The realistic answer would’ve ideally been addressing border security many administrations ago. It’s bizarre that Trump had to be the one to say enough.
You are wrong that border security is what is causing these women to hire coyotes and endure rape and God knows what though. It is the lure of sparse security on our border.
The relatively good odds of making it past security and being home free are what draws them.
If it were significantly less likely to be successful fewer people would attempt it. Obviously.
The wall / fence is part of that solution - but it could’ve been avoided if previous admins had done something proactively to discourage illegal aliens from making the trip.
Your Nirvana fallacy is simply the idea that in the real world, a nation can survive without defined and enforced borders. It’s the similar to the well intentioned mistake socialists make about a lot of things.
1) “The realistic answer would’ve ideally been ...”. It is unfair for you to condemn me for arguing on “Nirvanic” idealist grounds only to do so yourself.
2) I disagree. With open borders none of the horrific treatment of those women would take place. They fall prey to men claiming to know how to get them across the border without getting caught. Open the borders and the need for their services is eliminated.
3). While there is an element of truth in what you say the primary draw is not the perceived ease of getting across the border. The primary interest is the perceived life that awaits them once across. For one thing, if they thought it is so easy to get across they wouldn’t hire people to show them how.
4). Yes, that is obvious. Also obvious would be fewer coming when they understand there will be no “welcome package” of free goodies waiting for them when they get here.
5). Some people, myself included, do not regard a wall as a solution, but just another government-inspired “solution” to a crisis ginned up to make citizens feel vulnerable, in greater need of government protection, willing to sacrifice a portion of their liberty to achieve safety. Some people, myself included, smell a rat: a “crisis” made out of whole cloth by our President to make himself look like a savior.
6). Throughout a sizesble portion of our history we have not had the “enforceable borders” which you seek. That was an example of the real world. The notion that spending billions of taxpayer dollars on a wall is looked upon by people like me as the real Nirvana Fallacy.
I feel like I’m playing the role of Grumpy of the Seven Dwarfs, always cautioning that disaster is around the corner of every government-inspired adventure. But in the story even Grumpy had a role to play.