Post here if you've seen Rogue One.


Gold Member
Nov 2, 2003
really enjoyed it. I'm not sure how it ranks with the others yet. It almost felt like a different category of movie. Fits seamlessly with episode IV with the ending. The battle scenes were great.
really enjoyed it. I'm not sure how it ranks with the others yet. It almost felt like a different category of movie. Fits seamlessly with episode IV with the ending. The battle scenes were great.
How was the cgi? I don't care about spoilers. There are two people I'm talking about.
I thought it was great
May have hit peak storm trooper with all of the different colors of storm troopers.
Tarkin almost looked cgi.
This movie blew VIII out of the water.
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Tarkin was CGI. But as such an important character in IV I was fine w/ it....makes sense too, the two competing for power and the approval of the Emperor.

Saddest Star Wars film to date, obviously. Figured a few more would survive. But a very, very, very good film.
It was really good...

I wish they didn't make it. It added nothing to the franchise for me.

How was the cgi? I don't care about spoilers. There are two people I'm talking about.

Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher looked like 1977 called and asked if we needed the Dalorean back. We are close to either a revolution in the film industry or a massive court case or both.
Alternate expressions of the same feeling...

-where was the whimsy? they stroked all my fan boy itches without ever connecting to the inner child. I could have been watching the fast and the furious for all the courting they did of the 6 year old Red Son.

-this is by far the most realistic star wars film ever. That's awesome, right? Yea?
On to the fun stuff though...

Eggs I noticed...

- Evizan and Ponda
- General Syndula
- Red 5 (oh man was it obvious that guy was dead)
- "I have a bad feeling ab..."
- The name Galen
- The Wilhelm Scream


- Red Leader and Gold Leader
- Sol Gerrera (but I don't know if he counts)
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When the rebel pilots were going through all their call signs I cheered in the otherwise quiet theater. I have no regrets.

Red Leader and Gold Leader were "Tarkined" also right?

I thought I saw Biggs, but did not notice Wedge.
Red Leader and Gold Leader were "Tarkined" also right?

I thought I saw Biggs, but did not notice Wedge.

At least some of that was cut from IV I think....Red leader's 'start your attack run' was cut I think, then the rest of the sentence dubbed in.
95% sure Leia was a look-alike actress. Not cgi I thought... Ingvild Deila was credited, and a quick google shows she could easily pass for Leia with the right makeup.
Way, way way, way way way way better than Force Awakens.

Perhaps time may show it as not being a better movie, however based upon the expectations one had for each, this one wins by WELL over 12 parsecs.

Really liked the darker tone to the whole thing. Still a heroic story but not a happy ending, per se.

Krattic was a great character and the dude that played him was great.

Tarken and Leia were obviously CGI... to US, but my kids had no clue. I understand both had actors and the face was CGI'd over it.

I thought the story was great. Including Sen Organa with the comment on who he was going to have send the message to Obi Wan was great.

The whole use of the Alderaan Freighter, dating back to Ep 3 was great.

The cameo of R2 and 3PO I could have done without; sort of over-obligatory. Would have been better if it was ON the freighter at the end, as that's where they both were... but why?

Could have also done without the entire Forest Whitaker arc. I'm sorry, but the whole, I'm the guy that rescued you, but now I'm a separatist leader thing did zero for me.

Seeing Darth in the bacta tank was pretty cool. I don't know that it added anything of substance, but the hard-core fans prob appreciate the reference.

I think it showed we don't need a 10 min lightsabre duel or jedis jumping and tumbling up and across enormous distances and whatnot, to make a good Star Wars flick.
Way, way way, way way way way better than Force Awakens.

I suppose my opinion on this won't be very popular, but I don't believe this to be the case.

Perhaps time may show it as not being a better movie, however based upon the expectations one had for each, this one wins by WELL over 12 parsecs.

Really liked the darker tone to the whole thing. Still a heroic story but not a happy ending, per se.

This is actually the same reason I have issues with it. My expectation was a Star Wars movie. I got Saving Private Ryan instead. SPR is a superior movie to TFA, sure, but it's not fun, and it's not something I want my kid to see until she's older.

I thought it was a very good movie, but it was clear early on this was Episode III Star Wars and not the Star Wars that ruled my childhood and played a prominent role in three of my favorite moments as a father.

I like darker stories quite a bit. A list of my favorite shows will include Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and Dare Devil. I don't need Star Wars to be more like them though.
I suppose my opinion on this won't be very popular, but I don't believe this to be the case.

This is actually the same reason I have issues with it. My expectation was a Star Wars movie. I got Saving Private Ryan instead. SPR is a superior movie to TFA, sure, but it's not fun, and it's not something I want my kid to see until she's older.

I thought it was a very good movie, but it was clear early on this was Episode III Star Wars and not the Star Wars that ruled my childhood and played a prominent role in three of my favorite moments as a father.

I like darker stories quite a bit. A list of my favorite shows will include Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and Dare Devil. I don't need Star Wars to be more like them though.
Its not a saga film it was supposed to be different.
Could have also done without the entire Forest Whitaker arc. I'm sorry, but the whole, I'm the guy that rescued you, but now I'm a separatist leader thing did zero for me.

Seeing Darth in the bacta tank was pretty cool. I don't know that it added anything of substance, but the hard-core fans prob appreciate the reference.

It's interesting that Sol Gerrera's story bothered you considering your approval of the darker tone. Don't get me wrong, I mostly hated it, but he seems like the necessary inclusion if we're going to use Star Wars as social commentary.

Gerrera is the warning. He is also more machine now than man. He also uses fear as a tactic, cares not for collateral damage, is willing to use torture and will justify his means with whether or not they are successful. He is Vader regardless of which side he fights for.

There are moments in the movie where Cassian, Jen and the Alliance in general are tempted by the same path as Gerrera.

I liked seeing Vader in the bacta tank as a fan boy, but there is also a twisted part of me that enjoys the idea that he's dying slowly and miserably for his deeds as surely as Gerrera.
So "yes."
They marketed and made it as Star Wars story instead of an Episode because it's supposed to be different from all the other movies that's why there was no scroll, not a saga film. A lot of the newer cannon stuff is a little darker.
BTW (in case we really needed it after II), Rogue One confirms how big a wuss Vader is despite his kick ass moment.

The plans are a big enough deal for Vader to risk collision with a rebel ship/fleet entering light speed...

The plans are a big enough deal for Vader to board a rebel ship on his own and face whatever awaits...

The plans are a big enough deal for Vader to personally chase the Tantive IV across Star systems and board it, and interrogate its crew personally...

The plans are a big enough deal for Vader (the guy that lives on Mustafar where his legs and an arm were amputated and his best friend left him to die covered in 3rd degree burns) to follow two Droids onto Tataooine... no wait... they're not... because Vader doesn't like sand. It's not soft. It gets everywhere.
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BTW (in case we really needed it after II), Rogue One confirms how big a wuss Vader is despite his kick ass moment.

The plans are a big enough deal for Vader to board a rebel ship on his own and face whatever awaits...

The plans are a big enough deal for Vader to personally chase the Tantive IV across Star systems and board it, and interrogate its crew personally...

The plans are a big enough deal for Vader (the guy that lives on Mustafar where his legs and an arm were amputated and his best friend left him to die covered in 3rd degree burns) to follow two Droids onto Tataooine... no wait... they're not... because Vader doesn't like sand. It's not soft. It gets everywhere.
LOL this made me giggle all I could think of was a Vader doesn't want a Sandy vag.
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They marketed and made it as Star Wars story instead of an Episode because it's supposed to be different from all the other movies that's why there was no scroll, not a saga film. A lot of the newer cannon stuff is a little darker.

There is dark (they burned my uncle and aunt alive and slaughtered dozens of jawas before they blew up an entire planet) and there is dark (watch your hero slaughter children and how would you like to spend ten minutes feeling what it's like on the streets of Aleppo).

Like I said, I like dark,and I thought this was a good movie. It just isn't what I want from this franchise.
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I liked it. I need to see it again to see what things I missed.

The R2 and C3PO scene was expected, as R2 is the only character that has been in every movie.

Overall my entire crew really enjoyed it. We will probably go again next weekend.
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There is dark (they burned my uncle and aunt alive and slaughtered dozens of jawas before they blew up an entire planet) and there is dark (watch your hero slaughter children and how would you like to spend ten minutes feeling what it's like on the streets of Aleppo).

Like I said, I like dark,and I thought this was a good movie. It just isn't what I want from this franchise.

I wish they had found a way for 2 or 3 of them to get away happily ever after. I am concerned as well, particularly for younger kids who should not have to see SPR at age 7 or 9.

Still a great movie but tough on the innocent fans. Not so bad for adults who are used to the spectacle on screen.
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Well we all know why GRRM hasn't finished that book he was co writing this movie. Great movie I loved it. Can't wait for the Next one they do. They will get my money the next 4 years.
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I thought it was great. Much better than TFA, IMO. I liked TFA, but it was too much of a ripoff of ANH, for me.

I fully expected all of the main characters to die, and don't see how they had any other choice. This movie ends days (moments?) before Episode !V begins. If any of those characters survive, we are all wondering why they didn't appear in Episode IV as part of the rebellion.

I would have liked to see a little bit more of Bodhi's background. Maybe see him interact with Galen and decide that the Death Star was a terrible thing and he needed to make contact with the rebels. He was a pretty pedestrian character without it.

I felt like the climb to the transmission dish was a bit cliche for the franchise (along with the lever that the blind guy had to get to). There have been so many prior scenes with characters making a perilous climb within a base/huge starship, as well as scenes where a character needs to get to a button/lever and turn something off/on in order to save the day.

I felt like there was too much diversity among Storm Trooper looks in this movie. We pretty much only saw the white ones in Episode IV, and this one had at least 4 styles I can remember. Not a huge deal, but it bugged me a bit.

I noticed that the Walkers were a lot weaker and more vulnerable than the ones we saw in Empire and ROTJ. I guess that is believable as they could have upgraded them after these events, or had outdated models protecting this particular base.

All minor complaints. I really enjoyed this one and felt like they did a great job tying it into the rest of the franchise while making a movie that stands alone and is different.
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If any of you watch the cartoons or play the games, there are several things that specifically came from the games.

Saw Guerra came from the first few episodes of the Clone Wars. He and his sister, Steela, worked quite a bit with Anakin and Ahsoka, and she ended up dying at the end of his story arc, and this is likely when he went over the edge. Lucas wanted the two of them to have their own live action TV show, but it never materialized, so they used it in the cartoons. This is one of the reasons I felt it worthless in the movie; there was SO much to that story that just snippetting it in there does nothing. His sister was the level headedness to his compulsiveness and when she died, he didn't have someone to equal him out. Just to throw him and and say, oh here he is and now he's way off the deep end left so much more out there to be said. As of now, it could have been ANY made up character, which is why I could have done without it.

Supposedly, I missed them, there are several references to the Rebels. I was told there was a couple mentions and perhaps even a model in the midst of the fight of the Ghost, the main rebel ship in the cartoon. Also, one of the radio calls war for General Syndulla, who is the female twi'lek that heads the rebel crew and she takes the title of General in the second season (Hera Syndulla) and also I read that their droid Chopper makes a quick appearance somewhere.

The Hammerhead Corvette that pushes the Star Destroyer, was introduced in the online game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Princess Leia, herself, delivers several of them to the Rebel fleet in the Rebels cartoon. Leia 'stole' the ships from her family on Alderaan, because they are actually Imperial ships.

I'm sure there may be even more, but those are the ones I know of right now. This gives credence to the idea that both cartoon series are cannon within the expanded universe. For the most part, unlike many of the books, the cartoons never made wide ranging changes, introductions or deaths of the MAIN CORE of characters, which made it easier for them to be included and used as source material.
I thought there was too much stormtrooper uniform porn as well. Bit overboard from the classic IV. Plus, imperial guard with Vader? Don't get that.
Also there was a TON of trailer footage that was cut or changed:

- tie fighter confronting Jyn on platform

- Jyn fighting w strike team vs walkers on surface

- "the power that we're dealing with...IS IMMEASURABLE"

- etc