Personal Discipline Things that You Accomplished and are Proud of

Three things:

1 - made decision to get out of a bad marriage and start a new life/career simultaneously. Very expensive and stressful - but it was so very worth it. And it directly relates to...

2 - building a photography business from nothing - it is a very hard field to succeed in because of so much low priced competition, but I've managed to provide an opportunity for my wife to work with me and grow into a new studio space where I actually create art for a living. It is something I always dreamed of and it is incredibly rewarding to see people moved to laughter and tears by what I do for them. Long ways to go but it's self sustaining, growing and debt free in a field where few people get off the ground.

3 - I'm a pretty average garage musician, but through sheer luck and lots of hard work, I built some bands who have checked off bucket list items like headlining at the Cains Ballroom (4 times so far) main stage at the Tulsa State Fair and opening for some amazing people like REO Speedwagon. And sometimes there is a crossover because Bruce Hall the bass player from REO is a now a friend and photography client. Playing in a loud rock band on a huge stage in front of thousands of cheering people is exactly as awesome and fun as you think it might be, but sometimes it's the club shows that provide the best stories. Lots of stories. Writing a book.

Worth noting again - 2 and 3 couldn't have happened without 1, and the amazing and beautiful @GlowPoke who made it possible.

I need to work on drinking less. I don't drink that much when I drink, but I drink too often. Also haven't exercised regularly in awhile. Need to get back to the gym.
I have a few things.

I travel quite a bit for work so I went in and got the global TSA thingy. I like it a lot.

I had a big gap in my front teeth that drove me nuts. Did the Invisalign thing. All better.

I just received my Senior Certification for my field. Studied my rear end off to do it....

I am now training for the OKC Marathon. So far so good. I had a pretty big knee problem but it's doing okay. If I am able to complete it, this will be my 7th Marathon.
Running. Started a little over a year ago, and I've run at least once every week since. Most weeks, I run 3 times, and only have missed a few long runs on weekends. I dropped 40 lbs in the process as well. Still have more to go, but I've been upping my milage getting ready for the okc Memorial coming up and just can't stop eating.
I had about $30000 in debt (student loan and credit card) go into collections right after I finished my PhD. I was working a low paying job and had to decide between rent/utilities/food and those bills. I've been living at home for three years now (probably one more), but because of not having the overhead of living expenses, I've been able to payoff or settle it all and now have a clean credit report. Most of that was done in the first two years. This year has been about the rebound and making some first steps toward a positive financial future (bought a new car, consolidated the rest of my loans), this coming year will be about saving and having a firm foundation so that when I hopefully get a tenure-track job next year, I can move and not worry about having the money to cover the initial costs of moving to a new place.
Getting to a point in my career where my wife is able to stay home with our two kids.

Wife and I made a decision not long after getting married (coming up on 10 years) that we would try our best to live debt free other than a mortgage. We have accomplished that. Both drove our last vehicles to 198,000 miles and 130,000 miles before getting new vehicles. Bought my new car with cash 2 years ago and just bought my wife a new car a couple of weeks ago with cash. It was tempting to finance both as good terms were available, but we decided to stick to our plan. Also finally bought a new house last year (lived in somewhat cramped quarters in our first house for a couple of years after we had kid number two). Made sure we had the ability to put down 35% on what we purchased. We also both pay our credit cards in full each month.

Still a bunch of stuff that I need to work on quitting dip.
1.) over the last fifteen months, I have changed my diet significantly and began exercising

2.) Remodeled my fixer upper house which allowed me to sell it and move to a much more desirable location....
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