Party Of Peace And Tolerance At It Again


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

These deranged lunatics' are going to screw around and end up killing or hurting someone badly. At that point I wouldn't blame anyone for using deadly force to protect themselves from these idiots.
Austin's on a trajectory to be more gay than Houston. Fruitfly heaven in their culture.
Woody, we lived just outside Houston for 30+ years. For 6-of them I worked for a company HQ'd in Austin on 360 & across from the country club. I kept an office there but never relocated there. I'm in agreement, violently, with your assessment of Austin.

Houston has the Montrose and for the most part the libdos stick pretty tightly to it. Austin was and is a massive $hithole when it comes to commies & libdos. Walking down 6th street is like a carnival midway in hell. There are some conservatives there but you rarely see them in nature.

Houston, & in particular Katy, with some, but not significant exceptions remains staunchly conservative, by which I mean constitutionalists. It is still a highly agrarian & energy driven economy. There are not a lot of liberal red necks or cowboys which are abundant across the whole city. For the most part these 2-groups will tolerate stupid screed or as long as they are not directed at them, their family or friends. Also, as long as they keep their hands (& spittle) to themselves, it's fairly copacetic. Violate either of these (with a few others) & it is likely that instant hell will rain down on them.

I can mainly speak to south Texas because that is where most of my experience is. I learned to love Texas & Texans as much as my native Oklahoma kin & friends. As I've said before, the further you get away from OK/TX, the fewer differences there are.
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