Honestly WTF is wrong with you....why does it have to be either extreme? How about schools get back into the business of teaching kids to better themselves, think critically, prepare them for life beyond and quit trying to be a political juggernaut. Geez, whomever is in charge now sucks! You have kids who barely can read 5 grades below their grade, can't do math and so on. Oh and you shit head liberals conveniently look past the fact that the kids who suffer the worst and are also at the greatest risk.....who are they??? Predominantly poor, inner-city kids who have virtually no hope if they can't get an education to get the hell out of the crap holes they live in.
I want kids to learn and become productive tax paying citizens......not wards of the welfare state and stuck in a proverbial life of hopelessness and despair. Why does that have to be any part of a political consideration?