Predict Megyn Kelly's first question


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin Tx
Only woman in the room...

I have no idea but hoping for--"Raise your hand if you believe in climate change."

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"If you believe evolution should be taught in public schools raise your hand."

Takin' it up a notch!!!

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What's the difference between a democrat and a socialist?
I think she should ask "do you have a private email server and if you do will you destroy the hard drive?"

She could also ask "if you have Iran on the ropes with severe sanctions will you lift the sanctions so they have no incentive to negotiate and then give in to every demand they have so they can have a nuclear bomb within months of the agreement expiring just so you can say you did something while you were President?"
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Or she could ask "Will you use the IRS to target your political opponents? "
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If an embassy comes under attack, will you send the military to defend or just let the ambassador and those protecting the embassy die and then blow it off 6 months later while destroying all evidence that it ever happened.
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What's the difference between a democrat and a socialist?

Wrong party:D. Hell, I'm still waiting for Debbie dog-biscuit to "come" up with a semi-intelligent response. Come to think of it, Johnny Mathis answered the question for her years ago:


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