then there becomes a conflict between who is the "King in the North", especially when he reveals that Jon is not even Ned Stark's son. Maybe he and Meera don't go through Castle Black, but go through the other castle where Sam and Gilly came through. From there, she could take him to some other Weirwood tree and he could stay there and do whatever it is that the 3 eyed Raven does. That way, no one in the North would know for sure that he was still alive and there would be no conflict about him replacing Jon.
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I'm still not convinced Jon is the Prince that was promised, or azueraallurawhatever reborn. No fire, no salt, and he has been a bigger wuss since being revived than he was before. He couldn't rally the North behind him before the battle (Davos gained the Mormonts), He screwed up the battle itself, he was completely ineffective in front of the other houses of the north at Winterfell, having to be saved by a 10 year old.

I expected him to stand and say something about the whole "King of the North" thing, cuz really, that's not what they need right now. But he just sat there with snow face. He has yet to "Kill the boy", well other than Olly.
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Also.......f'n Dorne. The story line is now dependent on Dorne, and everything Dorne freaking sucks in the show. I really hope The Queen of Thornes' telling the 3 girls to sit down and shut up, was an omen that they will no longer be of any importance. Ellaria isn't toooo horrible, hopefully she can pull it off.
Azor Ahai is Jamie I am 100% convinced of this after last night's episode. First let me say that WhoTF's call was it to kill Natalie Dormer what a total bummer there. Second I think Jamie kills Cersi and becomes Azor Ahai keep in mind there is still the other sword that was made from ICE in King's Landing. He either kills Cersi or Brienne of Tarth. JON SNOW IS FOR SURE A TRAG!!!!!! He will ride dragons!!! That might have been one of the best episodes of the series. Also on Sam I think he learn something in the library there that will help them in the North. Like maybe he will learn how to kill the Night's King or maybe how to make wild fire. I think book 5 was kinda heading this way towards the end.
Azor Ahai is Jamie I am 100% convinced of this after last night's episode. First let me say that WhoTF's call was it to kill Natalie Dormer what a total bummer there. Second I think Jamie kills Cersi and becomes Azor Ahai keep in mind there is still the other sword that was made from ICE in King's Landing. He either kills Cersi or Brienne of Tarth. JON SNOW IS FOR SURE A TRAG!!!!!! He will ride dragons!!! That might have been one of the best episodes of the series. Also on Sam I think he learn something in the library there that will help them in the North. Like maybe he will learn how to kill the Night's King or maybe how to make wild fire. I think book 5 was kinda heading this way towards the end.

I don't see any way Jamie is Azor Ahai. He is going to die before all is said and done. He will be the one to kill Cersei, and I can't see him living with himself after he does so.

In the book, I know there are Pyromancers who know how to make wildfire. I think that is true in the show also. But, I can definitely see Sam learning some key info in that Harry Potter looking library they have.
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Ohhhh and that dick at the Citadel, I felt like he was every fast food drive through worker ever. Oh you want to give me something? I'll hold my hand out 4 inches so you have to lean 4 foot out of your car to hand it to me.
One smaller scene that might get overlooked with all the big events was Jaime and Frey talking. You could just see the disgust on Jaime's face when Frey was saying "we" and "men like us". It was great.

Do the other Tyrells exist in the show (Garth, Willas, Garlan)? It is crazy how each house is almost extinct in the show.

Martell: Bloodline is still alive but only through bastards.
Tyrell: One old lady (maybe)
Baratheon: Extinct (a lot of bastards though)
Arryn: One sickly boy
Lannister: The three siblings
Starks: Three siblings
Tully: Edmure and his son.
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I think the other Tyrells don't exist on the show. Sansa was going to marry Loras in Margery's short lived plot.

The Boltons are done in.
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This scene had me so jacked up I wanted to run out my front door shirtless and fight the neighbor that I hate...

Almost as much as the look on Snow's face at about the 10 min mark of this video, right before he goes after RB...

I think the other Tyrells don't exist on the show. Sansa was going to marry Loras in Margery's short lived plot.

The Boltons are done in.

I know there are a bunch of Freys, so their house won't be eliminated from Westeros. I wonder if Arya will be hunting Freys next season (stepping into the role of Lady Stoneheart), or if she will be focused on taking down Cersei or the Mountain. My money is on the former. Maybe she teams up with the Brotherhood (and The Hound) and they spend next season trying to make House Frey extinct.
I know there are a bunch of Freys, so their house won't be eliminated from Westeros. I wonder if Arya will be hunting Freys next season (stepping into the role of Lady Stoneheart), or if she will be focused on taking down Cersei or the Mountain. My money is on the former. Maybe she teams up with the Brotherhood (and The Hound) and they spend next season trying to make House Frey extinct.

Not much left to hunt down, any important ones anyway. If Brienne and Pod were heading North, they may meet up with her.
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Another thing to remember is that even if Bran comes back and pops the secret, he doesn't know who Jon's father is, at this point. The conversation was whispers.
Another thing to remember is that even if Bran comes back and pops the secret, he doesn't know who Jon's father is, at this point. The conversation was whispers.

Id say he could put 2 and 2 together. He heard that Robert would kill the baby, and knows who kidnapped her.
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Id say he could put 2 and 2 together. He heard that Robert would kill the baby, and knows who kidnapped her.

True, but Mike does bring up an interesting point. Why not have Bran overhear what she said to Ned? I think the answer is that Bran will need more info before going public with Jon's parentage. Either he will need more flashbacks, or we will need to have confirmation from another source. My guess would be that we get another flashback where we find out that Rhaegar married Lyanna, thus making Jon a legitimate claimant to the throne (i.e. not a bastard lovechild).
True, but Mike does bring up an interesting point. Why not have Bran overhear what she said to Ned? I think the answer is that Bran will need more info before going public with Jon's parentage. Either he will need more flashbacks, or we will need to have confirmation from another source. My guess would be that we get another flashback where we find out that Rhaegar married Lyanna, thus making Jon a legitimate claimant to the throne (i.e. not a bastard lovechild).

That's fine for the viewers but who would believe him? There is no way to prove to all the people that Jon is the son of R+L. It would just be some Stark kid who said he time traveled and saw it himself. Nobody other than the other Starks will believe it.
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That's fine for the viewers but who would believe him? There is no way to prove to all the people that Jon is the son of R+L. It would just be some Stark kid who said he time traveled and saw it himself. Nobody other than the other Starks will believe it.

True. Some other type of confirmation will need to be presented. Not sure where it will come from. My point is that there is a reason that Bran didn't hear more details last night. Either HBO wants the casual viewer to wonder who the father is, or there is going to be more revelations about Jon.
And wasn't the name she gave him not Jon, but probably something more explicitly Targaryen?

I'm going to again point to Howland Reed who everyone seems to know was also there, and is alive. GRRM has stated he will show up eventually.
Yeah I could see Bran still not putting 2+2 together and traveling with the Reed girl to see her father and ask him about it.
There isn't much to put together. She went away with a Targ and was being guarded by the King's guard. She got knocked up by one of the Targs. Bran might not be 100% sure which one but the list of candidates is extremely small.

I imagine the confirmation is going to be Jon "the white wolf" riding the white Dragon, Viserion.
Id say there would still be the question as to whether the kid was born of rape or if she ran away with him. I guess that really isn't important, but there was nothing in the scene to suggest that she was in love with him. Also.....couldn't Bran just go back again, and just walk closer to them to hear???
Id say there would still be the question as to whether the kid was born of rape or if she ran away with him. I guess that really isn't important, but there was nothing in the scene to suggest that she was in love with him. Also.....couldn't Bran just go back again, and just walk closer to them to hear???

I would think so. But, I think the real question is whether or not Jon's parentage will become common and accepted knowledge across Westeros, or if it will remain a secret that only Bran and a few other know and most people either don't care or don't believe. They will need more than just Bran's word to prevent the 2nd scenario. After all, he would have plenty of reason to claim that his half brother (cousin actually) is a legitimate claimant to the Iron Throne.
Regarding Varys' trip, the narrow sea isn't really very big so I'm guessing a round trip to Dorne would be faster than most journies in the series
Regarding Varys' trip, the narrow sea isn't really very big so I'm guessing a round trip to Dorne would be faster than most journies in the series

Yeah but Meereen is wayyy East. From the maps it looks like its further from Dorne to Meereen than from Dorn to the wall. Its like 10x as far as the narrow sea gap.
Yeah but Meereen is wayyy East. From the maps it looks like its further from Dorne to Meereen than from Dorn to the wall. Its like 10x as far as the narrow sea gap.
Winds of winter are a hell of a thing on the open sea
Oh and my take on the Tower of Joy scene is that the whispering was a tell that not all was reveled. I wasn't one who thought there might be a twin but after the way it went down last night I am now thinking that there might be twins in fact and it will be a big carrot on a stick next season.
There could also be a small time jump for next season. Really the best explanation is probably the show just doesn't care much about distance.