
Cultboi says they're not democratic because... Bongino? Trump?

So moar Russia winning, moar 4D maga-style chess, lol. Yeah -- Russia really has us right where they want us! So what's Putin's checkmate gonna look like?
The only ones that have us right where they want us are those perpetuating the war.
More people will see the Tucker Carlson Trump interview online than watch the Repuplican debate.

The argument for Trump attending the debates is that he won't be able to respond to the attacks he is going to receive and it will damage him and allow someone else to shine.

Trump will go scorched earth on those that attack him and he doesn't need a debate to get his messages to 10's of millions.
I actually have no problem with Trump skipping this debate and sitting down for a softball interview with one of his leading propagandists. Politically, it makes sense for Trump to skip the debate if the polls showing him with a decent lead over the other Republicans are correct.

Not to mention that if Trump is going to be the Republican nominee, as a Democrat, I'd prefer him to skip all the primary debates. That way he doesn't get any practice with these debates and will walk into the first general election debate just as President Biden will. In recent history, incumbent Presidents have struggled with their first general election debate because the challenger already had participated in numerous debates. That won't be the case in 2024 if Trump skips all his primary debates.

As for those Republicans who realize Trump is going to sink the Republican Party's chances in 2024, well, here is your chance. Convince your fellow Republicans that someone on that stage should be the nominee over Trump. Good luck.
I actually have no problem with Trump skipping this debate and sitting down for a softball interview with one of his leading propagandists. Politically, it makes sense for Trump to skip the debate if the polls showing him with a decent lead over the other Republicans are correct.

Not to mention that if Trump is going to be the Republican nominee, as a Democrat, I'd prefer him to skip all the primary debates. That way he doesn't get any practice with these debates and will walk into the first general election debate just as President Biden will. In recent history, incumbent Presidents have struggled with their first general election debate because the challenger already had participated in numerous debates. That won't be the case in 2024 if Trump skips all his primary debates.

As for those Republicans who realize Trump is going to sink the Republican Party's chances in 2024, well, here is your chance. Convince your fellow Republicans that someone on that stage should be the nominee over Trump. Good luck.
We will never see Joe Biden on a debate stage ever again. Did you not see the man in Hawaii? He is toast mentally and has anyone who has dealt with the elderly knows when the brain goes the body starts to break down.

Joe looked decrepit.
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We will never see Joe Biden on a debate stage ever again.
Sure you will. You will see President Biden in a general election debate next year. That is, if Trump decides to show up for the general elections debates (if he wins the Republican nomination) instead of running to his propagandists for softball interviews.

btw, keep underestimating President Biden That is exactly what he wants.
the reckoning is gonna be difficult for america hating living wage type folks like ccp/dnc apparatchik dave
The reckoning lol.

Tell me, when Trump loses to President Biden again, are you going to whine and cry about the election being stolen again? You going to believe every lie your Dear Leader tells you, once again?

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